Are you ready to find out who our new Medicine Cat and Deputy will be?
Hello BlogClan! It’s been a very eventful couples of weeks on BlogClan and I hope you all had fun – I know I did!

Okay everyone, it’s the moment I’m sure you’ve all been patiently waiting for. Cue the drum roll…
Our new Medicine Cat is…

Goldenfawn! I know you’ll be a fantastic Med. Cat – we love your kindness and the warmth you bring to all aspects of the blog, but especially the livechat and the hug page!
And our new Deputy is…

Cheetahspark! Congratulations! Your humour and energy will be a huge help in making the blog run smoothly and be a warm and welcoming place! You’ll be amazing.
Lastly, our new Medicine Cat Apprentice is…

Finally, I’d like to extend my praise to our other finalists, as they more than deserve our admiration. Emberdawn, Owlnose, Viperfrost, and Mapledrift, all of you performed wonderfully!
The polls were incredibly close and each and every single one of you performed phenomenally – your speeches were heartfelt and authentic, and I can tell you all care deeply about making the blog a fantastic community. In fact, every single person who ran as a candidate in the first place was incredible and I applaud you all as well.
Thank you to everyone who voted and participated in this year’s elections, and thank you for making BlogClan the wonderful place it is – at the end of the day, elections are for and about the community. Even if you didn’t run, or if you weren’t a finalist, your enthusiastic support for candidates, thoughtful questions, and endless support made these elections unforgettable.
I hope to see you all in 2023, for the next round of elections. I promise it goes by faster than you’d expect! 😉
(p.s. thank you to everyone for being a part of BlogClan in general. I couldn’t respond to everyone’s comments, but you all make me very happy to be here.)

These are actually all the people I voted for :0
Congrats Goldenfawn, Viperfrost, and Cheetahspark! Goldenfawn, I was cheering for you, and Viperfrost, you’ll be an awesome apprentice. Cheetahspark, you do the birthday articles, big congrats to you, and to all of you!
Congrats everyone!!!!!💛💛✨
Congrats to Goldenfawn, Cheetahspark, and Viperfrost! 😀
aaaah congrats goldi, cheetah, and vipey!! you’re all amazing and i know you’ll do a great job <3
great job to goldenfawn and cheetahspark
and good job to all the other canadits