[a sleek full-body design of Breezepelt on a dual-toned yellow background]

Defending those who can’t Defend Themselves (Breezepelt) by Rockpelt

Rockpelt defends Breezepelt.

Art by Silverzoul

Welcome, one and all to… This internet page!… (Crowd cheers)
Today I’m continuing a little series I’ve been doing… I’ve been defending the most hated cats in the clans so today I’m going to be talking about the most misunderstood cat in all the clans… Breezepelt.
We all (probably) know Breezepelt. What you remember him for is what really counts. Most people remember him as the annoying hairball turned into the evil excuse for a cat turned into… A side character. Today I’m going to give the inside reasons for Breezepelts actions and prove to you once and for all Breezepelt is just misunderstood.
First of all let me say: Some cats are NOT misunderstood. Some are just plain evil. Breezepelt is not.
Breezepelt has had a tragic past let me explain to you exactly what happened. Heathertail and Breezepelt eventually become mates. Though it has been stated that Heathertail didn’t have feelings for Breezepelt until after the events of OotS we cannot say the same for Breezepelt.
Breezepelt probably had feelings for Heatherpaw as she neglected him for a Thunderclan cat named Lionpaw. This gives Breezepelt his first grudge against Lionblaze. Breezepelt probably sees Lionblaze as an arrogant furball as his father is Thunderclan’s deputy.
Breezepelt then goes on a journey to the mountains with his enemy and his father who for reasons Breezepelt couldn’t understand seemed to love Lionblaze more than him. Breezepelt falls into a pit of lies that claim that he’s worthless. He begins to take out his anger at himself on other people.
Then, it’s proven that Leafpool and Crowfeather, his father, are the parents to Lionbaze. Breezeplet is now, mentally, worse than ever. His two parents hate one another, he feels worthless, and to top it all off his father loves his enemy more than his father loves him.
Then, someone shows up. A cat of legend who promises Breezepelt the honor and respect that Breezepelt deserves. This cat sees promise and value in Breezepelt that nobody else can see. This cat makes him feel like he’s worthwhile, that he doesn’t have to prove himself because he is good enough.
This cat slowly grants him honor and respect for simply being him all he has to do is attack the clans. To gain love and honor Breezepelt only has to drive away the very cats who have shown him nothing but hate. After the battle Breezepelt is faced with a clan that wants nothing to do with him. Except for his childhood crush who beleivesw in him. They become mates. Yay.
In that perspective Breezepelt isn’t that bad. Ivypool was faced with the same decision that he was faced with. She would have gone down the same path too if Lionblaze hadn’t stopped her. You don’t hear anybody saying Ivypool is evil! That was pretty much a narration of Breezepelts life. Remember you never know EVERYTHING that is happening in everybody’s life. So bef9ore you judge, remember you don’t know the battles that person faces.

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