Mountainstorm defends Feathertial and Crowfeather’s brief romance.

Hello kits, apprentices, warriors, elders, medicine cats!
Welcome back to another article of me trying to make the FeatherXCrow ship set sail again!
In this article, I will be analyzing and defending Feathertail and Crowfeather’s relationship- prove that it would have worked out- and why this is one of the best ships in the warriors books. So let’s begin!
Crowfeather first appeared in Ravenpaw’s path, as Crowkit. Ravenpaw and Barley found him trying to climb onto the Great rock, curious of what it would be like to be leader at a gathering. They took him home where his mother was relieved that he was safe. As an apprentice (about to be made a warrior), he was chosen by his father, Deadfoot, who was in StarClan, to represent WindClan on the journey to the sun-drown place.
Feathertail first appeared in Forest of secrets, as Featherkit, just kitted at sunning rocks. They took her to ThunderClan, then they are carried back to RiverClan to be raised there. When Tigerstar took over RiverClan, he wanted to kill Featherpaw, because she was half-clan. (ThunderClan and RiverClan) He would have too, if Firestar, Greystripe, and Ravenpaw had not rescued her and her brother, Stormpaw. She stayed in ThunderClan for a while, and fought in the battle against BloodClan, helping kill Bone with the other ThunderClan apprentices. Then she moved back to RiverClan, where she had a very hard time fitting back in. She finally started to make friends again, and accept that these cats had changed, when Oakheart chose her to represent RiverClan on the journey to the sun-drown place.
This is where Crowpaw and Feathertail meet. Feathertail is the one who convinces the difficult, angry apprentice to come along on their journey, when at first, Crowpaw didn’t want to come.
They are off! Feathertail helped calm Crowpaw many times when he was angry, and saw the good side of him when no one else did. She gave him a chance when one else did.
They soon became close friends, and slowly started to fall in love. My heart melted when Crowpaw did this to Feathertail:
“Steady.” Crowpaw came up and bent over Feathertail, rasping his tongue over her ear. “Just ignore the old fool. We’ll make a plan to get out of here ourselves.”
-Midnight, page 272
Crowpaw was already starting to return Feathertail’s kindness. Now, when it’s Feathertail’s turn to be upset, Crowpaw is gentle and supportive, willing to show his kind side to his companions just to calm Feathertail.
They soon reached the sun-drown place, then, after listening to Midnight the badger’s warning, and getting some herbs for Tawnypelt’s injured shoulder, they headed back to the forest. They went across the mountains this time, and soon arrived at the Tribe of endless hunting, but not before Crowpaw saved Feathertail’s life.
The Tribe of endless hunting kicked them out, but held Stormfur hostage, for they thought he was the silver cat who would save them from the mountain lion, Sharptooth.
While the journeying cats waited for night to fall so they could rescue Stormfur under the cover of darkness, Feathertail and Crowpaw had some alone time together. Feathertail started to teach Crowpaw to fish, and this was the moment that everyone knew: Crowpaw and Feathertail were truly in love! My heart melted once again, and I had a smile on my face for the rest of the week.
When they went back to rescue Stormfur, Crowpaw saved Feathertail again! They rescued Stormfur, and as they ran away, it is mentioned many times that Crowpaw and Feathertail were standing so close to each other they fur brushed.
But Stormfur wanted to return to the tribe and kill Sharptooth. So back they went, but their plan to stuff deathberries into a piece of prey for Sharptooth to eat failed, and Crowpaw was about to die, the fierce mountain lion about to kill him. And Feathertail could not let her love die. She could not. So Feathertail sacrificed herself for Crowpaw. She exchanged her life for his. She let breath leave her body and her spirit rise to the stars so Crowpaw’s would not. It was her love that saved him, and her love that made Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze happen. It was her love that would never end for him.
When they got back to the forest, Crowpaw loyally says that without Feathertail, they would not be here, and later even wants to commit suicide to join his love in StarClan.
Crowpaw, soon after made a warrior, requested that his warrior name be Crowfeather, in honor of Feathertail. Tallstar agreed. This is so sad and wonderful at the same time, showing how unwilling Crowfeather was to let go of Feathertail.
In Crowfeather’s trial, Feathertail saves him again from freezing to death in the snow, and visits him in his dreams, giving him advice, and showing her deep love for him, even many moons after she had died.
Alright! Now let’s get to the defending part!
*Goes into FeatherXCrow defending mode*
Probably the main thing the people hate about this ship is that it was “just a crush”, “It wouldn’t have worked out” and “Feathertail was too old for Crowpaw”
Let’s start with this:
1. Feathertail was too old for Crowpaw.
No. This is not true. I said it in previous articles, I will say it again. In the beginning of A shadow in RiverClan, Featherpaw is made a warrior. That is at the end of Green-leaf. Leaf-fall, and Leaf-bare pass, and the story ends at the beginning of New-leaf, when Oakheart visits Feathertail in a dream. Yes, there is a slight mistake here, since in the chapter books it says Feathertail got her dream at the end of Green-leaf, not the beginning of New-leaf. But it still doesn’t make Feathertail much older. Crowpaw says that he is about to be made a warrior, when they ask him to go on the journey to the sun-drown place with them. So, I think Feathertail is about one year or younger then Crowpaw. Brambleclaw was made a warrior about two moons before Squirrelflight was even born. Yet they are mates, and nobody judges them that they are “too old” for each other. Or Fernsong and Ivypool. Nobody hates them because they are too old for each other, even though the age difference between them is more than between Feathertail and Crowpaw.
Feathertail and Crowpaw are perfectly good for each other, they are not too “old” or anything like that.
2. This must look horrible, because Feathertail is so much taller and bigger than Crowpaw!
Feathertail can’t be much taller or bigger than Crowpaw. Most cats stop growing at 12 moons old (I looked it up!), and apprenticeship in warriors lasts about six moons. Adding the time while Crowfeather was a kit, (six moons) he was probably older than 12 moons due to his delayed warrior ceremony, when he fell in love with Feathertail. So Crowfeather probably stopped growing already, and reached his full height. And on the pictures he is with Leafpool, Crowfeather is taller and bigger than her, while on most pictures of him with Feathertail, Crowfeather is portrayed much smaller and shorter than her. Well, this isn’t true! Crowpaw was either as tall and big as Feathertail (because he might have not finished growing, though that’s very rare in cats) or he was taller and bigger, which is the most likely answer! Don’t hate this ship because the female is bigger than the male! Because, number one, they can still be happy together. Size and age don’t really matter. And number two, this isn’t true.
Moving on!
3. FeatherXCrow is just a crush!
No. This isn’t true either.
The Erins confirmed that Crowfeather loved Leafpool just as much as he loved Feathertail. So…LeafXCrow is a crush too. I don’t think people think this about Leafpool and Crowfeather. Or do they? Well, if they don’t, then FeatherXCrow isn’t a crush.
This is a part from Feathertail’s death scene:
Her eyes focused on Crowpaw, and Stormfur saw in them a lifetime of love for the difficult young apprentice, enough to sweep their Clans’ rivalry away forever. “Think I have nine lives, do you?” She whispered. “I saved you once…don’t make me save you again.”
“Feathertail…Feathertail, no!” Crowpaw could hardly get the words out. “Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t.” Now her whisper was scarcely audible. “I’ll always be with you. I promise.”
-Feathertail, to Crowpaw
Feathertail felt enough love for Crowpaw that it would sweep the Clan’s rivalries away forever? Doesn’t sound like a crush to me!
And if what Stormfur felt for Squirrelpaw was the crush, then what can you call Feathertail and Crowpaw’s love, which was much more intense?
4. But they barely knew each other!
Actually, Feathertail and Crowpaw spent more time together than Leafpool and Crowfeather. Think about it. The journey to the sun-drown place lasted about two moons, and the whole two moons Feathertail and Crowpaw barely left each other’s side. While Leafpool and Crowfeather met five times, then ran away for about two days. Then they did see each other at gatherings, but they didn’t go and speak to each other, or anything like that. They could just look at each other- nothing more. So Feathertail and Crowpaw’s relationship is much more developed, and they knew each other and their personalities a lot more than Leafpool and Crowfeather. They did know each other.
5. Crowpaw hadn’t developed his full personality yet! When Crowfeather was with Leafpool, he was so kind and sweet to her! That was his full personality!
Well, we didn’t see much alone time with Crowpaw and Feathertail, because Feathertail only had a few pages with her perspective. But they did go hunting lots of times, alone, just the two of them. We never knew what was happening. Was it really just hunting, or something more?
We saw Leafpool and Crowfeather alone together more then once, but not Crowpaw and Feathertail, so how can we know for sure that Crowpaw treated Feathertail differently then Leafpool? We can’t know for sure, so it would be better if we didn’t assume stuff.
And then it only took a few days for Crowfeather to develop his full personality? There isn’t much time difference between the time Feathertail and Crowpaw were together, and when Leafpool and Crowfeather were together. So one day Crowpaw is just a silly apprentice, and a few days later he is a serious and loving warrior? Personality needs time to develop. Much more than a few days or weeks. And let’s be honest, how much had Crowfeather’s personality changed? When he was an apprentice, he was snappy, bitter, angry, lost his temper quickly, but deep down, he was kind. When he was a warrior, I think his personality remained the same.
Alright! That’s it for now!
I know there will be a lot of disagreeing in the comments, so for the next three months I will be preparing myself to defend these two!
I had lots of fun writing this, thank you so much for reading!
Till the next gathering!
Great article, Mounty, but I disagree with you. Crow X Feather WAS a crush. Feathertail and Crowfeather were from separate Clans anyway. And sure, they loved each other on the journey, but I know Feathertail. She’d probably say that it was not right for them to be together if she lived. I don’t support Crow X Feather. it’s not a good ship to me.
Thanks! 😀
But if Feather x Crow is just a crush then Leaf x Crow is as well. And that just doesn’t make sense that Leaf x Crow was only a crush.
And Feathertail did agree to keep on seeing Crowpaw after they returned to their Clans, and even yelled at her brother, Stormfur, when he reminded her of the dangers of a half- Clan relationship, stubbornly refusing to accept his reason,
But good points! 😀
Yeah, but people do very different things thinking “I will…” and when push comes to shove. There are so many factors that shape their decisions that they can change their minds or do a slight bit differently. Feathertail could do a whole another thing when she actually had her clan in front of her.
Also yeah, maybe an Erin confirmed that he loved her as much as Leafpool, but out-of-the-books author statements are a mess and they tend to disagree with each other. And Crowfeather actually confirms that his love for Leaf is larger in the Secrets of The Clans field guide.
But the article is great!
True, but it’s odd how people hate this ship because they think Feathertail will leave Crowfeather, when Leafpool actually left him, yet they still love that ship. I find it slightly unfair to judge it by something that didn’t even happen, and might not have, but that’s just my opinion!
That’s true as well! We don’t know which are true or not, but the point is Feather x Crow isn’t a crush, not just for that one reason, but for ever other one listed above, mostly because that Feathertail felt enough love for Crowpaw to swept the Clans rivalries away forever, which seems like true love!
If I recall correctly, Crowfeather never said it directly. And throughout the books, we can still see hints everywhere that Crowfeather still loves Feathertail a lot. (Him taking a cat as a mate similar to her, taking an apprentice similar to her, walking with her in his dreams, defending her when the tribe asks them to come help them, etc.) While with Leafpool he has two scenes in Squirrelflight’s hope that may hint to him still loving her.
But great points! And thanks for the compliment! <3
Crowfeather might just like kind cats, and taking Featherpaw as an apprentice isn’t his choice, Onestar just assigned her to him. I don’t think you can purposely walk with somebody in your dreams, they just come to you.
Crowfeather didn’t have much screen time in SqH, and there weren’t that much scenes that he could express his love for Leafpool where Squirrelflight could see.
You made some very valid points and this was very well written! I think FeatherxCrow is a pretty good ship, and that LeafxCrow was more just for the sake of having yet another forbidden romance… FeatherxCrow probably was too, but they do a much better job of acting like it wasn’t for that one I feel like. With LeafxCrow, I really feel like they have very little chemistry before they confess their love for each other.
Thank you so much! <3
I prefer TawnyXFeather personally 🙂 But FeatherXCrow is actually kinda cute now that I think about it! <3
Tomorrow There’ll Be More Of Us
Thank you, Turtle! <3
great article mountainstorm! i agree, i absolutely love feather × crow! their relationship was so sweet, i don’t get how people could say it was “just a crush” <3
Thank you so much Eggpaw! <3
Yes, it's very odd in my opinion that people say it's just a crush, when it isn't!
I disagree. With almost every point here.
I agree FeatherXCrow was not a crush, but it wasn’t a full mateship either. It is like SpottedleafXFire kind of thing. Although Firestar moved more quickly than Crowfeather…
Anyway, you said the age gap was okay. Should I remind you that the time you become warrior doesn’t indicate your age? Like some apprentice are slow on their training or overacheived like Bristlefrost did. She was born in Fire and Ice, and Crowfeather was born some time after Darkest Hour. Like 4 books. Thornclaw became a warrior in that period. So awkward…?
Also, they really didn’t have any chemistry. I read Moonrise and Midnight, but I still could see them having goo-goo eyes at each other. Like Crowfeather hunted with Feathertail, and Feathertail suddenly admits he is cute… made me think they were in love at sight. I get some ships are like that, but it really reminds me of a perfect relationship that does not happen in real life.
People think that this period “the honeymoon period” is everything in a relationship. NO, and that is the same way of you responding that FeatherXCrow was healthier. The “honeymoon period” only last a part of relationship and does not define the whole relationship entirely. When they go to the clans, they will have less time to see each other and it will basically become the LeafCrow situation you are talking about. So if you still love FeatherXCrow when that happens.. well than it doesn’t make sense.
That is why they think it is healthier. The “honeymoon period” affects a view in a relationship. Besides, Feathertail wasn’t the only Feathertail. Anyone can become Feathertail. They clicked because Crowfeather never knew a cat like her (but there was a lot of Feathertail personality cats) since he was apprentice and busy doing warrior assessments. Like Leafpool.
You keep on arguing Leafpool was Feathertail 2.0 but it is not because a) she does not even look like her b) some people have their own types. Crowfeather might have liked Leafpool because she was his type. Stop saying they have little chemistry because a) the whole fandom loves SorrelXBracken which suddenly in the middle of the book became mates b) there was off-book encounters between Leafpool and Crowfeather.
Did you ever read Secret of the clans? The book explains everything. Crowfeather start falling in love as they were journeying to the lake. That is middle of Dawn and until Sunset because after Sunset was Leafpool’s Wish and Crowfeather try to win love her.. again. That is 3 and a half book. Of course, the relationship offically started in Twlilght, but for 2 books they keep on thinking how they like each other and bla bla bla.
I know you hate Stormfur, but hear me out. I don’t justify your reason to hate Stormfur. I love LeafXCrow, but I didn’t hate Cinderpelt or Squirrelflight for busting and trying to know the truth between them. I actually like Stormfur, and he is very relatable to me. He is a concerned brother (kind of overprotective) that wants to be a good mate and dad.
Feathertail was always meh to me. She is always special. She is prophesied to be the “silver cat who would save the tribe” and have a forbidden romance and become a new manga POV and become a new Starclan & Tribe guide for Crowfeather. The fandom loves her but I still don’t like her. (My hate for her had lessen a bit. However, she is my neutral hate.)
She also kind of guilt-trip Leafpool. Hate me forever, but it makes sense. Like she literally said front of her boyfriend’s ex-wife, “I will take care of them as my own”. And I never saw her giving prophecies and stuff or give guidance when they are in trouble. I never saw her trying to kill Ashfur when he try to ruin the three’s life or help in the Great Battle. Do you know how much it hurts to say someone to face. It sounds like “Since you can’t be the mother, I will be the mother to them”. And Leafpool had no choice. She wasn’t spoiled or bratty. She was selfless and loyal to her clan. She had to, but Starclan is a hypocrite because they literally made Leafpool give up everything and trying to put her in Dark Forest.
(Sorry if I am rude. :()
Well when I say there’s little chemistry I guess I mean that there’s not that much chemistry that I remember, it’s been a while since I read that part of the series and there could be some I don’t remember. But I’m pretty sure there is little to no chemistry before Crowdeather is walking off to explore the new territory (I think that’s what they were doing.) and Leafpaw randomly feels like she wished she was going with him. (I believe this was the first time she had an attraction to him and I do not think there was any chemistry before this, but I don’t remember the scene too well and all I remember is like that one sentence of how random I found it. But this said I could be wrong since I literally just said I didn’t remember it too well :] ) And also side character ships often randomly pop up out of the blue, with non-POV characters I feel like we just don’t see a lot of the chemistry, though it is (Probably?) still there.
Feathertail was actually born at the very end of Forest of Secrets, making the gap between them only two books. Some cats have many more books between them, yet people still love them a lot, and I don’t think it’s fair to judge a couple by their age.
It’s like a 30 year old and a 35 year old were dating!
Feathertail and Leafpool are both calm, kind, smart, and slightly shy cats. They both have white paws and chests, and they are both tabbies with bright-colored eyes. You might say that Crowfeather didn’t take Leafpool as a mate because he reminded him of Feathertail, but is there really any proof against that?
I don’t just hate Stormfur because of that. I dislike him because in A Shadow in RiverClan, he turned away from Feathertail when she needed him most. Have you ever read A Shadow in RiverClan?
Yes, I’ve read it. Crowfeather never openly admitted to it. And while we see many clues through-out the books that he’s still hanging on to Feathertail, we only see two hints in Squirrelflight’s hope that he still likes Leafpool.
I agree with you, StarClan is a hypocrite.
Feathertail x Crowpaw actually did have a lot of development.
First, Feathertail convinces Crowpaw to go with them on the journey. They don’t really like each other yet here.
Then Feathertail comforts Crowpaw when he didn’t get his saltwater sign yet, and defends him when the others hate on him. Then she teaches Crowpaw to fish. Then they go out hunting at dawn, alone together, while the others are still sleeping. They play together. Then Crowpaw comforts Feathertail when she’s angry at Purdy. Then it is mentioned that they are walking side by side. Then they sleep close by each other in Midnight’s den. Then Crowpaw saves Feathertail from falling to her death. Then they share prey. Then Crowpaw claws the cat who is holding him back, hissing at the tribe cats to get their dirty paws off Feathertail! Then they go fishing together in the mountains, and Crowpaw asks Feathertail if she would keep seeing him when they get back home. Feathertail says yes. Crowpaw saves Feathertail again. Then Feathertail asks him if he’ll be okay, and if his leg isn’t hurting too much. Crowpaw snaps at her, then regrets it and says sorry, reassuring her that he’ll be fine and touching his nose to hers. Then they are mentioned to be so close to each other that their pelts are brushing. And then Feathertail gives her life for Crowpaw’s- sacrificing herself so he can go on, and admits her love for him at her death- enough love in her eyes to sweep the Clans’s rivalries away forever.
Considering that this was a side-ship, and not a main, POV one, like Leaf x Crow or Fire x Sand, it has a lot of development, from enemies, to friends, to something much much more.
You have nice points, but- I’m sorry- but Feather x Crow is brilliant and it is true, healthy love. It will always be my favorite ship and you can’t really change my opinion on that. Sorry 🙁 I hope I wasn’t rude. (Don’t worry, you weren’t rude!)
Feather x Crow forever! 💖💖💖
I read Shadow of Riverclan. And I can’t say Stormfur was dismissive. After all, he try to adapt and forgive his clanmates isn’t it? But he never truly belong in Riverclan.
Is just like how in Leafpool’s Wish, Squirrelflight is refusing to have her kits. I still don’t hate Squirrelflight.
My opinion on Feathertail is neutral hate. I mean, she is too loved and too glorified by the fandom. She is special and pretty and a prophecy cat and a main character (?)’s love and has a manga and has a POV and has a forbidden romance and was birth by a forbidden romance and Graystripe liked her better than Stormfur because she looked like Silverstream and she comes in many Starclan ghost nightmares and keep on popping up in books after she died.
You say she is a side character. I never saw a side character that had a POV and a manga. She is a major character (even if she died in two books) like Spottedleaf.
“I don’t really like Stormfur. Not only is he boring, but I think he is a bad brother to Feathertail. In a Shadow in RiverClan, Stormfur shuts her down and pushes her away when she needs her most, only because he is happy in RiverClan. He is acting selfish, and unsupportive. He is too protective of Feathertail, not letting her shine. Sure, there is nothing wrong with being protective, but Stormfur goes overboard with it. And then he is mean to Feathertail about her relationship and love with Crowpaw, even though he falls in love with a cat from outside his clan too. All in all, he loves Feathertail a lot, but has a weird way of showing it.”
-What I said in one of my articles
I don’t hate Stormfur. I just don’t like his character that much.
You’ve already told me why you hate Feathertail. I get it.
But she’s my favorite character for her awesome personality and how inspiring she is. She will always be my favorite character.
Please accept that?
I am exhausted of this constant arguing, though. It seems like I can’t have an opinion. I respect your opinions, please respect mine. 🙂
Wow! I used to disregard Feather x Crow as just a crush, but now I really like it! This is an amazing article! You are such a talented author Mountain!
Thank you so much Meadow!! <3 You're very kind!!
Nice article! I’ll just disagree on your forth defense point. Feathertail and Crowpaw were together for two moons, and they weren’t “in love” for those full two moons. Like, I really don’t remember, but they started sending off love signals from the end of Midnight or something and into Moonrise. Leafpool and Crowfeather knew each other (in the books, properly) from Dawn to Twilight (though lingering feelings last). In Dawn you can see Leafpaw’s slight attraction to Crowpaw and she’d like to know him better in Starlight. Anyway, blah blah blah, they met more than five times, really, and with the moving, borders, the Moonpool, rebellion, stuff, I’m more than certain that two moons have certainly passed. You know I love LeafCrow and will defend it to death :p
Thanks! 😀
True, but they did have time to develop their relationship and bond! At least it proves they didn’t love each other just because they found the other pretty, and at least it proves they didn’t go goo-goo eyes for each other right away. 🙂
And it’s fine! Leaf x Crow is cute as well, I just don’t like it personally. And I feel the same way about Feather x Crow. 😛
Hmm I don’t know, I just never saw the development. I mean, one day Crowpaw’s treating Feathertail like all the journey cats and now he and Feathertail are going hunting together. I guess LeafCrow can’t be treated as “perfectly developed”, but still, you know what I mean?
Yup! I don’t hold a grudge against FeatherCrow that much anymore (but because it’s a rivalry ship to my OTP it stirs up negative emotions :p) and I get where you’re coming from!
I TOTALLY AGREE!! When you said that Feathertail might have been taller than Crowfeather. This instantly reminded me of the one scene of Tall Girl, on Netflix. Where the tall girl says ‘why do you carry around that wooden stool all the time..?” the tall girl said after getting heartbroken from a guy that was her size. “So I could do this,’ the boy said. He stood on the stool, finally reaching her face level, and kissed her. Aah Crow x Feather are like that aah !
Thank you, Petallove! <3 🙂
I said it before and I’ll say it again:
Mounty, you’re articles are absolute gold!
You brought up amazing points with plenty of evidence, and when you say FeatherxCrow is good, then I believe you. The main reason I don’t love it is that the ship never clicked with me? I don’t know, I just feel that Crowfeather doesn’t have the right feel to him to become a cat with heaps of love interests. Feathertail too, I feel she would be a cat who would never run away with Crowfeather.
Thank you so much Osprey!! You made my day again 😊
And that’s fine! Everyone has their opinions and thoughts about characters and ships! <3 I feel like Feathertail might have run away with Crowfeather, since she agreed to keep seeing him when Crowpaw asked her, even when they'd return home, and she did hiss at her brother when he warned her of the dangers of half- Clan relationships. But that's just my opinion, and it might have turned out differently.
Thank you again! <3
cool, neat topic mounty
Thanks! 🙂
Great article Mountainpaw!
I actually really like Crow x Feather.
The first time I read the arc I was kinda like “Where did this come from?” and preferred Leaf x Crow, but I’ve been rereading TNP arc and I think they’re so cute!!!
Great points! It’s funny- I didn’t know cats reach their full height at 12 moons. I always imagined Crowpaw smaller(probably ‘cause he was still a ‘paw) but what you said makes sense😊
Anyways, great article!!! Can’t wait for your next one!☺️☀️
Thank you so much Blossompaw! You are very kind! <3 I'm glad you enjoyed the article. 😀
And Feather x Crow is adorable! 😊 Feather x Crow buddies! :3
I really want you to read a Light in the mist book of warriors. That book is how I know Crowfeather heart only belongs to Leafpool