Debunking and proving warrior cats facts by Mountainpaw

Mountainpaw shares some facts that float around the Warriors fandom and determines whether they are true or not.

Official art by Wayne McLoughlin

Hello warriors, kits, elders, apprentices, medicine cats!
The internet is stuffed with facts about warrior cats, from far-fetched ones to ones everyone knows. But how much of those facts are true?
Well, I have a bunch of warrior cat books propped up around me, so I’m ready to scan them for proof, whenever they are wrong or right.
So let’s start! 🙂 I hope you enjoy it!
1. Most black cats in warriors are unlucky. 🐈‍⬛
I’d say this is true. There is a superstition that all black cats are unlucky, and they have been associated with witches and black magic. I guess the Erins thought that this superstition is true (It’s not) and they brought it with them into the books. The first black cat to appear in the series is Ravenpaw. Sure, he had a wonderful life once he made it to the barn, but before he did not want to be part of a Clan, and was miserable most of the time. He gets injured in a battle. He had to bear the terrible secret that Tigerclaw killed the deputy, Redtail, and he was treated horribly by his mentor. He was almost killed too, but luckily he found sanctuary at the barn with Barley.
Blackclaw is also a black tom, and he died of thirst and starvation, which is not a very good way to go, plus he lost most of his kits he had with Mistyfoot.
Then we have Hollyleaf, who failed to be a good medicine cat, then realized she was a result of a broken code. She accidentally killed someone, then had to live in the tunnels on fish. She rescued a fox cub, and later it almost ate her, and when she was finally ready to forgive, she died.
Of course, Breezepelt is next. Crowfeather took his anger and sorrow out on his kit, neglecting him, hitting him, and worse. Breezepelt was manipulated by the Dark Forest, and even though Onestar accepted him back into the Clan, his Clanmates didn’t really forgive him, and they probably never will.
Crowfeather. His father died in the battle with BloodClan. Then he was forced away from his Clan, just when he was about to become a warrior. The cat he loved died, the second cat he loved had to return to her Clan, and the kits he had did not care for him. The son he was supposed to care for became bad due to his neglect.
Reedwhisker. He almost dies due to his mother’s stubbornness, when she wants to “fire” Mothwing because she doesn’t believe in StarClan.
All in all, there aren’t many black cats in the series, even though there are lots of books, and lots of cats who participate in the books. I don’t think it’s an accident. Black cats are not unlucky. But in the books, the Erins make them seem as if they were. There are millions of black cats in shelters who never get adopted, just because people are afraid of them. And even though this pattern is now exposed, the fact that black cats are not unlucky will not change.
2. Cats who have the suffix “claw” are evil. 😾
No, I wouldn’t say this is true. True, there is Mudclaw, Tigerclaw, Thistleclaw, Blackclaw, (he isn’t evil, but not the best either!) and Brambleclaw. (They way he treats Squirrelflight make him pretty evil, in my opinion)
So… why do I think this isn’t true? There are so many cats who are evil, and don’t have the suffix “claw”. Darkstripe, Darktail, Brokentail, Mapleshade, etc. I think having the suffix “claw” means you are a good fighter, brave, and strong, which are qualities most villains in the warriors books have.
3. Feathertail watched over Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf, but not Breezepelt. 🪶
No, I don’t think this is true either, because in Crowfeather’s trial, it is mentioned that Feathertail had been watching over Breezepelt. This was a quick debunking! 😛
4. Stormfur was Mothwing’s warrior mentor ⛈️
This isn’t true. Mothwing’s warrior mentor was Mistyfoot, as proven in a Shadow in RiverClan.
5. Lilywhisker went to the Dark Forest because she was furious about her broken leg and was unable to accept her fate. 🌼
I have absolutely no idea where this fact came from. 😛
Lilywhisker appeared in Tallstar’s revenge. She was a tunneler, who broke her leg when a tunnel caved in. Just like Cinderpelt, she couldn’t walk on it anymore. Unlike Cinderpelt, she retired to the elder’s den. She was kind, and funny, and played with all the kits. She was not angry at all. She was quite happy, actually. Lilywhisker was only seen in Tallstar’s revenge, and there is no mention at all that she is in the Dark Forest. This isn’t true.
6. Crookedstar’s jaw tends to bother him in cold weather. ❄️
Hmm, tough one. There is a condition that causes jaw pain in cold weather, but it doesn’t have anything to do with a broken jaw. But, if you’re stressed, you tend to clench your teeth, which can cause jaw pain. Maybe in cold weather, Crookedstar was under a lot of stress to keep his Clan healthy, happy, and well fed, and thus clenched his teeth a lot which caused him jaw pain.
So, maybe, but probably not what they meant. 😛
7. Runningnose still has a cold in StarClan 🏃
I don’t believe this is true, but if it is, then this is really unfair.
Cinderpelt and Briarlight get their injuries healed, so why can’t a cold be cured? And, correct me if I’m wrong- cats in StarClan don’t get sick, do they?
8. Ivypool is named after one of Vicky’s friend’s daughter Ivy Poole. 🌀
Yes, I think this is true.
Pool is a suffix given to calm, collective cats. I would not exactly call Ivypool calm, or collective, and names in the warrior cat books are usually accurate about the cat’s personality. So, either they thought the name Ivypool sounded nice, it was a mistake, or Ivypool was simply named after someone with a similar name, not after her personality.
9. Tigerclaw hated Firepaw because he looked like his father, Pinestar 🐅🔥
Tigerclaw hated his father with all his might, because he “abandoned” his Clan to go live the soft life of a kittypet. So if Firepaw looked a lot like the father he hated so much, it would make sense that Tigerclaw would dislike him too. However, there are two reasons why I think this isn’t true.
First, Pinestar is a thick furred, and massive reddish- brown tom with dark green eyes. Firestar is a bright flame-colored, short- haired tom with emerald green eyes. Pinestar had long fur. Firestar doesn’t. Firestar is tabby. Pinestar isn’t. Firestar is a bright- colored tom. Pinestar is a dark- colored tom. Pinestar has dark green eyes, Firestar has bright green eyes. They don’t really have anything in common. If Tigerclaw was so keen to hate anyone who looked a bit like his father, he would also hate Crookedstar, Spottedleaf, and all his kits and kin. Because they all look a lot more like his father then Firepaw.
And then, Tigerclaw only knew Pinestar when he was a small kit. Mistyfoot and Stonefur didn’t remember ThunderClan, because they were there when they were small kits. Tigerclaw was about the same age as them- so how could he remember how his father looked?
10. RiverClan cats have webbed paws. 🐈💦
Do RiverClan cats have webbed paws? Well, it is said that most of RiverClan is the Maine coon cat breed, and Maine coon cats do have webbed paws. They also have thick, sleek fur, and are suited to be in the water. Though, I don’t think it was ever mentioned in the books that RiverClan has webs, and you’d think it would be talked about! Well, this fact is true, maybe the Erins didn’t know Maine coon cats had webs, or just none of the Clans was that interested about it.
Thank you so much for reading! ✨May StarClan light your path! ✨

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  • Ugh I really didn’t pay attention to which name I was using to sign my articles. Sorry about that! (Mountainstorm is my warrior name)

      • Maybe it isn’t a real cold and it’s just snot coming out of his nose. Like, he couldn’t have had a cold ever since he became a fully trained medicine cat apprentice and got his suffix

      • On 5., it was stated Lilywhisker went to the Dark Forest because of the fury she broke her leg, and Brightflower went because of the fury at Yellowfang even when she knew her own DAUGHTER didn’t do it. The Erins fixed this and sent them to StarClan though, pretty sure. Correct me if I’m wrong. 🙂

  • Great article!I don’t really pity Blackclaw though,although that may be just cuz I hate him for being a jerk.Theres plenty of other hotheaded cats in the series,but those have at least one moment when they’re caring,while Blackclaw was willing to replace his own mate as deputy and repeatedly trash talked her.Sorry,I just really hate him

  • I don’t quiet agree with the Brambleclaw one. In my opinion (ik a lot of ppl dislike him) but he’s super sweet and I like him but I fogot some of his books, don’t exactly remember what he did to Squirrelflight. Also, Ravenpaw wasn’t only unlucky, he got lucky finding Barley and he only was unlucky when he was in the clans, once he was with Barley he was a happy cat. And Hollyleaf (my favorite) died saving Ivypool in the great battle. She wasn’t necessarily unlucky, she just had a hard life. The only reason she was a bad medicine cat was because she wasn’t meant to be one. She was a great cat and not unlucky, but just now lucky.

    • He is sweet, except in Squirrelflight’s hope where he basically spends the whole time abusing her, which is why I dislike him.
      Yes, Ravenpaw wasn’t unlucky, but he was VERY unlucky while he was in ThunderClan, with Tigerclaw as his mentor and having to witness the murder of Redtail and live with the secret.
      Hollyleaf is very cool! She wasn’t unlucky her whole life, but I wouldn’t call her lucky, though.
      But good points! <3 Thanks for the feedback! 😀

    • In the main-series books, Bramblestar is a fairly good mate, but in Squirrelflight’s Hope he goes…off the rails. I can go on forever on why I don’t like what the Erins or HarperCollins or whoever made the plot did to Bramblestar, but basically, he becomes abusive, controlling, and very stupid.

  • This was very interesting! Though Hollyleaf didn’t accidentally kill anyone, she killed Ashfur on purpose.

    • Agreed! I visited a shelter once, and they had a black cat who was really sweet and amazing, but they said that no one wanted to adopt him because he was a black cat and people get superstitious. It’s so sad.

    • Thanks, Nightpaw! <3
      Yeah, I guess every cat in the warriors series is unlucky in some way or another, not just black cats. But they are stereotyped quiet a lot, not just in real life. (I still feel like the black cats were unlucky in the books, but that's just my opinion!)

  • There are also some with -claw that aren’t evil, like Needleclaw (one of my favourite characters, with Kitescratch one of my favourite ships and definitely better than Rootspring)

  • for #2, you might believe Bramble claw is abusive and that makes him evil, but honestly, squirrel wasn’t the best mate, either, but it’s just my thought, I’m not in the mood for a debate

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