Flamewhisker shares some hilarious interpretations of names from the series.

Firepaw- Uh-oh, his paw is on fire! He needs help!
Mistyfoot- -sigh- her foot is misty.
Barkface- – sigh sigh sigh – his face is made of bark.
Onestar- He gives everything a ONEstar rating.
Onewhisker ( same as Onestar )- He only has One whisker, oh dear.
Longtail- He has such a long tail. I wonder if he hang on trees with it.
Mousefur- Her fur has mice in it! No wonder why she is so grump, tho she can have unlimited fresh-kill!.
Bone- He is made of bones, spooky.
Dustpelt- His pelt is quite dusty, someone brush it off.
Ashfur- Oop. He fur is covered in ash! He has been in that fire for quite a while.
Dovewing- Oh wow, she has Dove wings, I would like to see her fly.
Thistleclaw- his claws are thistle.
Feathertail- Her tail is a feather, is she half-bird?
Flametail- Oooh, a tail that is on flames! Should I touch it?
Stormfur- His fur is a storm!
Brambleclaw- his claws are made of bramble? W O W.
Spiderleg- He has spiders legs!, Ah!
Berrynose- His nose is a berry!
Finpaw- His paws are fins!
Cloudtail- His tail is one big cloud!
Mosskit- She is made of moss.
Tree- He’s just a tree!
Leafpool- She is a pool of leaves!
Talltail- His tail is soooooo tall!
Snaptooth- He just a snapped tooth! Ouch!
Daisy- She’s err… Just a daisy.
Rootpaw- His paw is a root.
Twigpaw ( Branch ) – Her paw is just a twig… sigh.
Flywhisker- One of her whiskers has a fly on them.
Mothwing- She has moth wings!
Lightningtail- His tail is actually lightning.
Lizardstripe- She has a stripe made of scales.
Princess- She’s an actual princess! – bows –
Needletail- Her tail is a needle.
Snowkit- she is made of snow!
Lionheart- His heart is a lion!
Webfoot- His foot is a spider web forever!
Mudclaw- His claws are made of mud!
Mudfur- His fur is muddy! ew!
Breezepaw ( pelt )- his paw is breezy!
Sweetpaw- Her paw tastes like candy! Yum.. but wait…. that aint healthy ( so sad )
Barley- A cat that’s made out of barley…
( And that is all I can think of. Hope you liked my article. ^^ )
Great article! Really makes you rethink names…
Onewhisker – poor dude, he only has one whisker…
snowkit is a he ._.
jeez, sooooo why don’t the cats use their body superpowers like sticking someone in the eye with a needle tail?