Exile from ShadowClan Spoiler Page

Official spoiler page for the Exile from ShadowClan graphic novel.

Illustrated by James L. Barry

Here we go! Another graphic novel is coming next year, and this one is about ShadowClan during the tumultuous reign of Brokenstar. Just how did Nightpelt reclaim ShadowClan from Brokenstar’s clutches? We’ll find out when the graphic novel releases!

Embers of a Winter Dawn (Emberdawn)

Writer, photographer, moderator


  • Kate, Erin Hunters in general, 1. Your going to get a letter from me! 2. How dare you make Sweetpaw in a comma and buried alive! She suffocated! And I expect the same for Fluttering Bird!

    • …? Sweetpaw died from food poisoning, not from suffocation. The Erins never confirmed, as far as I’m aware, whether Sweetpaw had fallen into a coma. Even comatose patients have their hearts continue to beat while they’re in their vegetative state (aka while they’re unconscious), so the medicine cats definitely would’ve been able to tell whether or not she actually died. Given the time it takes to move her body from the den she was sleeping in and the time it takes to prepare a body for a vigil (which we know that there is some preparation done by the medicine cats that occurs because we see a bit of it from Jayfeather’s perspective after Ashfur’s death), the medicine cat(s) would’ve had more than enough time to check and see if Sweetpaw was still alive and had a heartbeat. Even if she didn’t have a heartbeat at the time they checked and it seemed like she really was dead, a vigil lasts throughout the whole night, so she would have to have had no heartbeat for the entire night to be mistakingly buried, so even if the food poisoning didn’t kill her, the lack of heartbeat required to completely fool the medicine cats would’ve. Since they went forward with the vigil and eventually buried her, it means she actually died.

      tl;dr, the theory that Sweetpaw was comatose and buried alive is very easily debunkable because of biology.

      • Okay, also me looking at when this page came out, it twas my birthday! Also Fluttering Bird was most likely in a coma, bc Half Moon Stoneteller said “She has fallen asleep for the last time.” She said Sleep, not dead so that could have happened too. But she would have died anyway, because she didn’t get any food. Even though she was under stones she didn’t get food.

        • Yes, but Quiet Rain (her mother) also refuses to bury Fluttering Bird while the body is still warm, which means that they wouldn’t have buried her if she was still alive 😛 So, Fluttering Bird did not suffocate, she died of starvation. Stoneteller saying that Fluttering Bird has fallen asleep for the last time likely just means that Fluttering Bird, if she didn’t die at that moment, just fell unconscious (which does not necessarily mean as a coma, by the way) and would’ve passed away during her sleep, which means that she wouldn’t wake up again and it would be the last time she would’ve fallen asleep.

  • JUNE 7TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S TOO SOON!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  • I find it interesting how Deerleap isn’t mentioned or in this book since she became an elder the same time as Crowtail and Archeye. Also how come Ashfur wasn’t mentioned or appears in Yellowfang’s Secret but is in this book which happens during Yellowfang’s Secret.

  • This was an interesting book! The critters were so cute in it 😛
    However this “warrior code” stuff is really starting to get on my mind 😛 Because StarClan doesn’t intervene, it means it gives right for Brokenstar to break the code, so the warriors are remaining loyal to the code for Brokenstar to break the code…?? Also, poor Nightpelt. I think he would have been a somewhat decent leader, and StarClan’s reasoning was highly unfair in my opinion.