Emberstream shares their opinion about Ashfur.

Hello! Welcome to my 2nd article! Today I will be talking about Ashfur, and be determining whether he deserves to go to StarClan, or the Dark Forest.
Note: This article is based off of actions from TPB-OotS as I have only read that far.
Let’s start with his family:
Father- Unknown, Mother- Brindleface, Siblings- Ferncloud(sister), Elderkit (brother), Tulipkit(brother)
Now that we have that, let’s get on with his story:
as a apprentice it is shown he is close friends with his foster brother, Cloupaw, and is shocked when he learns Cloudpaw left the clan to be a kitty pet. When he returns, Ashpaw is happy, and things look ok for him… until his mother is killed by Tigerclaw to lead the dogs to ThunderClan camp. Firestar allows Fern and Ash help kill the dogs to avenge their mothers death. This is where I see the first mistake, Firestar pretty much showed Ash to take revenge when you can. So, not much happens after that, until Squirrelflight comes along. Ash really wanted her to be his mate, so much so he took advantage of Squirrelf’s and Bramble’s breakup, he saw it as a opportunity to get closer to Squirrelf. This is where I see mistake #2, when the breakup happened, he saw it as his chance instead of seeing how this problem could eventually tear the clan apart. After he is with Squirrelf for a little while, Leaf has a dream about Squirrelf and Bramble, she tells Squirrelf and Squirrelf gets excited. So, Squirrelf tells Ash that she is breaking up with him, and Ash gets upset. This is where I see mistake #3, Squirrelf tried to tell him nicely, and he took it way to personal. So, he is pretty much driven mad by grief, he tried to murder Firestar, with the fox trap, and failed. Then he got his opportunity when the fire hit. He was so crazy at this point, that he was willing to kill 2 valuable warriors, and a medicine cat trying to hurt Squirrelf. This is where I see mistake #4, he was willing to kill 4 cats for one, he is crazy at this point. Squirrelf ends up saving the three, by telling Ash that they aren’t her kits. This gives Ash lots of power over Squirrelf and the three. He is ready to announce it at the gathering, however while he was hunting Holly killed him to keep him silent. In the end, I think he deserves to go to the Dark Forest, however, according to Yellowfang, ‘his only crime was to love to much’ I saw that, and my first thought was he tried to murder 4 cats because of a breakup! His actions never were justified, and never will be in my eyes. I hope you liked my article! Please comment below what you think!
supes agree, he is the worst
I agree with you completly. I never thought about mistake number one, but WOW Firestar cursed his more adventurous daughter. And he only gets worse. Anyways, great article!
Thank you!
I agree!!! Nice article!!!!
His father’s currently listed as Whitestorm, I think
Yep! I didn’t see that when I was writing this article 😅
I personally think darkstripe is his father because he would have broken up with brindleface when she adopted CloudKit
ye but the wiki says that whitestorm is his father
Yeah, I just saw that 😁
Yeah but that implies whitestorm had two mates in two months and that just tortures his character. Moonkitti explains it in more detail. Plus, some things are just so out of character that I don’t accept them as canon, like Spottedleafs honest answer( >:()
Me too!
Yay!!! My article came out!
I agree completely, great job! :] Like some other folks said though, Whitestorm is his dad. This information actually helps your article’s point though since Whitestorm was killed by Bone, and what did they do to him? They killed him, so Ashpaw gets taught again that revenge is the way to fix these things.
Yes its considered that whitestorm is the father, but that means he was mates with brindleface and willowpelt in two months. Does it really seem like whitestorm to do that? (I am bad at explaining watch moonkittis video if you want more stuff one it.) P.s I am fine with poly whitestorm headcanons I personally headcanon Daisy and Graystripe as poly myself.
Great article, Emberstream! 😀
I agree! Great article! 😀
Awesome article! Ashfur seems a lot worse when I look at him now; at first I felt a bit bad for him, but he definitely deserves the Dark Forest!
Nice job!
yes, i agree completely. Plus, sending him into the dark forest won’t stop him from taking over brambs. he’ll still be a madcat.
I support ashxsquirrel but I presonally think that Ashfur became REALLY crazy. Great article, Emberstream!