[Bluestar looking out during a lightning storm]

Why Bluestar and Crookedstar’s lives were so sad by Starlingwing

Starlingwing talks about the sad notes of Bluestar and Crookedstar’s lives.

Artwork by GoldenPhoenix

Hi its Starlingwing and im gonna talk about how Bluestar and Crookedstar’s lives were so sad.

Let’s start with Bluestar.
Bluestar’s mom, Moonflower died in a battle with WindClan. That’s real sad cause she was just an apprentice!! I would be super sad. Then her sister died. Snowfur died on a Thunderpath. Bluestar kinda raised her sister’s kit, Whitestorm by herself, but Thistleclaw kinda got in the way and said that she should have died instead of Snowfur. BTW Snowfur was Thistleclaw’s mate. Now here’s a real sad part: Bluestar loses her kits. They were Oakheart’s so she gave them to him. What’s also really sad is that when she gave them to Oakheart, Mosskit died, but Mistykit and Stonekit survived. So Bluestar’s life was real sad. She lost her mom, sister, and her kits. You can get all of this info if u read BLUESTAR’S PROPHECY!! It’s a super edition.

Now let’s see Crookedstar’s sad life.
Crookedstar was born Stormkit but his mom changed his name after he fell on a stepping stone. His jaw was crooked. He slept in a seperate nest than his littermate and his mom kinda hated him. Then the Promise came along. He promised to Mapleshade that he would be loyal to his Clan and put his Clan before everything else. Mapleshade told him that he couldn’t be friends with Willowbreeze cause he kinda mooned over her. LOL! Then he blocked out the dreams and Mapleshade cause he learned that she was from the Dark Forest. When Willowbreeze had his kits Willowbreeze died and two of his kits died too. But Silverkit aka Silverstream stayed alive. He also learned that Mistykit and Stonekit were Bluestar’s. BTW Graypool took them in and said that she found them in the snow. Liar!!! But I think Oakheart told her the truth. I just wanted to add that Crookedstar knew that Mistyfoot and Stonefur were Bluestar’s kits so he could have told everyone at a Gathering. #evilcrookedstar You can learn all of this in CROOKEDSTAR’S PROMISE!! It’s a super edition.

That’s it for now! Super sorry if u think it’s bad. It’s my first article!!
Starlingwing out!!

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  • Out of the two, I’d say that Crookedstar had a more tormented life. Bluestar’s losses were part of a warrior life, and Crookedstar’s trauma was the result of Mapleshade.

    • I don’t really agree with you in this. Both has a hard life but Bluestar’s losses wasen’t just a part of warrior life. Bluestar’s mom DIED when she was just a paw. Her sister died when she was a young warrior. She had kits with Oakheart and she raised Whitekit. Thistleclaw always told her to stay away from Whitekit and tried to make Whitekit just like him. She had to pretend that Thrush was her mate and the she walked to give her kits to Oakheart and one dies. She coulden’t be with her other two kits. Thrush,Oak,Red,Rose,Storm and Sun all died on her leadership. Her father Storm didn’t even care about her and flirted with another she. Then Tiger betrays her.

      Sorry for that! Lets go to Crooked.

      Okay, Crooked also had a hard life but! He always hed his brother Oak, his father Shell,Silver, Fether and Stormfur. He always had his kin, Blue had only Whitestorm in the end. He never got betrayed. Maple trained him but he blocked her. His mate and two kits dies. His mother ( that hates him) died. His father died. I think Bluestar lost more. Crooked always had someone left and he had his clan. Bluestar lost starclan, and her trust on other cats. In the end was the only cat Blue Trusted White. Crooked never losed starclan and he never went insane. So if Crooked also loosed many people is that a part of warrior life? If Blue’s is then Crooked’s is. I think Blue had a harder life.
      Some of you wont agree but thanks for letting me say my opinion! Bye!

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