Darknose shares their opinion of the ship between Cloudtail and Daisy.
So a lot of people ship this, and personally, I would too, IF Cloudtail didn’t have a mate. CloudXDaisy is a bad ship, and here just a few reasons why.
1. We have seen how hurt Brightheart gets when Cloudtail defends Daisy. Does she deserve that? Cloudtail was her first love, and after her face got ripped off, Cloudtail was the only person who talked to her for a while. She doesn’t need any more pain than she already has gotten
2. Daisy is a wimp, and she is super whiny. She is always crying or yowling about something. Her overreacting skills are impeccable. She could literally make the whole clan think there was a prey shortage after she came late and there was less fresh-kill. Cloudtail deserves better than Daisy. Period.
3. Cloudtail would be abandoning his kit, Whitekit, (later known as Whitewing) and we wouldn’t want that, would we? Whitewing cares for her mom and dad. Do you want her to have to choose? You and I both know Daisy wouldn’t want to be around Whitewing if she hung around Brightheart.
4. Daisy would be straight up stealing Cloudtail, which she already has begun doing. She never lets Cloudtail around Brightheart for long, always coming in, forcing him away, getting him away from Brightheart.
5. Daisy is weak. She is a terrible fighter, terrible hunter, a terrible warrior in general. Hate me all you wish, but I think Firestar should have never allowed her into the clan. She has always been weak, rude, she yelled at her clan leader. That is against the warrior code. What leader says is LAW. She– Ugh.
6. For all we know, they could be brother and sister. As we know, Cloudtail is the son of Princess, Firestar’s sister. We don’t know the other kits, and Daisy could well have been adopted and could be Cloudtail’s s i s t e r
7. What about Spiderleg? Who would he have as his mate? I personally like Spiderleg and Daisy, and prefer that over CloudXDaisy any day. Spiderleg loves Daisy, and we don’t need two heartbroken cats because of a simple ship.
That’s all I have, and I really want to know your guys’ opinions. Do you ship it? If you do, why? And if you don’t, do you ship anyone else? Who? I’ll also be happy to hear your angry rants on why it’s “a good ship,”
Actually, Spiderleg didn’t actually love Daisy all too much, just sayin’…
I think it was Spiderleg…but he neglected his kids and Daisy because his parents neglected him or something
This article is good, but lots of the things in it are wrong. 1. Cloudtail never loved daisy. 2. Daisy isn’t a bad cat, she struggled at the start, but only because she didn’t know what to do, but in the future, she was a huge help. 3. Spider leg never loved her. 4. She was kind enough to not do anything about her feelings to cloudtail so that he could stay with brightheart. 5. She isn’t a warrior, she never was. She is a full time queen like ferncloud
6. The one where you said that they could be siblings, this I’m not sure if its a joke or not, but it’s very unlikely that they are siblings, and they aren’t the same age.
I’m just going to drop this off here-
Good sides of daisy
1. she is very helpful
2. she was a full-time queen that raised fine warriors
Bad sides of Daisy
1. She interrupted a relationship- one that involved a cat that being PREGNANT when she interrupted the relationship
2. Kind of rude
-Conclusion: I think she is neutral? ( I don’t know you can like her or not)
Okay, um… I think that number five & six is not about why you hate Cloud X Daisy… Five because you just say that she is whiny, and six ’cause you can still marry your brother in the warriors world. I think Willowpelt did that? ( I don’t know…)
Jag tror Spindelben รคlskade Daisy men han ville ALDRIG ha kit. Men jag tror att han fortfarande รคlskade henne och kiten som han egentligen aldrig ville ha. Men Daisy hjรคlpte Cloudtail och Brightherat att hitta varandra igen. Hon var kanske gnรคllig,ofรถrskรคmd och en dรฅlig krigare Men hon har ett hjรคrta av guld. Nรคr en drottning var ny hjรคlpte hon genast till och stรถttade tillsammans med Ferncloud, Ferncloud och Daisy blev riktigt goda vรคnner och hjรคlpte alltid varandra.
Hรคr รคr ett exempel nรคr Daisy hjรคlper Brightheart nรคr hon รคr ledsen: ” Daisy kom fram till Brightheart och sa ” Cloudtail รคlskar dig varje gรฅng han ser dig blir han annorlunda och jag รคr ledsen att jag kom ivรคgen. Eller nรฅgot sรฅdant men Daisy รคr en bra katt och jag รคlskar henne fรถr den hon รคr. Hon kommer alltid vara bland mina topp 5โค๏ธ