Bluebellshade shares their opinion on Firestar.

Hello! Welcome to my first article on Blogclan! I will be explaining a series of cases that would make you think about the storyline. Here I will talk about (sadly) half the fandom’s favorite character, Firestar! He wasn’t a Gary Stu, right? So, at the beginning, Rusty is simply dreaming of going to a strange group in the woods where the can’t chill and sharpen their claws on bones. He runs into a weird cat who immediately attacks him to show off. He, the cat who is barely six moons old with no practice at all, takes down Graypaw easily, and tries to look cool, but then gets scared to be confronted by the clans! Yay, you are such a lucky kittypet! You just happened to meet the clan that needs more warriors and is stupid enough to take a pet from their loving owners. Not cool, Thunderclan, not cool. He joins because he’s orange. Wow, Thunderclan. Just wow. You wouldn’t let a calico cat in, would you? Firepaw then goes into a ten second battle with Longtail, the grown warrior, and somehow rips his ear off. Yay Firepaw! You are such a realistic character! His BFF Ravenpaw tells him his mentor is an evil murderer! Oh no! Firepaw tries to tell Bluestar, but the Erins need it to be a surprise. So, of course, Tigerclaw tries to murder Bluey. Wow. Bluey survives! Yay! Tigerclaw is thrown out of the kingdom and left to fend for himself. He somehow takes over Shadowclan! He is also a Gary Stu! Perfectly evil. Leopardstar, who, later in the series we discover was supposed to give a ‘good’ vibe, goes along with Tigerstar ‘cuz she’s dumb and also wants to take over the clans. Then Scourge, who has some beef with Tigerstar, murders him! Firestar then murders Scourge… Somehow. Did we mention Firestar becomes leader? Well, he does! Go Mr. Starkit! He still has a total crush on a dead cat too, even though he has a mate. OH NOOOO Sandy he likes someone else… and everyone likes him… Firestar is a pretty sloppy and clumsy character. He dies before everyone else! But he does it heroically, so it works, and he’s still Mr. Starkit! Yay! Sandy dies from a fence, and Graystripe is just an old man. Poor graystripe. So, the end! I didn’t include everything, I didn’t want to have a giant article, but yeah. I hope you enjoyed and I hope it persuaded you to have a better understanding of Firestar! See you next time, and talk to you in the comments!
I didn’t like Firestar because until he died they tried to force him upon us as a main character by making him one of The Three, showing him leading the Clans from the forest, and the infamous first series. The first series was fine since we didn’t know anyone and we were introduced to everyone around the same time, all in one book. But after that, it just felt forced.
Firestar was supposed to save the clan as the fire that would ‘save the clans’, and also saved the clans again as the 4th of The Three, so I think its pretty reasonable that he was a main character at the end.
Ik what u mean with ur comment tho 🙂
I like Firestar kind of- But I think that one, he has a bad case of what I like to call ‘Protagonist syndrome’, and making him the fourth cat was probably to give him some visibility before he died. It literally could’ve been ANYONE ELSE-
I do disagree with him being a Gary Stu though, he does have faults like being naive, and in my opinion from a writing perspective, making the first PoV character a newcomer was genius to integrating Clan culture into the reader’s mind without making it look redundant-
Fab article!
Haven’t read TPB
Lol this article is really funny! Great job 😀
This really made me laugh.
Had a little bit of spoilers but idc.
(I’m finished with the first series, and in the middle of midnight)
Not gonna lie,whatever info I hav on Starkit makes her seem like a purple-eyes mini stalker.That gives me nightmares.Great article tho!
Nice article! It made me laugh! I agree with your point of view on Firestar 🙂
I completely agree! Wonderful job. :]
Great article! I agree, Firestar is not a Gary Stu :]
This article is about why he is…
not related but I love your name
Firestar is a…Bee. When you swat at it, it destroys you. So when Scourge put his paw on Firestar and made him lose a life…OH NO! Firestar destroyed Scourge. Yay! And also Ravenpaw is the gossip king. Yay!
Great article. I really dislike Firestar tho. Hes too perfect >:(
If there was ANYTHING i could change in warriors it would be him
Lol great article rly funny
I never thought of Firestar as a Gary Stu XD