Reedpaw and Willowpaw argue that Mapleshade is evil – what do you think?
Reedpaw- Hi everyone, my name is Reedpaw, and today I’ll be doing an article with Willowpaw, on why Mapleshade was not innocent, and I hope you like it!
Willowpaw- So, first we’re going to defend Mapleshade’s victims: Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk along with Reedshine and Oakstar.
In this part, I’m going to defend Oakstar.
I honestly don’t get why people think Mapleshade’s innocent, but also think Oakstar’s evil. Think about it: they technically did the same thing.
I want to clarify that I’m not saying that Oakstar’s actions were right, it’s just that he’s not the villain some of the fandom makes him out to be.
Anyway, this is what both Mapleshade and Oakstar did.
– Killed three cats (that were arguably innocent)
– Tried to kill Reedshine and her unborn kits.
– Exiled a mother and her kits in a storm
I honestly think that Oakstar’s actions, while not good, were better than Mapleshade’s. At least the kits had a chance with their mother! Oakstar didn’t try to outright kill them, like Mapleshade did Reedshine and her kits.
Reedpaw- Next, I’m going to defend Appledusk. Like Willowpaw said, (in my opinion) Mapleshade technically wasn’t innocent. And I do admit that Appledusk shouldn’t have cheated but Mapleshade shouldn’t have killed him. Now lets list the wrongs that Mapleshade and Appledusk did (While they were alive)
-Killed Appledusk
-Attempted murder
– Had kits and was mates with a cat outside a clan
– Cheated
– Had kits and was mates with a cat outside a clan
Mapleshade clearly outweighs Appledusk, and though he shouldn’t have cheated, at least he admitted his wrongs because it takes more courage to admit you’re wrong than actually do them.
Willowpaw- Exactly.
Now, I’m going to defend Ravenwing.
He was literally just doing his job, and Mapleshade murdered him for that. Yes, I get it. Some Mapleshade defenders think that Ravenwing could’ve kept her secret. But think about it. He got a sign from StarClan. How could it not be important? What if the kits grew up to endanger ThunderClan? Plus, Mapleshade was pretty obvious about it. If she didn’t want Ravenwing to find out, she could’ve been more subtle! Then at least Ravenwing could think he’d made a mistake.
Reedpaw- Now I’m going to defend a character I like a lot. Reedshine. (Reedwish, Reedshine?)
Most people dislike Reedshine, because she “stole” Appledusk, but let’s be honest- Reedshine didn’t even KNOW that Appledusk had a mate until Mapleshade was caught, and by that time Reedshine was pregnant. Reedshine fell in love with Appledusk, and honestly, I’m 99.99 percent sure that Appledusk loved her back. Reedshine was perfectly innocent because lets be honest, you’d be really angry if someone killed YOUR mate too. (Not that I can relate.) So yes, Reedshine was innocent and didn’t do anything wrong.
Willowpaw- Right! So, Mapleshade killed Spottedleaf, who was completely innocent. Also, Spottedleaf couldn’t even come back as a spirit!
But, why did Mapleshade kill Spottedleaf? Well, she was trying to defend Sandstorm. And why did she try to kill Sandstorm? Because Mapleshade thought that she should have the life that Sandstorm had.
Well, SANDSTORM didn’t break the code. Even if she did, SANDSTORM probably wouldn’t be as obvious about it as Mapleshade was. That was a completely unfair comparison.
Reedpaw- Exactly. Now Frecklewish. Many people hate Frecklewish so I’ll defend her. How? I’ll put myself in her fur. Okay. So say I’m Frecklewish. And my brother dies. Then this she-cat who my brother liked is all “Hey I’m having your brothers kits.” And I’m happy right? Cus I think that my brother’s legacy is continuing. And I loved my brother. But then – News flash. It turns out that she cat
A) Does not have my brothers kit -she lied.
B) She had HALF- CLAN kits which were banned and
C) She had kits with some RiverClan moron (Sorry is that mean?) who probably didn’t even love her that much and, she didn’t like her brother.
So if I was Frecklewish, I wouldn’t be angry- to be honest, I’d probably go on a murder rampage- and I’d be furious. So Frecklewish- Frecklewish actually took the news pretty well- in my opinion.
Willowpaw- Mhm. And she also conspired against the Clans with the Dark Forest. Do you really think, if she deserved StarClan, she would do that? I understand this was after her death, but I feel like she could’ve shown some regret like Snowtuft! Yes, Snowtuft did help them, but he also saw Mapleshade helping Ashfur later, which shows she didn’t regret her actions. Also, she was quite happy to be let into the Dark Forest.
Reedpaw- Like Willowpaw said- she was happy to be in the dark forest! She also helped Ashfur- In the Place of No Stars, Mapleshade helped Ashfur thinking that he could help them! The fact that TBC isn’t over yet doesn’t tell us whether there is going to be another war against Ashfur this time- but if there is- than Mapleshade is most likely going to be fighting on Ashfur’s side. Maybe even willingly.
Willowpaw- Yeah. Anyway, for all these reasons, we hope that you realize that Mapleshade is DEFINITELY evil.
Reedpaw- Please tell us what you thought in the comments!
I agree that Mapleshade is evil, and I don’t see why people love her as a cat. I love her as a villain! She’s an awesome girl villain! BUT, like Eggpaw said down there, you DIDN’T give Mapleshade’s side of all of this. And a good arguement would make sure to see both sides of it. But I ALSO disagree with Frecklewish and Appledusk being innocent. I see Ravenwing trying to serve his Clan, but I don’t see anything good in Frecklewish calling Mapleshade bad names. And I also don’t see anything good in Appledusk cheating on Mapleshade. But overall, I enjoyed reading your article!!! 😀
i think that frecklewish is innocent. There was nothing she could do. She would have drowned and not been able to save the kits. Oakstar was bad no doubt about it.
frecklewish had a chance of saving the kits though.
I agree! Mapleshade was never innocent, at least in Mapleshade’s Vengance.
Mapleshade recives love because she’s evil >:)
Its outttttt!!! 🙂
Mapleshade obviously isn’t innocent and deserves the Dark Forest. All these cats were terrible cats, yes, but probably didn’t deserve to die. Mapleshade was evil, if she wasn’t, would she really be a villain at all? She believes she is justified, as all villains do, but in the end, she wasn’t (in my opinion). She was evil, yes, I agree. She’s still a good villain though. She has clear and defined motives, I know why she’s evil, and for the most part seems to know what she’s doing. She accepts when she was sent to The Dark Forest and continued her quest for revenge. I haven’t read Mapleshade’s Vengeance, but I believe she was sorta successful, except for when she killed Appledusk rather than Reedshine, but I think Appledusk sacrificed himself? I think she for the most part knew what she was doing. So I like Mapleshade. She’s not a good cat, but she’s a good villain.
Good article
Hey Willa and Reedpaw! Would it be all right if I made a debate article w/ someone else on who is to really blame for Mapleshade’s kits deaths? If not that is a-ok! This article and some of the comments inspired me : D
I have all felt bad for Mapleshade, she killed all these cats because she thought she was saving her kits, also how would you feel if you got exiled by your clan, lost all your kits because somebody didn’t save them, your mate was cheating on you, and you never saw your kits again? XD I still think Mapleshade had a bad life. She just wanted love.
she just wanted revenge
I have to say that I don’t agree with much stated above. Mapleshade could have killed Frecklewish in the Place of No Stars, but she did not, for Frecklewish is still living there. Appledusk not only had a mate and kit outside of clans, but he also killed Birchface, which led to the death of Flowerpaw. If the thunderclan apprentice had not given Mapleshade the herbs, she would have died of sickness. This would not really be Appledusk’s fault, but he could have at least tried to speak for her in front of riverclan. Mapleshade thought that starclan wanted her to have kits and that she was saving her kits from the river when she killed each cat. If Mapleshade was let into starclan, she would have had a chance to be regretful of what she had done, and be with her kits. But she was rejected from it and was forced to live in the dark forest. She was glad to be there because it was already a long time since anyone knew what she felt like, and in the dark forest, there are cats who are like her. Was there a clan cat that anyone knows of that was rejected from three clans?
I apologize if what I said is offensive.
So do you like MapleShade or Do you not?
i agree Mapleshade deserved the dark forest but i still like her.
frecklewish could have saved them. she let the kits drown. does she not want a strong clan full of warriors? i don’t think freklewish is innocent
Nope, nope, nope please no no no no
Why you guys all hating on MapleShade.
She was just heartbroken
Objection! So was everyone else. That’s why they did what they did
I REALLY dislike her, like, a lot. (Sorry everyone!) But I am kinda offended that you didn’t mention what she did to RIVERCLAN (My clan)! She killed a lot of their cats with WORDS that she was telling to Crookedstar when he was a kit. And I’m guessing Riverclan wasn’t being so great like they usually are with a devastated leader, and less cats. I mean, I can’t believe she did ALL that for revenge! How in the world can someone hate another person so much!? Poor Appledusk!