Jaypaw interprets some Warriors names literally
I’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile so here it is. We are starting so hang onto your tails.
1. Featherwhisker – what type of cat would be born with feathers for whiskers I mean wouldn’t you always get them caught in the brambles and thorns. And what about the kits don’t they always play with her whiskers.
2. Turtletail – Wait what a turtle bit off her tail. Oh me gosh call the medicine cat… wait scratch that call every medicine cat that possibly lived. And the leaders two I mean you have to let everyone know what happened.
3. Adderfang – “I just got attacked by a adder. Oh help me.” Oakstar stood on a log and announced. “You will now be named Adderfang.” “Adderfang Adderfang Adderfang.” Lol
4. Boulder – Hey boulder don’t you get tired having the elders lay on you. I mean your a boulder and everyone likes to lay on those.
5. Flametail – Well he met a unfortunate demise. I mean his tail is on fire. And then he jumped on the ice and fell threw. Now that is sad.
6. Brightheart – Oh I feel bad for the warriors who sleep by her. Her heart is a freaking nightlight. Like she’d be purrfect in the nursery but she’d scare all the prey away.
7. Cloudtail – And then Cloudtail has a cloud for a tail. I mean what if he gets attacked by a fox like he dont really have a tail.
8. Bouncefire – Oh well the fire that surrounds him is always bouncing. That sound… painful… I feel bad for skyclan they might as well push him of a bridge. Wait that sounds cruel lets not do that.
9. Onestar – Oh poor Onestar has only one star while the rest have multiple. That must be lonely. I mean the other leaders are always saying how there stars are so plentiful.
And last and not least is…
10. Stonetooth – he has freaking stones for teeth that must hurt when he’s chewing prey but I mean he would make a fierce warrior. He could kill a warrior without even trying.
Well that’s all for today if you guys like this one I will make sure to do one on the blogclan cats.
lol those are funny! :3
🤣 I loved this so much lol! My favorite was the one about Bouncefire. Hey wait a minute the title said fifteen. Is that just a typo or…?
I must have mistyped well thats nice. I’m glad you liked it.
lol! Yes!
These are so FUNNY!!
Great article! It was so funny! 😛
Cool article! I’m in love with Brightheart’s name taken literally :3
Lol I love Featherwhisker!! She must be popular with kits!
yeah! This is Jaypaw. I just changed my account.
oof for Onestar
Ever wonder why Onestar isn’t happy? Bc his rating is one star
This is what I heard about Onestar in another article with a similar topic: ‘Onestar- He gives everything 1 star :(.
that was super funny! great article!
Cool! Funny! LOL 😆!
Wasn’t Flametail just playing on the ice when he fell into it?
Yes technically, but I did this as a a joke. So its supposed to be funny.
EDIT – This is Jaypaw just changed my account.
This article is so funny! lol