Maplemoon outlines Tigerstar’s family tree
Hi everyone! This is my first article, so I hope you enjoy it. Alright, let’s get started!
(BEWARE! This article contains spoilers for most of the Warrior books. This article will also be a little confusing, so you might just want to look at the picture. 🙂
So, I like to start with Pinestar. The leader of Thunderclan. His mate was Leopardfoot, and he had three kits, but only one survived. Long story short, this little kit was Tigerkit/claw. But he had to grow up with no dad, and the pressure of his dad becoming a kittypet.
Tigerclaw gets a mate named Goldenflower and has kits! Bramblekit/claw and Tawnykit/pelt! I bet most people don’t look and see that the name is similar, Brambleclaw Tigerclaw. Long story short, Tigerstar gets killed, twolegs destroy the forest, and the cats move.
Brambleclaw gets a mate! The daughter of Firestar! he gets kits, and is the Uncle of Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather. Back to his kits, he has two that survive, Alderkit/heart and Sparkkit/pelt! Because Brambleclaw’s mate is Squirrelflight, he is now related to Leafpool, Firestar, ect. (I’ll get to that in my next article).
Tawnypelt gets a mate in Shadowclan with Rowanclaw/star. She has three kits, Dawnkit/pelt, Flamekit/tail, and you guessed it, another Tigerkit/heart! Flametail is a medicinecat, so no kits there. But soon, more Thunderclan (specifically Firestar) blood in Shadowclan!
Tigerstar re-mated and his new mate is Sasha. They have three kits, tadpole, Hawkfrost, and Mothwing. Tadpole dies, Mothwing is a medicine cat, and Hawkwing dies before he gets a mate. Although, in the dark forest he falls in love with Ivypool. But they never become mates or have kits. There’s the end of that family limb.
Dawnpelt had kits with Crowfrost, and she had three kits, Sleekkit/whisker, Juniperkit/claw, and Strikekit/stone. None of Dawnpelt’s kits get mates. So, no kits, end of family limb.
The final of Tawnypelt’s kits, Tigerstar! And he mates with Dovewing! More Firestar blood. They have they have three kits, lightkit/leap, Pouncekit/step, and Shadowkit/sight. He becomes a medicine cat, so he has no kits. Lightleap and Pouncestep don’t have kits yet either.
Why am I going so deep in this? Because all these cats have Tigerstar blood. (The first one).
Back to Sparkpelt, she got a mate! Hurray! Firestar lives on. Her mate was Larcksong, but he died, along with his kit Flickerkit. But sparkpelt still has two kits, Flamepaw, and Finchpaw. Until her kits are Warriors, they won’t have kits.
As you can tell, there are a lot of cats with Tigerstar’s blood. Feel free to leave your response in the comments and tell me if I missed any descendants!
Nice article!
cool! You missed Tigerstar’s sisters, Nightkit and Mistkit. Also Adderfang’s and Sparkpelt’s littermates, Dandilionkit and Juniperkit
It’s Alderheart not Adderfang. Just to help with le spelling error. Adder fang was a warrior of Thunderclan back then I believe…I don’t remember -w-
I disagree with some of your points, Tigerstar’s family tree wouldn’t include Firestar or squilf because they are not direct blood to him, and therefore have no blood relations to him. However, Dovewing is blood-related to Firestar through Cloudtail (Whitewing’s father) so some of Tigerstar’s descendants (those being Shadowsight, Pouncestep, and Lightleap) have some Firestar DNA, but only through Dovewing. That’s where the family tree ends! I’m planning on explaining all warrior cats family trees in a few of my articles in the future, so it’ll be explained in further detail there! Great article though, it as interesting to read :D!
Cool! Juse gonna say it though, Ivypool and Hawkfrost were non-canon. It may seem like he likes her and she likes him, but not comfermed.
Cool! Juse gonna say it though, Ivypool and Hawkfrost were non-canon. It may seem like he likes her and she likes him, but not confermed.
Niiiiice! Well the cats I listed aren’t descendants of him, but u missed His Grandparents:(if u don’t/didn’t wanna go that far into the cats from before the main arcs, understood) Leopardfoot’s parents: Adderfang and Swiftbreeze, and Pinestar’s parents: Oakstar and Sweetbriar.
Great article!
Fun detail, Leopardfoot (Tigerstar’s mother) was born to Adderfang and Swiftbreeze, along with Patchpelt, Willowpelt, Spottedleaf, and Redtail.
So if we’re considering Willowpelt to be Graystripe’s mom, this makes him (and Sorreltail, most notably) Tigerstar’s cousins.
Also, Bramblestar and Tawnypelt are cousins with Thornclaw, Cinderpelt, Brightheart and Brackenfur through their mother, Goldenflower, being the sister of Lionheart.
Oh, the Warriors family tree is complicated…
Oh wow…I never knew that Graystripe and Tigerstar the first were cousins! Now I know. “ThE mOrE yOu KnOw” 😂
i have a question i saw this in a yt vid and was searching like nuts about this but, of course wiki stupid
Hawkstorm was born in thunderclan as Tawnykit alongside his siblings Bramblekit and Tadpolekit (Tadpole for short!). But on one unfortunate day, Tawnykit and his siblings stray from home and play inside an old, abandoned barn in the midst of a Tornado. Fireheart manages to catch up to the kits but he’s too late. The barn collapses on Tadpole and Fireheart has to stop Tawnykit’s attempts to rescue Tadpole to avoid losing him to the rubble too. On their way back to Thunderclan, Tawnykit can’t let go of the feeling that if Fireheart hadn’t stopped him, he could’ve saved Tadpole. Unable to cope with the weight of guilt and blame, Tawnykit runs off never to return back home but he’ll never be able to run away from the haunting figure that manifests these feelings.
Tawnykit renames himself Hawkstorm and takes on the “storm” suffix as a way to symbolize how he will never be able to forget the storm he lost Tadpole to.
Years later, Hawkstorm tries to rekindle his relationship with his estranged brother Brambleclaw, but their relationship is strained because of Brambleclaw’s loyalty to Firestar. When another tornado strikes Thunderclan, Firestar gets caught in a fox trap. Hawkstorm is led to Firestar by the haunting figure and he’s given a chance to rescue Firestar just like Fireheart rescued Tawnykit all those years ago.
um yeah sry so long!
oh and heres link to the vid its music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyAVdjLwqqI
i wrote this 2 years ago, lol it just got posted. i am noticing a lot of errors, but also, this was before I read a lot more of the books. Very sorry i included that they were related to Firestar, another error. the kits are, not Bramble Claw. this was also before Sparkpelts kits. im writing a new updated one, including other branches as well.