[image description: a brown tabby cat with yellow eyes looks up curiously at falling snowflakes while an orange tabby cat with green eyes watches in amusement. they stand on orange grass and are surrounded by autumn foliage. "- What is it, Firestar? It's cold! - It's snow. It comes in leaf-bare." is printed on a black border at the bottom. "« Warrior cats» © Erin Hunter" and "art by Vialir" is written on a black border in the top right corner]

My Top 14 Favorite and Least Favorite Warrior Cats by Meadowpoppy

Art by Vialir

Meadowpaw/poppy shares her top 14 favorite and least favorite warrior cats, and why.

Hi everybody!  Meadowpoppy here, but you can call me Medoa for short!  This is my first article, so I’ve decided to start with my fav and least fav cats.  Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion.  If you have a different one, that’s okay!  Let’s get started!   

Spoiler Warning for Every Arc!!!!    

  1. Gray Wing     

Okay.  I just have to say I LOVE THIS CAT!  His compassion and wisdom.  His bravery and loyalty.  I was so happy when he finally noticed Turtle Tail.  I nearly cried when she died.  But then he found Slate and had kits of his own!  Yay!  I cried for about 10 minutes when Gray Wing died in Path of Stars.  I still can’t read that chapter without a box of tissues. 

  1. Hawkwing  

Deputy of Skyclan.  Father to Twigbranch *rolls eyes* and Violetshine *claps hands excitedly*.  Hawkwing is both these things and more.  I liked his character in Hawkwing’s Journey because of his struggles.  He had many of them, but always found a way through them.  Seriously!  He lost his mate and unborn kits.  His mom stays at a faraway barn and his dad dies!  Oh, and his brother dies and out of his 2 sisters, only one of them chooses to go with Hawkwing.  Pretty amazing cat when you think about it.  

  1. Bumblestripe  

Okay, before you start screaming at your computer, tablet etc. “How can you like creepy Bumblestripe!” hear me out.  I will attempt not to rant.  *takes a deep breath*  POOR BUMBLESTRIPE!!!!  I mean, Dovewing broke his heart.  What’s wrong with simply liking a cat?!  Sure Dovewing didn’t deserve him, but he just liked her.  It isn’t creepy!  Rootspring isn’t creepy for liking Bristlefrost is he?  Or Lionblaze for liking Cinderheart.  Dovewing gave no indication that she didn’t like him.  If you don’t believe me, reread The Forgotten Warrior and The Last Hope.  He reminds me of his dad.  Sweet, loyal and brave.  I often find myself chuckling at his parts in Oots.  Him and Dovewing talking about the stars in The Forgotten Warrior.  Hilarious.  So, in conclusion, there are many reasons not to hate Bumblestripe.  He is loyal, good-hearted, and sweet.  I totally go for BumblexCherry.      

  1. Crowfeather  

What a mess Crowfeather got himself into.  But he made up for it.  I adore Crowfeather’s Trial!  I love how Crowfeather, Nightcloud, and Breezepelt make up for the past.  Crowfeather is a warm-hearted cat who wants to do the right thing for his clan and his kin.   

  1. Tawnypelt   

I feel like Tawnypelt is underrated.  She’s done some pretty incredible things.  She was one of the chosen sun-drown place cats.  She made a place for herself in a clan that was not hers by birth.  She traveled to the mountains multiple times.  She stood by her mate Rowanstar, while others fell away.  She was deputy to Tigerstar 2 *gags* during one of the most difficult times for Shadowclan.  She did all that with a compassionate heart, loyalty and bravery.  And why is everyone always like, “Oh, poor Bramblestar!  He gets hated on because of his dumb dad!”.  Tawnypelt had the same problem, probably worse.      

  1. Violetshine  

When I was reading Violetshine’s PoV, she reminded me of another character I already loved.  Ivypool!  I love Violetshine’s courage.  It took a serious amount of it to stand up to Darktail. Violetshine doesn’t obsess over her parentage like her sister * rolls eyes* she concentrates on the present events and does so with courage, compassion and loyalty.  

  1. Briarlight  

Who doesn’t love this just plain awesome cat!  She was wounded horrifically, but still kept her chin up.  I like to think that she was the  most cheerful cat in the clan.  She cared for her clan as well as if she had 4 good legs.  Whyyy diddd sheee haveee toooo dieeee!  I cried buckets.   

  1. Rootspring  

Rootspring is so sweet, compassionate and brave.  I liked how he skipped his warrior assessment to help Shadowsight.  His crush on Bristlefrost as an apprentice is super cute.  I sympathized with him when every cat thought her was weird.  Tree and Rootspring are awesome!  If Rootspring dies in A Light in the Mist….. I will literally sit on my porch for 20 minutes screaming “Why!!!!” hoping the Erins will hear me.  

  1. Bristlefrost  

I have to say that I identify with Bristlefrost a lot.  All she wanted was to be a great warrior.  She is understanding, brave and loyal.  She must have gotten it from her mother.  She always tries her best to help her clan, but isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in.  I really hope that Bristlefrost and Rootspring get together in A Light in the Mist!  I really want Bristlefrost to suddenly find out that she’s expecting Rootspring’s kits, and goes to join him in Skyclan.  Love RootxBristle!!!!   

  1. Jayfeather   

Jayfeather, the cranky, sarcastic Thunderclan med cat.  I love his personality and sharp tongue.  Thank you, Crowfeather.  I hated it when everyone underestimated him because he was blind!!!  But he’s an awesome medicine cat.  I adore JayxBriar!    

  1. Nightcloud  

Before you x-out of this article, let me explain.  Most of you probably view Nightcloud as bitter, selfish, and an overall not very nice cat.  But you forget Nightcloud’s love for her kit, her loyalty to her Clan, and her willingness to forgive Crowfeather.  In CT Nightcloud’s softer side is shown.  She loves her kit more than her own life!!  Crowfeather was generally not a very good mate to Nightcloud, even when she was pregnant with their kits.  But even though she is angry, and rightfully angry, she still cares about Crowfeather.  And when he apologizes, she forgives him readily. 

  1. Squirrelflight  

I love her spunk and fiery nature.  But she has a soft, tender side too.  She is a brave, loyal warrior.  She is also really selfless.  I mean, she took in her sister’s kits, fully aware that it could cost her everything.  But she didn’t let that stop her because she loved her sister, more than she loved herself.  Bramblestar *makes a face* should go chase a blue squirrel!  Awful mate!!!!  In Bramblestar’s Storm, it sounds like he actually wishes that sweet, perfect Jessy *gags* were his mate.  Squirrelflight deserves someone better.   

  1. Ivypool  

All Ivypool ever wanted was as good as Dovewing.  She felt constantly in her stuck-up sister’s shadow.  That’s why she trained in the DF.  Because the Dark Forest cats seemingly believed in her, and saw what she could do.  But when she realized what the Dark Forest was really up to, she went back, fully aware that she was risking her life, and spied for her clan.  While she was doing that, Dovewing was mooning over a dumb Shadowclan tom.  Ivypool was willing to sacrifice her life to save her clan.  Starclan, that took a lot of courage!  She played a key role in defeating the Dark Forest.  More than Dovewing ever did.  Ivypool is fierce and loyal, but she can be kind and gentle too.  I love her and Fernsong, but I kinda hoped for IvyxBumble.  That would be so cute!   

Now for #1     

  1. Firestar!!!!!!!   

Now, I know that this is a really unpopular opinion, but I just have to say I LOVE FIRESTAR!!!!!  He is not a Gary Sue!!!  He makes mistakes just like every other cat!  He is noble, wise, fair, brave, loyal, compassionate, sympathetic, understanding, level-headed, and above all, has an unwavering faith in Starclan and the warrior code.  Ohhhh, if only there were more cats like him in the clans now!!!  If there were, the clans wouldn’t be in the mess they are now.  He led his clan with justice and dignity.  He always sought peace before violence, unlike some *cough, Tigerstar 1 and 2, cough*  People say that that was cowardly, but I think that it was wisdom.  Saddest. Death. Ever.  I literally went through an entire box of tissues while I read that chapter.  In my opinion, Firestar was the best leader to ever walk the forest or lake. 

Okay, if you’ve managed to read that entire section, congratulations!  Onto my least favs.   

Least Favs   

  1. Hollyleaf  

Don’t kill me!  *makes pleading gesture*  This is just my opinion!  I find Hollyleaf’s character annoying and hypocritical in Power of Three.  I adore her character in The Forgotten Warrior and The Last Hope.  In Power of Three, everyone has to obey the code except Hollyleaf.  She can do whatever she wants, like visit Willowpaw in Riverclan in Dark River (I think?)!  She kind of goes berserk in Sunrise too.    

  1. Leafpool  

*dodges flying fruit*  Leafpool is just really selfish.  Because Brightheart, poor Brightheart is helping out in the medicine den, Leafpool has the right to disregard everything, her family, her clan, her role as a med cat, to run off with a Windclan tom.  She just shoved her kits over to her sister because she was worried about getting in trouble.  And instead, her sister got in trouble.   

Leafpool: Here dear sister, take these kits so you can get in trouble and I won’t.  

Squirrelflight: Um, okay?  But what about my mate?  I can’t lie to him.  

Leafpool:  Never mind him!  You have to do this for me!  I’m your sister!  

Uggg!  And Jaypaw.  Poor Jaypaw!  He gets stuck with THE WORST MENTOR EVER!!!  Pretty much all Leafpool did was yell at Jaypaw, even when he was trying his best.  And Cinderpaw’s injury.  Leafpool fusses incessantly over her, just because she reminds her of Cinderpelt.  Jaypaw does everything wrong.  At times she seems slightly Rainflower.  

  1. Twigbranch    

*puts on helmet*  Twigbranch is annoying.  While Violetshine is struggling in Shadowclan, Twigbranch is happy in Thunderclan and has a loving foster mother and friends.  But she obsesses over finding her mom and dad.  She refuses to understand that the Clan can’t spare the warriors to look for her parents.  So she selfishly runs away and the Clan has to spare warriors anyway!  She is jealous of Violetshine’s relationship with Hawkwing, when there is nothing to be jealous about!  She ignores Finleap, who left Clan and kin to be with her, just when he asks to have kits!  She literally said that she didn’t love him.  Dovewhine clone!   

  1. Darkstripe  

This guy is a creep.  He follows Tigerstar 1 blindly, poisons an innocent kit and kills Stonefur *sniffles*  He deserves the DF.  

  1. Foxheart  

Totally earned the name!  She is annoying, a show-off and selfish.  She torments poor Yellowfang and makes life difficult for her in any way she could.  

  1. Bramblestar  

*takes a deep breath*  Bramblestar is a horrid mate and leader!!!  When I was reading his parts in the latest arcs, I kept wishing to Starclan that Firestar would somehow return.  He is so blind to problems and he’s so self-centered.  Look at Squirrelflight’s Hope.  Squirrelflight sees that if they work with the Sisters (I love them!) there wouldn’t be any need for violence!  But nooo, Bramblestar has to attack them when they haven’t done anything wrong, AND WHAT IS UP WITH HIS TREATMENT OF SQUIRRELFLIGHT!!!!  HE ACTS LIKE A MOUSE-BRAINED PILE OF FOX-DUNG!!  I HOPE THAT BRAMBLESTAR STAYS DEAD SO SQUIRRELFLIGHT CAN BECOME LEADER!!!!   

  1. Jessy  

Oh. Great.  Starclan.   I hate her!!!  She’s an annoying fox-heart who thinks that she is so much better than everyone else!  She thinks that she can do whatever she wants and no one is going to stop her.  She thinks that she can waltz right in and steal Bramblestar from Squirrelflight, well she’s wrong!  

  1. Star Flower  

The earliest form of Dovewing, Star Flower is self-centered, and annoying.  She thinks that she can do whatever she  feels like, and whiny.  Poor Thunder!  Star Flower broke his heart!  Then she goes and mates with his dad, who happens to be a selfish jerk!  What kind of cat does that!  Then she is all sweet and moony over Clear Sky *gags*.  

  1. Clear Sky  

Where do I start with this creep?!  First of all, he abandons his brother and the rest of his tribemates, then takes his brother’s crush for a mate, then abandons her and her unborn kits to die.  He is greedy, selfish and is just a mouse-heart.  He doesn’t love any of his kits, and only loves precious Star Flower and her kits.  He only cares for himself and what suits him best!  He and Star Flower are awful on their own, but together, they are insufferable!   

  1. Leopardstar   

I know that this is an unpopular opinion, but I just find her very self-centered, spoiled, and kind of a brat.  I don’t want to give any spoilers for LH, so I won’t say any more.    

  1. Rainflower  

Okay, you all saw this one coming!  She abandoned poor Crookedstar when he needed her most!  She obviously favors Oakkit, and makes Crookedkit feel like garbage.  It’s her fault that Mapleshade got to Crookedstar.  I hate her!!!!    

  1. Tigerstar 1   

I-he, there is no explanation for what he did!  His dad left the clan.  That’s all.  No one blamed Tigerstar 1 for his dad’s actions.  He murders upwards of 5 cats, he is one of the leaders of the DF and…. HE. KILLS. FIRESTAR!!!!!  He is cruel and evil.  Now he is drifting around in limbo with *sniffles* Spottedleaf.   

  1. Tigerstar 2  


  1. Dove *grimaces and forces finger onto key* wing  

Apologies to all Dovewing fans.  Remember that this is just my opinion.  I.  HATE.  DOVEWING.  She is a whiny, selfish, spoiled brat!  She only cares about herself.  She whines about everything.  She is a horrible sister.  She acts like she’s so much better than everyone else.  No one pressured her!  They were just telling Dovewing what she needed to hear.  If she didn’t like poor Bumble’s attention, she should have said so.  She broke Bumble’s heart after she got all moony-eyed over some Shadowclan warrior.  SHE CARES ONLY FOR HERSELF AND WHAT SUITES HER BEST!!!  She left her clan so that she didn’t have to face the consequences for her mouse-brained choices.  She ran away like a coward!  On top of that, she is a horrible mother!  She thinks that all everyone should care about is her and her kit(s).  To Dovewing, it’s like Lightleap and Pouncestep never existed!  Ivypool did more than her sister ever did.  Thus, she earns that name Dovewhine.  

Whew!  If you managed to read that entire article, give yourself a pat on the back.  You’ve earned it!  Thanks for reading my article!  Sorry if bits were offensive!  Please tell me if you agree or disagree with my cats!  May Starclan light your path.  Meadowpaw out!

Fan Articles


    • While you do have a right to express yourself as you wish, this could be more kindly reworded as “I don’t like Tawnypelt because she left ThunderClan to join Tigerstar in ShadowClan.” Meadowpoppy put time and care into this article and shaming them for liking Tawnypelt is rude and disrespectful.

  • I agree with your least favorites Tigerheart/star, Dovewing, Tigerstar, Rainflower, Jessy, Foxheart, Darkstripe. And I agree withmost of your favorites, especially Ivypool. I love Ivypool.

  • Great article!
    I needed that Tigerstar II rant, I agree with every word. He is just a worse Tigerstar 1, and basically goes insane with power when he is leader.

    • I dont talk to hear my own voice unlike SOME cats - yellow fang They dont deserve the energy it would take to insult them- crowfeather "Juniper Paw" says:

      yes. infinity of yes. tigerstar 2 is terrible and i hate him with my heart.

  • omg more people need to hate Dovewing, She is a terrible sister.

    now bumblestripe
    I don’t like him because I think that he couldn’t comprehend that Dovewing didn’t like him. “Dovewing broke his heart” he should have been able to accept that the cat he liked didn’t like him, even though he was unaware of other relationships she was in. I don’t like the way people act like “oh, but he likes her and he’s sweet, you should be his mate,” NO, just because someone likes you you do not need to like them. He needed to take the clues Dovewing was presenting and give up before he got too attached to the idea that they would become mates. She never shows interest in him (from what I remember, it has been a while since I read OOTS and the Dovewing book), and he just kept trying to get her to like him.

  • I like Hollyleaf and Dovewing, but I understand why you don’t like them. Wow, that was amazing! You’re awesome! Make more articles! I’m almost up to Avos (I’m up to The Last
    Hope), so I can’t say anything about Twigbranch. My top 5:
    1. Jayfeather
    2. (TIE!) Firestar & Sandstorm
    3. (TIE!) Hollyleaf, Dovewing & Ivypool
    4. (TIE!) Brightheart & Cloudtail
    5. Cinderpelt 🙂
    My bottom 5:
    1. (TIE!) Brambleclaw, Hawkfrost & Tigerclaw (URGH!! Don’t get me started how much I hate those three!)
    2. (TIE!) Rainflower & Tornear
    3. (TIE!) Daisy, OneSTAR, Millie & Thistleclaw
    4. (TIE!) Bristlefrost (I hate her because of her actions in Spotfur Rebillion), Russetfur & Blackstar
    5. (TIE!) Bumblestripe, Ashfur, Tigerheart & Mapleshade
    Honorable (crosses it out) Other Mentions: Darkstripe, Scourge, Bone, Dawnpelt, Stormfur, Bouncefire (lame name too!), Rockshade, Curlypaw

    • I will tell you. Her actions in spotfurs rebellion will make more sence when you read her pov. I hope they will cuz she’s my favorite so don’t judge her to harshly.

  • I like jayxbriar but the BEST is jayxstick. Who is Bramblestar?! Let me guess, Firestar die and he become leader? Great, I love spoilers one less thing to worry about!

    • Meadowpaw explicitly said at the beginning of the article, “Spoiler Warning for Every Arc!” So that’s on you.

  • I think JessyxBramble gets so much hate for no reason. Jessy left so that Bramblestar could stay with Squirrelflight, and Squirrelflight disliked her without getting to know her. I love Jessy so much, but it’s your choice. 100, 000% agree with Skystar/Clear Sky too he betrays *deep breath* :
    Gray Wing
    Quiet Rain
    Falling Feather
    Jackdaw’s Cry
    Hawk Swoop
    Rainswept Flower *angry keyboard smash*
    Moth Flight
    Spotted Fur
    Sparrow Fur
    One Eye (Yes he was evil but he still betrayed him)
    Snake (Same as One Eye)