Happy Birthday, Tinylight!

This birthday post was created by Cloudpaw!

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Tiny! Happy birthday to you! 

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This is a friendship poem – 

You magnify my happiness

When I am feeling glad

You help heal my injured heart

Whenever I am sad

You’re such a pleasure in my life

I hope that you can see

How meaningful you friendship is

You’re a total joy to me!

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And then this is a birthday poem for Tiny I made myself!

There once was a small cat named Tinylight!

She seams to be a furball at sight

But she is funny and caring and so bright!

That she is always (and always will be) my delight!

And since today’s her birthday, let us all meow –

Tinylight, Happy Birthday To You!!!!

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✨ Cheetahspark ✨
