Polarmoon defends Millie – what do you think?
HI! I’m Polarpaw/moon or Polar Bear that Shines Like Moon! Some people may hate Blossomfall, and I do know that most people just feel bad for her and hate Millie instead, but here are some reasons Millie shouldn’t be hated, and why Blossmfall should. Also, before I start, I’d like to say thanks to Ebonypaw for writing his/her article back in 2017 about this. I found a good source of information to back me up! 🙂
1. Millie caused Blossomfall to go to Dark Forest!
Umm, NO. She did not! Going to the Dark Forest is 100% Blossomfall’s fault! I got this from one of the books:
“‘A good cat wouldn’t be jealous of an injured littermate. So that’s why I’ve ended up in Dark Forest. I’m not stupid. I know it’s where cats go if they’re not allowed into StarClan. But I guess I won’t get into StarClan either, because I hate my sister for being injured. So Dark Forest is where I fit in, and I’m getting good training, better than anything we get here.’”
— Sign of the Moon, page 246
Clearly, NOT Millie’s fault.
2. Millie only loved one of her kits!
Again, not true. Kate confirmed Millie loved all her kits equally. She just needed to tend to Briarlight. She was way too overprotective, but she still loved all her kits. And, Blossomfall and Bumblestripe are full warriors. They can hunt, fight. Briarlight could only fight to survive. Blossomfall didn’t need special attention.
3. Blossomfall never meant to train in Dark Forest!
Yep, that is true. But the difference between Ivypool’s and Blossomfall’s training is Blossomfall CHOSE to stay. And she knew she was in the Dark forest the moment she got there. Unlike Ivypool and all the other cats who trained there, they did not know it was the nightmare in their kit-stories, the Dark Forest.
4. She was so irresponsible, dragging Ivypool into the tunnels!
This is SO true. Icecloud had just dislocated her shoulder from falling into a tunnel. Firestar ordered the clan to not go into the tunnels, and he wanted warriors to patch up the tunnels. One paw of the debate about this topic says that Millie should have been kinder to Blossomfall when they found her instead of yelling. But on the other paw, Millie was worried and had every right to yell because, one, Blossomfall disobeyed her leader, and two, Millie had no idea where she was.
I’ve written mostly about Blossomfall, so let’s switch to why you should like Millie.
1. She helped Greystripe get his courage back to try and get home!
She did!! Greystripe probably saw Silverstream in her, because they looked a little similar, and was willing to listen to her. Millie gave up on her housefolk, and Millie was a spoiled kitty. Most kittens who aren’t spoiled wouldn’t want to leave their housefolk, even to join a well-protected clan. Millie did.
2. Millie helped Greystripe when he got injured by a car, and got help!
Millie is such a kind cat! When Millie got hungry because Greystripe couldn’t find prey, Millie went to get some twoleg food. When Greystripe tried, he got kicked out. Then in the garage, he got hit by a car, and Millie found the jaguar-looking cat to help Greystripe.
Like it or not, Firestar’s best friend may not have made it home without Millie.
3. Millie stole Greystripe from Silverstream!
Kinda. But not really. Greystripe saw her, was willing to accept her help and company, and he chose her. Please remember, Silverstream is dead. Millie didn’t know about Silverstream. I don’t know if she ever found out. Also, Greystripe and Silverstream should have never been together. AND Silverstream would have wanted Greystripe to be happy. I don’t like the Greystripe-Silverstream ship anyway though.
I know I am not gonna change everyone’s minds, but Millie doesn’t deserve hate. I hope I change some people to neutral not hate <3
Polarpaw/moon or Splashpaw/pool or Pebblepaw or Hollypaw/ear!
My mind will not be changed about this, but I fully respect your opinion 😊
I respect urs too
I honestly disagree with the part where u defended Millie, but i respect your opinion. Great article btw!
I’m a little biased because I like Blossomfall because I kind of relate her. And I’m pretty emotional. Was it just me that wanted at least one small scene of Millie and Blossom understanding and bonding together?
Great article though.
No, it’s not just you. That would be a great scene
Nice article, and I agree.
While I don’t think Millie is free from any blame, she just made a few mistakes. Who doesn’t? Expecting every mother to just be perfect in every circumstance is unreasonable, especially after all the stress that was on Millie.
Millie has also been shown in the books to love Blossomfall as well, such as when she scolded the deputy for yelling at Blossomfall(paw at the time).
My dislike for Blossomfall doesn’t really connect to the Millie situation though. Overall she’s just really mean and never really changes as a warrior.
I agree. And thanks
Nicely written article, I liked how you used evidence to back up your reasoning, however, my mind will never be changed, im fully convinced that Milly the main reason Blossomfall joined the DF. But I do respect your opinion!
Thanks! I respect ur opinion too
Article absolutely agreeable. Millie had no part in the so called ‘she stole Graystripe from Silverstream.’ Graystripe loved both she-cats. He loved each litter equally anyway so as long as Graystripe’s opinion stood there’s no reason to complain of Millie.
And Drizz. Did you write this article because you’re acting as if it was your own this is Polarmoons.
drizz = polarmoon -> they changed their name a few times <3
Drizz is Polarmoon ^w^ She changed her name.
Ehhh Im not a huge fan of Millie for abandoning her humans
I agree with number 4 I’ve been in a similar situation in real life and when my mom found me she was so mad (I was staying after school a little while for something and my parents forgot and thought I ran away and panicked) (although it was my fault for moving the calendar)
I absolutely love this article. I was trying to find ways why Millie wasn’t so bad and my dummy brain couldn’t think of anything :’). tysm!!
Disagreed, but good try!
Honestly I Ioved Millie in Graystripe’s adventure but I feel like the stress of being a warrior away from her twolegs and having everything so much harder (leafbare, having to hunt for your prey, sickness, evilness in cats) changed her in a way that made me want to turn her into a human and get her therapy. She became such a drama queen at times, and I feel like she really could’ve done better. But like Drizz/Polarmoon said, nothing’s totally her fault, and both she and Blossomfall just needed some extra love (aka a therapist ;]).