Warrior names taken literally by Mountainstorm

Official artwork by Wayne McLoughlin

Mountainstorm interprets warriors names literally!

Hi, kits, apprentices, warriors, elders, medicine cats! 🙂
I’ve been reading articles where the authors joke around with some funny warrior names, taking them literally. It seemed like a fun thing to do, and I’ve been thinking of some jokes, so here it is!

Feathertail– This must be how Feathertail cheers up any sad cat! She tickles them with her feather tail!
Breezepelt– I guess this is why he used to be so angry. The breeze always ruffled his pelt the wrong way.
Harespring– He must be able to jump really well! Snowshoe hares can spring up to 11.9 feet high!
Ravenpaw– Does he have a pet raven that perches on his paw?
Rockshade– He can be a shady character sometimes, but he still rocks!
Cloudtail– I wonder if his cloud tail is as floofy as his fur?
Alderheart– Alder trees are monoecious plants! They produce individual male and female flowers called catkins! Alderheart has a really suiting name, since he helps a lot of cats give birth to their cat- kin!
Nightcloud– Nightcloud brings warm days! If the sky is cloudy at night, it most likely means it will be a warm day because the clouds keep the warmth trapped down below. This isn’t always the case though….but I’ll take my chances! One Nightcloud please! <3
Rainflower– Oh no! The rain must have washed away this flower’s kindness!
Ottersplash– She must be a great swimmer! River otters can stay underwater for up to eight minutes! Ottersplash sure makes a splash.
Squirrelflight– Although squirrel’s can’t fly, they can leap pretty far, nearly 7 feet! Or maybe this name refers to a sugar glider, which is similar to a squirrel? This animal can’t fly either, but it can really soar with great confidence, just like Squirrelflight!
Runningwind– Phew! He must really enjoy sprinting! Running in the wind isn’t always simple!
Brambleberry– Is this referring to blackberries? Yum!
Honey Pelt– This little tom must be so sweet! And as a bonus, whenever he wants a snack, he can just give himself a wash! Or maybe he’d been getting into mischief again, and while teaching his fellow Clanmates how to leap high, a bee hive accidentally shattered over his pelt, drenching him in honey!
Bubbling Stream– Such a cheerful place to swim! That must be why it’s so bubbly!
Spider Paw– Whoa! He had eight toes?! What? Only five? Sorry.
Blue Whisker– Hmm, I wonder if she got into the blueberries again…her whiskers seem so blue…
Grey Wing– He has a soaring personality!
Clear Sky– A perfect day to go to the pool!
Turtle Tail– She has such a cute little pet turtle hanging on her tail!
Rainswept Flower– She must be so healthy! The rain gave her lots and lots of energy.
Dew Nose– She must have been so busy this morning sniffing plants that she got a little water on her nose!
Red Claw– He was so busy gathering herbs for Acorn Fur he got a little carried away and accidentally speared a cherry on his claw!
Flower Foot– I wonder what kinds of flowers she has on her foot? They must smell really nice!
Apple Blossom– Apple blossoms smell so nice! I’d love some at the foot of my bed!
River Ripple– River Ripple’s so good at fishing he barely sends any ripples through the river!
Mud Paws– I think he’s been playing in the puddles too much!
Deadfoot– Well, he’s a very much alive cat!
Foxleap– Foxes can leap three feet high! Foxleap is working hard to jump even higher so he can finally catch a fox!
Ivypool– I hope the ivy isn’t poison ivy! Otherwise, make way, Mountainpaw’s coming to dive into this awesome pool!
Mistyfoot– She must be light on her paws!
Nectarsong– Hmm, maybe it’s the bumblebee’s buzzing around the flowers that sing?
Honeyfern– The bees love this sweet fern!
Dustpelt– He must have wandered through a dusty cave to bring Ferncloud a flower! Mumblefoot– He must really love to hum, and tap along to the tune with his foot!
Sunstar– You can find his name all over the internet! Just type in “sun”, and under the word “sun”, will be star! <3 In books, too! 🙂
Bluestar– Blue stars are really bright! An example of a blue star is Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation Orion and the 6th brightest star in the sky.
Doestar– This spotted dough doe is a super star!
Spottedleaf– This leaf must be so pretty! Does it come from a spotted tree?
Longtail– So cool! He can comfort every cat at once by hugging them with his long tail!
Purdy– Purdy means “pretty” in slang!

That’s all! Feel free to ask about these jokes if you don’t get one, some are pretty vague. ^^
This was really fun to write, and I hope you enjoyed reading it! <3

Fan Articles


  • Great article! I made some random ones up:

    Lionblaze: her heather-blue eyes are so pretty ahh. NOOO, she’s heathertail now, her tail’s heather-blue not her eyes now got to dump her
    Breezepelt: her heather-blue tail is so pretty *sighs happily*

    Birdsong: let me tell you a story, little 1
    Leopardpaw: I’m not little anymore I’m an apprentice!
    Birdsong: do you want to hear it or not?
    Leopardpaw: *blinks* yes please!
    Birdsong: Once upon a time, leopardclan won the river…
    Leopardpaw: oh no! I’ve got to learn to swim to save riverclan and have leopardfur! *panics*. Leopardfur? *becomes confused*

    Bramblepaw: you judge me differently from tawnypaw because she’s tawny and I look like tigerstar!
    Firestar: huh? She’s tortoiseshell.
    Bramblepaw: then why would goldenflower name her tawnykit?
    Firestar: *calls to goldenflower*
    Goldenflower: what?
    Firestar: why did you name your tortoiseshell kit tawnykit?
    Goldenflower: *stares at him like he’s gone mad* she’s tawny! *sees tawnypaw on the other side of the camp* oh yeah she’s tortoiseshell!