Blossomtail defends Bluestar!
It’s Blossomtail, back with another article! Today I will be defending Bluestar and sharing my opinion on why she is such a great leader and character.
First of all, Bluestar had been through a lot. She even went through three depression stages in her life time. She had to give her kits to her mate in RiverClan so she could become leader. Rusty, who we now know as Firestar, probably never would have become a warrior if it wasn’t for her.
Another thing I would like to bring up is the difference between her and Firestar when it comes to their leadership. Bluestar liked to maintain peace, but not to such extremes as Firestar. Bluestar handled conflict with other clans better than Firestar did. She would try to handle things peacefully, but if that didn’t work she would order an attack. However, Firestar rarely ever attacked. He always handled things peacefully which usually resulted in bigger conflict.
Bluestar did something that I feel all leaders should try to do more. Reach out to the medicine cat. Bluestar would always talk to the medicine cat after a prophecy was given. This way she could make sure she understood the prophecies so she could help her clan to the best of her abilities.
Some people say they hate Bluestar because she loved a cat from another clan. But this is not a valid reason! Over the time in the warriors series many cats have had mates in other clans. But for some reason Bluestar gets so much hate for this. Bluestar and Oakheart would have been good together! Bluestar obviously trusted him, giving her kits to him to raise in RiverClan.
Other people have said that Bluestar interfered with Snowfur’s life too much. They will also say she was too controlling over her sister. But she was just looking out for her! She didn’t want her sister to get hurt in the long run. Bluestar had even helped raise Snowfur’s kit, Whitestorm! One of the depression stages she went through was because of the death of her sister! This proves she loved Snowfur, and would never harm her in any way, shape, or form.
Another thing I have heard is that people hate her because she gave her kits to RiverClan. But as I stated earlier, she didn’t have much of a choice. If she didn’t, another cat would have become leader and that would have caused terrible conflict in ThunderClan. Plus we must remember that the kits were half RiverClan because Oakheart was the father.
Some people say Bluestar wasn’t loyal to her clan. However, Bluestar gave her life for ThunderClan when she died. Isn’t this alone enough to prove she was loyal?
I hope you understand why Bluestar was such an amazing cat! She was loving, caring, and a really good leader! Thank you for reading this article!
I love this article, you make very valid points on why Bluestar was innocent. Love it. Keep up the good work Blossom!
I know, the points were great!
Am I the first to comment, anyway cool article!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree good article
Awesome article Blossom!! I 100% agree, Bluestar is my fav character!! A strong female leader who faced so much pain and obstacles in her life, lost many family members, but fought through it all and was loyal to her Clan till the end. Amazing leader!! 😀😀😀
I like Bluestar and ship Oak X Blue
Great Article, nice points too :3
I really agree, Bluestar gave her kits to Oakheart because of Thunderclan, her clan! If she didn’t Thistleclaw would become leader and all of Thunderclan would rule under treachery.
Great article Blossomtail!
Yes agreed but Sunstar said he never planned to choose ThistleClaw, So even though I love bluestar <3 She killed one of her kits for No reason, and they grew up not knowing much of there mother. ANyway GREAT ARTICLE keep up the good work.
100% agree, she is my favorite character tied with Ivypool
And can I please state how no one ever talks about Snowfur? She isn’t exactly an innocent little cat angel either. She didn’t even try to comfort Bluepaw in her first depression instead going to Thistlepaw. Erggghh. And she didn’t even listen to Bluepaw when she was trying to talk about the prophercy. Instead scolded her about once again Thistlepaw. AND FOR THE LAST TIME, BLUESTAR NEVER CHASED OUT THISTLECLAW OF STARCLAN!! IT WAS A JOKE! Sorry, that argument has really been getting on my nerves
I love Snowfur lol, she’s way better than bluestar imo
I defiantly agree!!!!
Amazing article! I completely agree!
This is a great article! I really liked it and it’s actually a article I can read being what book I’m on. I never understood why people hated Bluestar so much espically because she was just looking out for her tribe like you said! I really really liked this article and think it was well done! 🙂
Great article!
However, I disagree. Bluestar acted in a very bratty manner in most circumstances. She surrounds herself only with cats she likes, and doesn’t listen to anyone but the cats she likes, which is very one minded leadership. She picks and chooses what to listen to, and if she doesn’t like the idea, she won’t consider it for a second, and not listen to the other cat, like when Firestar told her Tigerstar should be exiled. Bluestar.
Reliance on a medicine cat was reliance on Spottedleaf, and she listened to Spottedleaf, but never really Yellowfang or Cinderpelt? She only listened to Spottedleaf and Firestar, and no other cat for a very long amount of time.
Another issue she had was favouritism. Greypaw, a cat who did nothing heroic in his apprenticeship, got his warrior name and an apprentice at the age of 9 moons, whereas his older, more accomplished peers, Dustpelt and Sandstorm, had to wait. Bluestar probably did this because Greystripe was Fireheart’s friend, and Fireheart was like her son, so she showed immense favouritism towards them, like not punishing Greystripe for breaking the warrior code, whilst any other cat caught breaking the code was punished.
Very good points! Thanks for the feedback
I agree 💯 she is so self absorbed. I hate her she is so fullish and is very responsible.
I agree! I think I could probably write an article about how Bluestar is selfish!