[a close-up headshot of Bristlefrost from the cover of Veil of Shadows]

The Possible Bristlefrost Dimension Rip by Stormpaw

Stormpaw shares their theory on Bristlefrost’s thoughts at the end of The Broken Code.

Hello Everyone! It’s Pineheart again, back with a third article, and I have just realized that the name Pineheart is canon, the leader Pinestar’s warrior name, so I am now changing my name to Stormpaw. Now, we are going over the possible rip in dimensions or realities that Bristlefrost may have created. Also, there is going to be Major spoilers for the newly released A Light in the Mist, so read at your own risk! Also, this a theoretical article and is just my theory on why this happened. This is also no my headcanon either, it is just for fun!

Now, you may have watched the video “The Bristlefrost Dilemma” by Bright Guardian Akira on Youtube. If you have, this is my own take on that and will go over what I think what happened in Bristlefrost’s final moments in A Light in the Mist. So, when Ashfur was trying to kill Shadowsight in the Dark Forest, Bristlefrost ran over to Ashfur (or Bramblestar’s imposter), barreled into him, and knocked him into the weird murky water, but she too fell in herself. This is one of the final paragraphs in her final chapter. “Thoughts of Rootspring filled her mind. He was pressing beside her beneath a spreading willow, the warmth of him seeping into her fur. Was it a dream or a memory? She couldn’t tell. Now they were hunting, running through the forest, side by side, so close their pelts touched. And then she saw herself cocooned with him in a nest. Had they shared one after all? Surely they had, she thought, with a rush of love. Tails entwined, they were gazing proudly at three tiny kits. Of course it was real. Of course there were the memories of the life they must have shared. The cold gripped her seemed at last to let her go. She closed her eyes and in her last moment felt only warmth. Only love.” (Chapter 18, page 267, a light in the mist). This were Bristlefrost’s last memories, or were they? This is all theroretical so none of this is canon, just my opinions. In the paragraph it shows hints that this was real, like “Surely they had” or “Of course it was real”. This shows that maybe Bristlefrost was not remembering, but seeing into a alternate reality. She might have used the last of her hope to maybe break the boundary of that reality into another one, where she and Rootspring joined Thunderclan, had kits, and become a loving couple. AND, Rootspring had a almost same vision, with the Willow tree, and having kits with Bristlefrost, so maybe he was also seeing into a alternate reality, because those “memories” couldn’t be that similar. Bristlefrost’s mind spanned all of the realities to find the one where Bristlefrost’s hopes came true, with a happy family in Thunderclan. This filled her with love and happiness in her last moments of life. Then, sadly, she was sucked up by the Dark Forest water and drowned, leaving a greving Rootspring, Ivypool, and Fernsong.

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