[image description: a cat looks through book pages bent to form a heart shape]

My Favorite and Least Favorite books by Emberstripe

Emberstripe lists his favorite and least favorite books.

Hello! It’s Emberstripe talking! It is my first article, and it is about my favorite books. I was going to do the favorite characters, but I changed it.

WARNING! SPOILERS FROM The Prophecies Begin to Omen of the Stars and A Vision of Shadows.

First, favorite books.

#10. Into the Wild (The Prophecies Begin)
Just good for the first book in the first arc.

#9. Sunrise (Power of Three)
This book is weird to be in here, because I hate the first half of the book. But the other half is a lot more interesting.

#8. Sunset (The New Prophecy)
It is slightly better then Sunrise, but not any better than anything. I liked the part when Brambleclaw kills Hawkfrost.

#7. Midnight (The New Prophecy)
I figured out that I like the first book and the last books in the arc, seeing the 7th to 10th that I wrote right now. So, I like Midnight. And I also like adventure and Midnight.

#6. Shattered Sky (A Vision of Shadows)
This book is the ending, with Darktail, and the Onestar’s secrets revealed. In the middle of it, there are some other events going on. I did not like Needletail dying but I like the drowning ending.

#5. Dark River (Power of Three)
I did not like the book at first. But, as the series went on, this book got a lot better, and the ending is very drown-y.
Jayfeather: Stop it.

#4. The Apprentice’s Quest (A Vision of Shadow)
Same reason with Midnight, but a more deeper ending. It’s tied with #3 but I had to choose and I didn’t like Sandstorm dying and the cats tricked.

#3. The Fourth Apprentice (Omen of the Stars)
This book is very similar to The Apprentice’s Quest, both have Apprentice in the name and the First book in the Arc. The Fourth Apprentice is better because I really like PoT so I like OotS.

#2. The Forgotten Warrior (Omen of the Stars)
It’s a break? before the Final battle, and Sol. Hollyleaf is tied with my most favorite character, and The Forgotten Warrior made Hollyleaf return, and I liked it because I wanted to see Hollyleaf but I didn’t buy the Novella.

#1. Long Shadows (Power of Three)
The plot of the story is sooooooooooo simple. The parts of Ancients are very shocking when I first read it, and the fire and the Squirrelflight’s revolution about adopting the three was more shocking. And the book is mostly shocking.

My Least Favorite Books:

#10. Eclipse (Power of Three)
Holy Moly! Sol predicted an eclipse that happened! And it is spoiled because of the cover of the book.

#9. River of Fire (A Vision of Shadows)
Fire!!!!! plus no ShadowClan. Wow.

#8. Night Whispers (Omen of the Stars)
There are FIVE PoVs in this book, which makes me crazy when reading this book. and Flametail’s cause of dying is DROWNING again.

#7. Darkest Night (A Vision of Shadows)
I don’t like the kind of story about Clans fighting and I hate Rowanclaw.

#6. Fire and Ice (The Prophecies begin)
I do not like it because I like Gray x Millie, and the story is quite boring and not good compared with the other books.

#5. The Raging Storm (The Prophecies begin)
The whole Prophecies begin arc is not so good(except Into the Wild), and the book is similar to um… River of Fire?

#4. Outcast (Power of Three)
It is kind of an adventure, but I thought it wasn’t as good as the other books in PoT because of all the Tribe thing.

#3. Twilight (The New Prophecy)
Although it’s my 3rd least favorite book, the reason is simple because I don’t like Leaf x Crow.

#2. Moonrise (The New Prophecy)
It is quite complicated. The cats who traveled stayed in the mountains, with PoV of RiverClan cats, but the PoV changed in every chapter, and I don’t like the way of it. It is similar to Night Whispers.

#1. Fading Echoes (Omen of the Stars)
Fading Echoes is really fading in my mind. I remember only the battle in the end, and nothing else… I cannot remember. I just read the book, and there’s one more thing. Tree Fall!

So, I think that’s all. Bye!

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