Blackstar- my favorite warrior and why by Lightningpaw

Art by Lightningpaw/Orielwing on DeviantArt

Lightningpaw explains why Blackstar is their favourite character

Blackstar is my hands down, favourite warrior. I will fight you on this is he is a good man!! *throws fruit* Not only is he complex, but Blackstar is also interesting and compasionet. You can understand this cat from his actions, and his novella was not eventful and interesting but gives a good idea of who he truly is. Before we start, I just want to apologize for any typos I make. (And spoilers for OOTS, Blackstars reconing and a few more!)

In his novella, “Blackstar’s Recconing” when confronted by Starclan cats about how he’ll be as a leader, he says ‘”I will do my best,” He answered, his voice hoarse. “Like I said, I would do anything for Shadowclan. Everything I have done is for Shadowclan” ‘ I think this scene is just a good look into Blackstar because he is willing to do anything to redeam himself, He’s NOT a bad cat. I’m going to try to piece together Blackstars life but before I do that here is what people notice the most about Blackstar is that
1. He was deputy for many evil cats
2. he killed Rosetail
3. Stole Kittens
4. Killed Stonefur on command
5. He bacme leader
6. He killed Redwillow
7. He died!
And… there’s a lot people don’t really about Blackstar. Like, how he truly worked to improve his clan. Theres a scene in Night Whispers where after a unfair battle that ThunderClan brought on them that ended up with Russetfur dead. A few days after the battle, Blackstar does something that catches my eye- he brings all the clan together and says like, “ok guys we messed up our battle moves a bit- Pinepaw, show us the battle move so we can train together.” and this is really cute, um, I think it’s sweet that he works to bring his clan together and he teaches Flamtail how to fight and it’s cute, like in a cat way, I really like Flamtail too. It just shows how close the clan is. Like with Thunderclan, they’re like “Oh ok Ivypaw go do that move again in some clearing ok bye”, So it shows how close Shadowclan because Blackstar’s making them more united. Blackstar would make a good cat dad. AND ON THE TOPIC OF BLACKSTAR CAT DAD!
BLIZZARDWING!!!!! Do not like!
He is a bad cat dad. Blackfoot and his siblings, Flintfang and Fernshade, grew up without a father because Blizzardwing wanted to keep this a secret from his mate, Featherstorm. Now keep in mind a tom having kits from two different she-cats is not an unusual thing but it is frowned upon and a complicated thing. I belive it was Toadskip who had kits with Poolcloud and Nettlespot, I’m not sure, don’t fact check me on that. But Blackpaw is hut and upset that his father didn’t care about him enough to say, “hey, I’m your father by the way” If Blackfoot had known his father, then he could’ve been a better cat, knowing more than right from wrong. Not knowing his father lead him to sympathise with Brokenkit, which is again, another example of how good of a person Blackstar is. he see’s Brokenkit alone and is like “Oh I wonder if he’s lonely” and while Brokenpaw is, VERY evil from his birth it’s still good of Blackpaw to talk to him.
Anyway, after OOTS Blackstar continues to name his lost clanmates even though some were tratiors. Blackstar is a really good cat and leader, even though he followed his leaders when he knew it was wrong. he got a good redemption arc and I would like a super edition for him.
And that’s it! Thanks for reading! Come fight me in the comments!!!! Lightningpaw out!

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