Starclan and the Dark forest by Loonsong

Loonsong takes a look at StarClan and the Dark Forest.

Art by ninetail-fox

Hello, this is Loonsong, back again with another article. I have had a lot of time on my hands lately, so i have been really active on the blog. So i have written a few articles recently. This one, as you probably already noticed, is about Starclan, and the Dark Forest (the place of no stars) i hope you enjoy it!!

1) Introduction
As most of you already know, Starclan and the Dark Forest are places a cat (who believes in them) will go when their dead. If you are a Clan cat, and believe in them, then you will go to one of the two places when you die. Where you go, will depend on what happened in your life. If you were a good cat, you go to Starclan. If you were bad, you go to the Dark Forest. But although leaders receive nine lives from them, medicine cats speak to them, and cats receive prophecy from them, these two places are still, for the most part, a mystery.

2) Starclan
As the place where most cats end up, Starclan is usually the most talked about. It is usually described as a beautiful place, with clear, flowing rivers, tall trees, long grass, and lots of prey. It is a place where clan cats can all live together, the problems of the world of the living forgotten. Starclan is a place all cats wish to go too.

3) The Dark Forest
Also known as the place of no stars, The Dark Forest is usually the location of nightmares. Somewhere that Queens use to scare their kits out of making trouble. Most is unknown about this dark place. Usually described as a dark forest (duh) with blood-red rivers, tall, crooked trees that cast shadows on the ground, and dangers lurking behind every corner. Seeming to be a endless stretch of dark, misty land. A place where the worst cats go, to rot for eternity. The Dark Forest is a place that most cats dread.
Now, lets get onto the mysteries, the unknown, and the cats that maybe didn’t deserve where they were sent

1) Starclan Vs Dark Forest
Who would win, in the altimet battle of good vs evil? sure there was the great battle, but Starclan had the clans on their side. Who would win if it was just Starclan and the Dark Forest?

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