[a headshot of a smiling Lionblaze]

my favourite and least favourite cats and why by Lionclaw

Art by xxNightfirexx

Lionclaw ranks their favourite and least favourite characters

hi this is my first article and it is about my favourite and least favourite cats. This is my first article. So I hope you agree (Spoiler alert).

people don’t like this cat because he is horrible to Squirrelflight, but if he was that horrible to her she would choose Ashfur in broken code, so if he was that horrible she wouldn’t be so happy when he got his body back.

I liked him best in the first series.

She’s Such a cool villain, I love her.

she was so brave going to DF to spy, yes went there cuz she was jealous of Dovewing but what apprentice likes her littermate always going up to the leaders den to advise him.

he’s a nice easy going cat who is such a beloved elder, and in broken code I like takes over leadership when Squirrelflights in the DF.

Some people dislike her because of her and crowfeather but if it wasn’t for her my favourite cat wouldn’t be alive.

again nice easy going cat I don’t think anyone dislikes this cat I mean how could you.

like her mother, a very brave cat going into DF her life was so sad though, oh and poor Rootsping might never get mate and kits, well Ashfur will not have them either!

2. Whitestorm
What can I say, he didn’t show any resentment when Firestar/heart was chosen as deputy. I wish Whitestorm was chosen as deputy then he would have lived longer. I was so sad when he died.

1. Lionblaze
Why do people hate this cat? his gift in sign of the moon didn’t want his gift he’d rather be mates with Cinderheart and his powers stopped that, and he’s not selfish, anyway this is why I love this cat, he’s loyal, he’s kind, he was a great father, as some cat said he’d be. he’s powers are OP but how would you like Jayfeather looking into your mind seeing what your thinking I think that kinda creepy.

Now for my least favourite cats

I hate how this cat abandoned her clan to be with one of the most annoying warriors ever then when she’s asked to use her powers she gets all angry. Overall, annoying goody four paws.

he’s so annoying he wanted the DF to win then he was just forgiven when all really did was pull a stoat off Lionblaze. I think he is still evil.

3.Tigerstar 2
I hate this cat he accused Jayfearther of murder, when if it wasn’t for lion, holly, and jay he and he’s littermates would be in thunderclan or loners.

why people like this cat I don’t know Yellowfang and Longtail combined wouldn’t get as much love of this cat, the cats in book don’t why do readers I’m puzzled. Anyway he’s annoying, he snaps at everyone, the only funny thing this cat his said “oh no not you again” to Yellowfang.His powers are just creepy, and he’s just over-rated.

5.Clear sky
I hate how he takes Storm from Grey wing then he takes a mate from thunder I mean what has this cat got against other cats having mates!.

HE KILLED WHITESTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all I can say.

horrible cat she nasty to Blossomfall she makes her go to DF, she’s all cool in Greystripe’s manga but when she gets to the clans she acts like a senior warrior, so annoying I don’t understand people who like this cat.

she’s just too pushy.

what a mary sue.

10.Stone teller (not crag)
He kicks Stormfur out of the tribe and I love Stormfur. He’s number eleven on my list. Then when the clan cats come again he says the tribe helped them enough when the clans helped the tribe more than the tribe helped them.

That’s all for now bye.

Fan Articles


  • I don’t agree with you about bramblestar, just because squirrelflight was happy when he came back doesn’t mean he is a good leader or mate. I recommend you watch moonkittis video.

    Also, Dovewing gets “mad” when people tell her to use her powers because she doesn’t like spying on people. Also, why do you hate her for moving clans? She wanted to be with the cat she loved and her children. She said goodbye to her parents and sister, plus all of thunderclan, and left. Also, river spoilers, a LOT more cats are going to do that now.

  • I disagree with Dovewing. Dovewing didn’t “abandon” her clan. She did it so her kits could be safe and Dovewing never got angry when anyone asked her to use her powers.

  • Nice article, but I will have to politely disagree with some. Breezepelt isn’t actually evil, he got redeemed in Crowfeather’s Trial. And Clear Sky didn’t “steal” Storm from Gray Wing, Storm is free to love whoever she wants, and isn’t entitled to love Gray Wing. Hollyleaf I like in my opinion, but she’s a pretty controversial cat.
    I don’t like Bramblestar because he was abusive to Squirrelflight, but the authors just don’t realize that and keep on portraying him as a hero-and that’s why Squirrelflight is still with him. I think Firestar is boring, and Brackenfur too. Lionblaze is very boring too in my opinion, and there could have been a lot more done with him.
    I agree with Spottedleaf, Mapleshade, and Ivypool though!

    • Breezepelt….I will never forgive him OR even forget about his crimes. Just because he is redeemed does not mean we should all forget what all he did and justify his actions. His redemption is very poor and he is shown to be hypocritical in his behavior about his crimes. I also just dislike his personality. I never liked him, and probably always will.

  • I’m very sorry, but I politely disagree.
    Lionblaze has very little personality and we don’t even know if he was a good father. The traits loyal, kind, and not selfish are very generic and not unique at all.
    Also, Clear Sky never “took” Storm, or Star Flower from Thunder or Gray Wing. For Gray Wing, Clear Sky didn’t even know Gray Wing loved Storm, also, Storm is allowed to choose whoever she wants as a mate, she shouldn’t have to choose Gray Wing over Clear Sky if she doesn’t love Gray Wing.
    For Jayfeather, he’s grumpy, sarcastic, and stubborn but that’s who he is, it’s unique and interesting.
    Also, I believe Brackenfur, like Lionblaze, has little to no personality, his only traits are very generic, and could apply to any cat
    Also, Millie didn’t “make” Blossomfall train in the DF, she never meant it. Yes, she was an awful mother but Blossomfall was already an adult.

  • I just want to say corrected this article a while ago so the correction should be coming out some time soon

    • you clearly dont know how an abusive relationship works. Abuse is not always malicious, and Bramblestar thought he was right to treat her how he did. Not justified. Also, squirrelflight is a victim, but she does love him. He pushes away her needs, ignores her, manipulates her, guilt trips her, and often succeeds in controlling her. When he cant he threatens her. Whenever he is happy with her, he apologizes, but never fully takes the blame. He makes her life happy and he is loving when she obeys him. But as soon as she upsets him he punishes her, and then it repeats itself. She’s happy when he’s happy. THis is a perfect example of an abusive relationship

      • I agree with most of your points here. Bramblestar is abusive, but he’s not malicious. The problem with deputyxleader relationships is that the two have to be rock solid on where the line between personal and professional lies. Squirrelflight, for all her good intentions, was being a dishonest, insubordinate deputy. Bramblestar reasoned out that his deputy has to obey him and punished her as such. The problem with that is that Squirrelflight and Bramblestar are mates, so what he’s essentially done is punish his mate for disagreeing with him, and then he’s confused and angry later when she doesn’t seem to get the message. Because Squirrelflight is seeing it as a “my mate doesn’t get to give me orders” thing (and she’s right), while Bramblestar is seeing it as a “my deputy doesn’t get to decide Clan policy unilaterally” thing (and he’s also right, but only in a professional sense). Had they preemptively agreed upon a separation of the personal and professional, this behavior would have been acceptable, but because they haven’t, that makes Bramblestar an abusive mate. This is further confirmed in an author statement, I think by Kate, where it’s said that Bramblestar was having difficulty walking the line between leader and mate in SqH. That’s not a excuse for his behavior-it’s wrong-but it’s more proof that abuse doesn’t have to be malicious or even intentional to exist.


    • There is no need to yell, and everyone can have an opinion. Lionclaw may think that Lionblaze is cool, but you don’t. You don’t have to yell at him for disliking Jayfeather and liking Lionblaze. Not just your opinion matters on these characters. Sorry if this comes off as rude.