[a headshot of a smiling Lionblaze]

my favourite and least favourite cats and why by Lionclaw

Art by xxNightfirexx

Lionclaw ranks their favourite and least favourite characters

hi this is my first article and it is about my favourite and least favourite cats. This is my first article. So I hope you agree (Spoiler alert).

people don’t like this cat because he is horrible to Squirrelflight, but if he was that horrible to her she would choose Ashfur in broken code, so if he was that horrible she wouldn’t be so happy when he got his body back.

I liked him best in the first series.

She’s Such a cool villain, I love her.

she was so brave going to DF to spy, yes went there cuz she was jealous of Dovewing but what apprentice likes her littermate always going up to the leaders den to advise him.

he’s a nice easy going cat who is such a beloved elder, and in broken code I like takes over leadership when Squirrelflights in the DF.

Some people dislike her because of her and crowfeather but if it wasn’t for her my favourite cat wouldn’t be alive.

again nice easy going cat I don’t think anyone dislikes this cat I mean how could you.

like her mother, a very brave cat going into DF her life was so sad though, oh and poor Rootsping might never get mate and kits, well Ashfur will not have them either!

2. Whitestorm
What can I say, he didn’t show any resentment when Firestar/heart was chosen as deputy. I wish Whitestorm was chosen as deputy then he would have lived longer. I was so sad when he died.

1. Lionblaze
Why do people hate this cat? his gift in sign of the moon didn’t want his gift he’d rather be mates with Cinderheart and his powers stopped that, and he’s not selfish, anyway this is why I love this cat, he’s loyal, he’s kind, he was a great father, as some cat said he’d be. he’s powers are OP but how would you like Jayfeather looking into your mind seeing what your thinking I think that kinda creepy.

Now for my least favourite cats

I hate how this cat abandoned her clan to be with one of the most annoying warriors ever then when she’s asked to use her powers she gets all angry. Overall, annoying goody four paws.

he’s so annoying he wanted the DF to win then he was just forgiven when all really did was pull a stoat off Lionblaze. I think he is still evil.

3.Tigerstar 2
I hate this cat he accused Jayfearther of murder, when if it wasn’t for lion, holly, and jay he and he’s littermates would be in thunderclan or loners.

why people like this cat I don’t know Yellowfang and Longtail combined wouldn’t get as much love of this cat, the cats in book don’t why do readers I’m puzzled. Anyway he’s annoying, he snaps at everyone, the only funny thing this cat his said “oh no not you again” to Yellowfang.His powers are just creepy, and he’s just over-rated.

5.Clear sky
I hate how he takes Storm from Grey wing then he takes a mate from thunder I mean what has this cat got against other cats having mates!.

HE KILLED WHITESTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s all I can say.

horrible cat she nasty to Blossomfall she makes her go to DF, she’s all cool in Greystripe’s manga but when she gets to the clans she acts like a senior warrior, so annoying I don’t understand people who like this cat.

she’s just too pushy.

what a mary sue.

10.Stone teller (not crag)
He kicks Stormfur out of the tribe and I love Stormfur. He’s number eleven on my list. Then when the clan cats come again he says the tribe helped them enough when the clans helped the tribe more than the tribe helped them.

That’s all for now bye.

Fan Articles


  • i disagree with bramblestar. their relationship is abusive, and typically the abused would still go back to their abuser if they do not realize what is wrong. Ashfur was also a terrible cat. Neither of them are good.
    i also disagree with jayfeather. he is grumpy because of all the ableism directed at him. He was pushed down and forced into doing something he’d never wanted- I’d be upset if I was in his situation. And dovewing, she was literally a young teen when she realized she had powers, ofc shes gonna be whiny. thats how teens are. Plus, shes happy now. imo it was a better decision for her to go to sc than stay in tc

  • Favorite cats:
    1. Firestar because he did so much for each Clan saved WindClan in exile, saved RiverClan from starvation, got rid of Brokenstar for ShadowClan, rebuilt SkyClan and honered StarClan.
    2. Graywing he is just such a great cat I still cry about his death 😭
    3. Bristlefrost she is an amazing character I was in tears (a lot!) when she died she defintely derserves to be a light in the mist
    4. Swiftpaw I was so sad when he died he should have been made a warrior! ( come on Bluestar!! 😠😠😠😠😠!!) he deserves to be called Swiftspirit
    5. Lightning Tail ( I did not forget about him!) he didn’t derserve to die so young! 😠
    6. Thunderstar He is a great leader and has been through so much
    only 1 quote I promise: Graywing: I will be your father now. I love it!
    7. Mothflight Because I love her!
    8. Micha for showing kittypets can be imprtant and for having kits with mothflight!
    Least favorite cats
    1. Reedshine she stole Appledusk from Mapleshade!
    2. Appledusk he blames Mapleshade!
    3. Tigrestar 2 so arogant!
    4. One eye so mean!
    5. Slash for working with and with one eye and capturing balck ear
    6. Redclaw for killing Micha! and leading pack of dogs to camp where there was little kittens!
    ASHFUR!!!!! he is so bad mean I feel so sorry for squirrelflight I HATE ASHFUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

    • Reedshine didn’t know about Appledusk’s affair. It’s kind of sad she forgave him though, he cheated on her and only admitted when he was caught. She deserved better.
      About Red Claw, wasn’t he running away? I think he reached the camp for safety and didn’t think that the dogs would go after him. But I’m no Dawn of the Clans reader.
      I agree with you on Ashfur. Ashfur is an abusive incel, thank Bristlefrost so much for finishing him off.

  • Nice article! I can’t disagree on some though. With me, Jayfeather had his reasons to growl, but you could only know what the reasons were by looking from his perspective. When you didn’t look from his perspective all you knew was he was snapping at cats for no reason.

    I like how you’ve included Bone! Bone! I hate bone for one reason, your reason!
    I like Mapleshade too! She had her good fair reasons, but sometimes just took them too far.

  • I’ve changed my mind on Bramblestar Leopedstar is now in his place as I have just read A Shadow In Riverclan and when this article was written I hadn’t read Squirrelflight’s hope

  • 🌊Streampaw of MoonClan, apprentice to Blossomtail! Happy Easter, everyone!🌊 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

    (1) Nice article! I disagree with some of your points, though.

    1. When Squirrelflight went back to Bramblestar, she was most likely going back to him because (a) she was happy to have a Clanmate back and hopeful for the Ashfur catastrophe. As we can see in Squirrelflight’s Hope, she and Bramblestar have major disagreements, and Bramblestar not only embarrasses her in front of the other Clans but also yells at her and belittles her. Also, Bramblestar’s ambition is rather frightening, and when he became deputy it felt like all the good things about him were going away.

    2. As for Leafpool, I dislike her because she ultimately brought most of tPoT’s drama, and it’s creepy how she spied on Crowfeather. She was also majorly ableist to Jayfeather, and wasn’t the best mentor: Jayfeather often mentioned in his POV that Leafpool seemed distant/distracted. Lastly, Leafpool seems to pity herself for everything even though it was her fault. She also seems a bit rushed – though I liked her in Midnight and Moonrise, that liking vanished as soon as she suddenly kept thinking about having a mate.

    3. With Lionblaze, though many of the things you’ve said are correct, he also has a lot of negative traits that overpower his good characteristics, in my opinion. Especially as an apprentice, he’s pretty judgemental of his Clanmates, and in a bad way. He relies on his power and is rather arrogant: thinking to himself that he’s the best fighter (although he was) which is not just overconfident but close-minded. He’s also selfish sometimes and reckless.

  • 🌊Streampaw of MoonClan, apprentice to Blossomtail! Happy Easter, everyone!🌊 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:


    4. *prepares to defend Dovewing*
    First of all, leaving a Clan isn’t being disloyal, though you didn’t say this. By leaving her Clan, Dovewing had the chance to reflect on her loyalties. She found her love interest, Tigerstar 2, more important than her Clan… which is okay! You shouldn’t force a cat to be loyal to someone or something they don’t want to. Also, she didn’t abandon her Clan, since ThunderClan already had a bunch of strong, talented warriors who could fill in for her, a great example of her intelligence, foresight, and decision-making skills! She’s not annoying to me, but then again, annoying depends on your standards of it, so I can’t argue if that’s your opinion. She’s not a goody four-paws, nor is she perfect. She snuck out at night to see Sedgewhisker, though, according to her Clanmates, she should’ve stayed back. She is a very self-conscious and self-doubtful cat who doesn’t want to have her powers, she wants to fit in, which is normal!

    5. As for Breezepelt, you’re right when you say that a lot of his actions were evil and he can’t be forgiven. But keep in mind that Breezpelt had a rather traumatic past: never knowing his siblings, having an overprotective mother and neglectant father, watching three apprentices and their ‘parents’ and how talented they are, only to find out that his father is the dad of those kits and was mates with a ThunderClan medicine cat. Not just this, but you feel like you’re doing good when you train in the Dark Forest. At a young age, a lot of things were confusing for Breezepelt, and I can’t exactly blame him! However, what’s important is that after the DF battle, his inner kindness pulled through and helped him realize that what he was fighting for was wrong. He tried to be a better warrior and was aware that even if his Clanmates couldn’t forgive him, he would show them the goodness inside, even if it didn’t seem that way! I defend him because of this.

  • 🌊Streampaw of MoonClan, apprentice to Blossomtail! Happy Easter, everyone!🌊 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

    6. The last cat in this terribly long and messy rant! Jayfeather! It seems like he snapped at everyone, I know it does, but that’s not the truth. This is mainly when he’s an apprentice and is feeling the peak of a lot of his Clanmates’ ableism and pity for him, and still struggling to figure out his powers. A lot of stress was on him to be a medicine cat at this time, and while I’m not saying that it’s okay to lash out at everyone, it’s understandable. Although his powers might seem creepy, he uses them in a good way (most of the time). He saved Poppypaw with them and helped countless other cats. He’s quite underrated, as most of the ‘unpopular opinions’, and ‘cats I dislike’ articles have ‘I dislike Jayfeather’ included in them. He is grumpy in a good way, has a soft side, and ultimately grew out of his snappiness, which caused him to become such a more developed and better medicine cat! He can be very kind and considerate towards others, and people should give him a chance!