Kpop songs as warrior cats – by Deerpool

Deerpool compares characters from the series to k-pop songs.BTS Named Louis Vuitton's Newest House Ambassadors

Hello! I’m Deerpool. And I am a huge warrior cat fan! But I also love kpop.
Kpop and warrior cats are my two favorite things, and since that is true, I thought I’d write an article about both!

So today, I’ll be putting warrior cats with kpop songs. Let’s get started!


On the Ground – Rose (from blackpink)

I put her with this song because of how heartbroken she felt when Stemleaf turned her down, and how she found happiness relising that who she was meant to be with was Rotspring. If you think she’d go well with another song, let me know!

How you like that – Blackpink

I put Squirrelflight with this song because… well… I feel like when she dumped Ashfur she was like “how u like that, that that that.”
LOL. I also feel like she would say this when Ashfur was finally defeated and she was finally free from him .

Love Scenario – iKon

I think this really fits him well because of how in love he was with Bristlefrost when they were just ‘paws, and how he kind of felt hurt when she temporarily turned him down.

Can’t you see me? – Tomorrow X Together

This fits him sooooo well. Because when Squirrelflight started to slowly dump him he felt really ignored and betrayed by her because she loved Brambleclaw and not him. Do you guys agree?

Russian Roulette – Red velvet

I mean, this makes sense. In the Russian Roulette MV, it looks so cute and innocent and it’s actually a dark game. Like how no one expected Sol to be bad. That kind of thing.

Blood, Sweat, Tears – BTS

I think this makes scese because she poured her blood sweat and tears into her relationship with Appledusk, and for her to just get heartbroken by him in the end.

I think another song would go great with Bristlefrost,, so here it is:

Loved you – Bae173

I feel like this one goes good with her as well because of how much she loved stemleaf, but then realized that it was just a crush.

Daydream – J-hope

I put him as this song because of the dream he had of ruling all the clans, and although he succeeded, he was defeated in the end.

That’s all for now!! thank you for reading my article, and if you haven’t heard some of those songs, I hope I have encouraged you to listen to them! Bye! <3

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