Nilestream points out a trend in the parenting of kits in the series.
There really is a problem in Warrior cats that the kits rarely have their father in their lives.And then for example some cats we didn’t even know who their father was because they never really had a relationship.Then later told by the authors that it’s canon and most of the time fans were confused .Not even their mothers really showed signs to have a mate unless told in the for instance we didn’t know who Brindle faces kits father was until we were told it was White storm but he never showed signs that he had a mate or even kits.And then became mates with Willow pelt not even did we know that most of the cats in the clan were made by Willow pelt.
And other relationships she had even willing to try having kits with Patch pelt her own brother .But aside from that we see that Fern song is really the only father that doesn’t only show love for his mate and her safety but his kits as well .And really had the passion that a father that is sometimes relatable has for his young.Even willing to embarrass himself by being with them in the nursery .Unlike Dust pelt for another thing sorry if i get this wrong but i see him adoring Fern cloud more than his kits .So for now we have Fern song as the best mate and father in the entire series .Which is a huge role and thats why hes right now my favorite .
By the way can we also right now ask why did for some reason we didn’t see Frost fur .In a huge outbreak of pain or at least someone could have told Fire heart that Lion heart was Frost furs mate so she must have been devastated.Its what I sorta wish would happen in the first few books i mean we only got a full on understandable and more canon knowing that Graystripe was the father of Feathertail and Storm fur .By the way I know there are more best fathers in the books im only naming one .For the time being by the way Graystripe does sorta kinda belong there only because he was worried about Feather tail and Storm fur .But still he told Jayfeather if it came to Millie or the kits then to just let the kits die .And was only thinking about Millie which isn’t wrong but still the young unborn kits didn’t deserve to die if that was the case.
Great Article!!
Me I love cheetahs:)
Toms are honestly treated as jerks in this series more than she-cats, which rubs me to wrong way. There are a lot of male villains and few female ones, toms are usually the ones being bad and doing wrong in a relationship, and it’s more likely for kits to have a neglecting father than mother.
Agree with you Ember.
Great article! I like the way it was written and I totally agree with you ✌️
I love the name 🙂
great article
I agree! Fernsong is a really good father. And most likely the proudest.
Amazing job! Totally agree!
Fair Point, And I DO Wish There Was More Interactions Between Toms And Thier Kits, But Alot Of People Say That “There Is No In Book Interaction Between Parents And Kits, They MUST Hate Eachother, Which Is Wrong..
But We DO Need More Caring Fathers Like Fernsong Or Gray Wing Or Something
Great article but Shellheart, Firestar, Crookedstar, Oakheart, Lionblaze and Cloudtail were good fathers! Firestar was just scared for Squirrelpaw. Still, respect your opinion.
Well Nile, the mother most likely plays a role for the Kits cause she nurses them and stays in the Nursery with them, and yes, your right, the father doesn’t play as big a role, but they’re still important to the Kits. The father helps them grow into warrior duties like hunting and fighting. The father protects them. And some fathers have to play both roles like Mudfur. Both the father and mother play important roles. It’s unfair to say ALL warrior fathers don’t play a role in their kits life. BUT y’know some fathers hardly even speak to their kits… (Lookin’ at you Spiderleg)
Gray wing was a good father. Waaaaaay better then Tom.
Well I find it ironic that Silverstream told Greystripe to take care of the kits ( Feathertail and Stormfur) and Feathertail got killed in the process of killing Sharptooth and Stormfur went to live with the Tribe of Rushing Water. Still, he did his best I guess