[a full-body design of One Eye with his front claws unsheathed]

My top 5 most hated characterś in Warriors (A little bonus ranking) by Rivermist

Rivermist lists characters they hate from the series.

Art by theDawnmist

I’m sure you know the jist by now. It’s characters I hate, you may or may not agree to this list but these are cats I think are downright awful. I do not like these cats but I think it is okay if you do! We all have differing opinions and that is ok, no hate here.

1. One Eye (Dawn Of The Clans)
I think he is the most hateable character in the series, he marks everyone with his claws, he segregates poor sick cats for just being sick. He almost kills Sparrow Fur and as much as I do like that he is dead, brutally murders Tom in front of his own kit. I see no value in his character except I love his daughter.

2. Tom (Dawn Of The Clans)
You can tell I hate a lot of characters from this series, it is my favorite arc. Don’t even get me started on him, he scars Turtle Tail, he brutally “play fights” with her, and steals her kits. When she was trying to get her kits, she got run over! He is a big bully and deserves no fans of his character.

3. Thistleclaw (Bluestar’s Prophecy & Spottedleaf’s Heart)
I think we all know why this is here, he gr**ms (o,o) Spottedleaf and forces her to become a medicine cat against her own will, he keeps Bluestar from seeing her nephew just because they hate each other and he mentors the series main big baddie Tigerstar. He was the one that made Tigerstar the ruthless leader he is. He also indirectly caused Scourge because he forced Tigerpaw to attack him.

4. Onestar (The New Prophecy onward)
This is mainly because they completely just ruined his character by giving him a different ruthless personality that Onewhisker would never have. Onewhisker as a character would never leave Smoke and make a kittypet son (Darktail). Also because of him having this secret son, it causes him to get killed. He also was unnecessarily hard on Crowfeather.

5. Dawnpelt (Power of Three)
For this one is a simple scene, it is because she accused the blind medicine cat of killing her brother on the ice. How would you look at a blind doctor and accuse them of killing your brother, you wouldn’t, it’s stupid, Dawnpelt is stupid.

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  • Quailpaw( fur/star) , she-cat |ThunderClan|Avatar: The Last Airbender and warrior cats fan says:

    I would add Tigerstar 1; he killed loads of my favourite cats. I disagree with Dawnpelt because her brother DIED, you wouldn’t not accuses someone would you, if someone you loved DIES. I also totally agree with Onestar. I loved OneWHISKER a lot, but one reason that I hate OneSTAR of is that 3 patrols attack with RiverClan in Eclipse. And I liked Blackstar a lot then. I also agree with you Wolfbite. Anyways, guys try to think about if someone you loved DIED. You’d feel like Dawnpelt, so it’s not her fault she’s angry as Jayfeather could have saved him

    • I’m not sure if you meant Dawnpelt thought Jayfeather could’ve saved Flametail, but I’ll still point this out- there is no way he could have saved Flametail. Imagine you are blind, don’t know how to swim, are in a freezing cold lake, and are trying to drag out another, unconscious person about your size. If Rock hadn’t told Jayfeather to get out, they’d both have drowned.

  • Great article! I only disagree with Dawnpelts thing. She was maddened by grief and anger, consider that her brother died, Her other brother keeps mysteriously dissapearing (with Dovewing) and her parents are busy, (her father is deputy and her mother is grieving too) and while they DO provide some support, it’s not enough to keep Dawnpelt from temporary madness. I do respect your opinion and sorry to the mod who has to moderate this comment 🙂

  • Awesome article! I agree with the Onestar one. He was just a normal cat and one day he SUDDENLY turned crazy and evil. It was so sudden. But I think I would do the same thing as Dawnpelt if I was grieving and super angry. I’m pretty sure Jayfeather would have done the same thing if Lionblaze was killed and Dawnpelt was right next to him while he was dying.

  • 🌊✨💖 Streampaw is impatiently waiting for summer! Feather x Crow forever! 🌊✨💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

    Amazing article! I agree with all of these, except for Dawnpelt. I haven’t actually read DotC – but based on what everyone says here about Tom and One Eye, I definitely don’t like them. Thistleclaw, I feel, had no reason whatsoever to be the evil, ruthless cat he was (everyone treated him kindly and he didn’t really experience any hardships) and I hate him for the way he treated others. Onestar’s character development as a leader is very confusing and I almost see him and his warrior self as different characters. Dawnpelt, however, was stricken with grief and she probably didn’t mean to lash out. Great points!

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