Why Goldenflower Needs A Super Edition by Pearlshine

Art by ClimbToTheStars

Pearlshine argues that Goldenflower deserves a Super Edition

Hi there! It’s me, Pearlshine. How are you doing today? Good, I hope? Let me know in the comments!

Today, we’ll be discussing why Goldenflower needs a Super Edition all to herself. Grab a snack, get comfy (or read on-the-go) and let’s begin!

So what do we know about Goldenflower? Well, she’s a ThunderClan warrior, and mother of Tigerstar/claw’s kits, Bramblekit/claw/star and Tawnykit/pelt. Later on, we find out her mate had kits with Sasha, but as far as I know she doesn’t know that. (fun fact: she’s also the mother of Patchpelt’s kits, Lynxkit and Swiftpaw!) In Bluestar’s Prophecy, we also see that she’s friends with Bluestar and her deceased sister, Snowfur. She’s not too important, but we see quite a bit of her.

But when Tawnypaw leaves, we only see Goldenflower grieving in the background.

And not only that, her mate did so many awful things! And we don’t even see her pain. (We could if we had a Super Edition..hint hint 😜)

But seriously though, I really wish we could see how she feels about this whole ordeal. Pretty much the only thing we get out of her is, “I understand how you feel. Your eyes have always betrayed your heart. But these are my kits, and I will die to protect them if I have to. I’m afraid for them, Fireheart. The Clan will never forgive Tigerclaw—nor should they. But Bramblekit and Tawnykit have done nothing wrong, and I will not let them be punished because of Tigerclaw.” And, yeah, but I’m really bummed we don’t see much more detail about her feelings than that.

And we don’t see much of a relationship between her and Tigerclaw, either! Like, I didn’t even know they were mates until the whole Bramblekit/Tawnykit thing happened and they were born. Maybe even when she’s in StarClan (as an epilogue, perhaps?) we could see her discovering that Tigerstar just got over her and had kits with Sasha (who then left him because he’s just evil.) And even though we can’t expect a cat like him to mourn for too long, it still must have hurt. (IF she still cared about him, anyways. My opinion is that she was still super angry at him, pretty much despised him, but deep down inside her she still has a tiny ember of love left for him.)

Anyways, that’s my opinion! This is the second article I’ve submitted, so if there’s anything you think I should do better with in my future submissions, let me know!

This was Pearlshine, signing out!

Fan Articles


  • Great article! That is great thoughts.. Goldenflower’s Super Edition or Novella will be really interesting.

  • Great article! That is great thoughts.. Goldenflower’s Super Edition or Novella will be really interesting. But another cats such as Leafpool, Cinderpelt, Ashfur, Needletail, and Rowanclaw/star might need one. I am not sure but one of cats I mentioned might already have a Super Edition or Novella.

    • Leafpool has a super edition already, Leafpool’s Wish. :3 But I agree with the others!

  • Hi I think that you are so right about Goldenflower. Why don’t you try and make your own version of Goldenflower’s story. I would love to read it 🙂 !

  • Hi I think that you are so right about Goldenflower. Why don’t you try and make your own version of Goldenflower’s story. I would REALLY love to read it 🙂 !

  • Why don’t you try and make your own version of Goldenflower’s story. I would REALLY love to read it 🙂 !

  • Quailpaw( fur/star) , she-cat |ThunderClan|Avatar: The Last Airbender and warrior cats fan( UkraineSupporter) says:

    I AGREE AMAZING ARTICLE! I might make a book idk because she really needs a super edition/novella. I can only imagine her pain of: Swiftpaw’s death. Tigerstar’s treachery. Tawnypelt leaving ThunderClan. And probably a lot more.

  • Yeah I’m pretty sure people only reading the first arc would be surprised that Goldenflower and Tigerstar 1 were mates until she had kits. It happens to everyone. Also, great article!

  • I totally agree with this article! There’s this vid on Youtube called Goldenflower 18 hour Map or something (with the song Rises the Moon) and it made me want a Goldenflower super edition in the first place. Warning: In the vid there is a bit of blood in certain scenes.

  • Great Article! I agree, it would be interesting to see a Super Edition or Novella from Goldenflower’s perspective!

  • I like the idea! I think Goldenflower is a great character to make a novella out of and seeing how she reacts about Sasha would be an interesting moment.

  • I used to like Tigerclaw, because he kind of reminded me of Scar from Lion King, and also he was a good fighter and such, UNTIL I read Redtail’s Debt. Now I hate him and is a nincinpoop. I hate him. Goldenflower was MATES with him! He was evil. She went through so much, and she deserves a super edition. Even a novella and I’d be happy. She did not deserve what that meanie did to her! Mapleshade was bad too, but I like her! She’s my favorite villain. But Tigerstar, meh, he deserves endless PAIN.

  • I totally agree. We’ve gotten Super Editions from a lot of characters who’ve already had a POV in the main series, and all of them are the more important or wildly known and regarded cats of the series. It would be great to get something from an important side character, and Goldenflower’s POV would be fascinating. At least a novella from her would be great.