Dawnspirit takes a look at genetics in the Warriors series.

So this article is about Warrior cat genetics! I’m very good in everything cats and genetics is just one of them! By the way, requests are always welcome. You can ask what color kits your OCs might have. Anyways, let’s begin!
Firestar x Sandstorm: As we all know, Firestar is a red (ginger/orange) cat. Sandstorm is a cream cat. Now, there’s this gene called the dilute gene which changes the color of black and red cats. So a red cat will turn into a cream cat if it has the dilute gene, and black cats will turn into blue (gray) cats with the dilute gene. Diluted colors are recessive (weaker) to non-dilute colors.
Okay, so if two genetically red cats mate, all of their kits will be red like them. If they carry the dilute gene, the kits can be cream too.
Now, two solid (non-tabby like black cats) cats will only have solid kits bc recessive (weaker) genes can only have recessive genes. Oh, and to have a kit with white markings, one of their parents must have white markings too. From what we have seen in Warrior cats, Firestar and Sandstorm are both solid cats. This means Leafpool’s color is impossible. This also means Squirrelflight’s color is impossible too. Both of them must be red or cream. Likely red.
Leopardfoot x Pinestar: Like mentioned above, 2 solid cats can’t have a tabby kit. So Tigerstar has to be black like his mom, or chocolate like his dad. Chocolate cats are very rare so he’d probably be a black cat.
Leafpool x Crowfeather: Since Leafpool has no red on her and Crowfeather is black, their kits cannot be anything other than black or blue. This means Lionblaze is impossible. However, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf are possible. Jayfeather is blue tabby which is just a diluted black tabby. Also, brown tabbies are genetically black. They should be called black tabbies.
Tigerstar x Goldenflower: Bramblestar is impossible as male kits only get colors from their mother. This means he will be red. Tawnypelt, if tortoiseshell, is possible. Unless she’s calico, then she’s impossible.
Dovewing x Tigerheart: Shadowsight, Pouncestep and Lightleap are all possible. This is considering that Dovewing is a blue cat. Shadowsight and Pouncestep are both blue tabbies whilst Lightleap is a black tabby like her dad.
Whitewing x Birchfall: Soo this is a hard one. For this, Whitewing must be masking a genetically black color. If she was masking red, both the kits would be torties (tortoiseshells). BTW white masks a color. White is the absence of color, its not actually a color. I think that both Dovewing and Ivypool are possible but take this with a grain of salt.
Lionblaze x Cinderheart: So, they had 6 kits. Let’s start with Fernsong. Fernsong is a red tabby which is impossible as Lionblaze is solid red and Cinderheart is solid blue. He would be black or blue like his mother.
Great article!!
Totally agree! I especially never thought about the LeafpoolxCrowfeather! Lionblaze is not possible! I really enjoyed this article so so so much!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱
Cool article! I don’t know anything about genetics, so this was an interesting read!
whitewing hides the color orange or brown ( brightheart is orange) (cloudtails mother is brown)
Tbh Ashfur x Whitewing is really possible, Ashfurs closest friends are Cloudtail , Whitewinng , and Birchfall. (judgeing on the time spent together ). Whiewings closest friends were Ashfur and Birchfall. ( Ashfur first because they showed romantic feeling for each other when they were together training Lionpaw and Icepaw.
Ashfur and Whitewing are second cousins, unfortunately :[
[brindleface, ashfur’s mother, and frostfur, whitewing’s grandmother, are siblings, making Ashfur and Brightheart cousins]
In Warriors, cats don’t really think about relations like we do. For example, Ivypool and Fernsong are related, Sparkpelt and Larksong are related, Dustpelt and Ferncloud are related, etc. Even Whitewing and Birchfall are related (Whitewing’s grandmother is Frostfur, who is Brindleface’s sister, whose grandson is Birchfall). Even though kin is an important factor in the Warrior’s world, it doesn’t seem to be important regarding choosing mates, making Ashfur and Whitewing a possible pairing.
That would make sense to where some of envy came from
Great article!
Great article! I love it! I study a lot about genetics and I LOVE it its so cool!
Great Article!!
Did you know Spider Leg would be black but Shrew Paw would be a blue broken makerl tabby longhair?
Yeeeeahhh the genetics are a bit messed up in Warriors (especially with some related cats having kits together 😅). I’m glad someone actually broke down the science here. It was a very nice article.
I Loved the article! Always thought about cat genetics!
Hi, and great article. My OC is a dark gray tom with darker stripes and icy blue eyes.
My mate is a solid ginger she-cat with orange eyes.
Do you know what color our kits would be?
What would happen if a red-brown she-cat (Like Acorn Fur) mated with a cream tom with black stripes (Like Longtail)?