Orangepelt explains why they think Mapleshade and Appledusk should go to StarClan and the Dark Forest respectively.

Hello! Today I am going to talk about Mapleshade and Appledusk and why Mapleshade deserves Starclan and Appledusk deserves the Dark forest. Now let’s get started! Mapleshade and Appledusk were at first mates but when Thunderclan found out they exiled Mapleshade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Which is unfair because Leafpool got away with it!!!!) Then Mapleshade and her kits went to the river to get to Riverclan but Mapleshade’s kits drowned because Appledusk did not help!!!!! Then he blamed Mapleshade when it was his fault that Mapleshade’s kits died!!!! And it gets worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He makes the Riverclan leader exile Mapleshade and gets a new mate!!!!!!!
And then Mapleshade started seeing visions of her kits begging her to kill Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk!!!!!! Then later she goes to the Dark forest when she dies INSTEAD OF STARCLAN!!!!!!!!!! Mapleshade did go a little over the top at the Dark forest but she did have a point unlike Tigerstar who is evil and nothing else!!!!! AND APPLEDUSK GETS TO BE LAZY IN STARCLAN!!!!!!!
Mapleshade was happy when she went to the Dark forest because she would see cats that understand her reason to kill Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk. She would be even more happy if she went to Starclan with her kits and got to hunt with her kits and feel happy all the time instead of going mad in the Dark forest!!!!!!!
Now time to go through Mapleshade and Appledusk’s good and bad things!!!
First the good things!!!
Mapleshade: Loves her kits.
Appledusk: No good things about him!!!!
Now the bad things!!!!
Mapleshade: None
Appledusk: He hates Mapleshade!!!!!!
So Mapleshade needs to go to Starclan and Appledusk needs to go to the Dark forest!!!! Mapleshade is much better then Appledusk because,
1. He does not love his kits and Mapleshade does.
2. He is evil and Mapleshade is not.
3. He blames Mapleshade when it is his fault that Mapleshade’s kits died.
4. He should not be in Starclan.
So Mapleshade is not evil and Appledusk is!!!!!!!!!! Appledusk is 100% evil!!!!!!!!!!!
Appledusk fans and Mapleshade haters please don’t shout at me but if you think Appledusk is good you are so wrong!!!!! Appledusk is evil and should rot in the Dark forest!!!!!!!
Sorry if I sounded rude but really Appledusk is evil and lots of people love him which is crazy!!!!
Bye for now,
Everything is Appledusk’s fault! It was HIS fault the kits died, it was HIS fault that Mapleshade went insane, and it was HIS fault that Mapleshade now lies in the Dark Forest. Anyway, I am not a Mapleshade lover, but I don’t hate her either. Same with Appledusk. Now, the BrightXCloudship? That’s a different story, and I ADORE that!
But still. Respect people’s opinions, BlogClan. They have a voice too.
– Aspenpaw
Totally agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Real!Besides Appledusk being just a decorative character because he didn’t do anything good in the story!!!!!and Appledusk fans being quite annoying and sickening, we also won’t forget the fact that Mapleshade even killed cats on the orders of his kits,Different from Appledushitk :DDDDD
I literally cannot be more surprised that this is literally (well probably) the exact same thing I would say lol,
Anyway, it’s SO TRUE!!! AppleDusk just sucks in general, I actually fantasize that the Erin’s were gonna make him evil then some notes or something got mixed up and they wrote AppleDusk as good, and they were to far gone to change it but they already had his character built and such so then this happened, if only it were true…
But anyway GREAT article I agree with you on extreme levels
So true, I hate Appledusk.