[Mapleshade lays on a tree branch with a insidious smile]

Is Mapleshade Really Evil? by Brightmoon

Brightmoon decides once and for all if Mapleshade really deserved to go to the Dark Forest.

Artwork by Lunarkisa

Meow! My name is Brightmoon and this is my second article. Today I want to put my paw down and decide if Mapleshade really deserved to go to the Dark Forest. Enjoy!

So, I know what most of you are thinking, “Obviously Mapleshade is evil and deserved everything that she got.” But I want to get down to the facts and decide. I know everyone will have different opinions and please state them in the comments. Let’s get started and talk about what happened first. Mapleshade should not have become mates with Appledusk.

They should not have because they were from different Clans and just about every Clan relationship in Clan history has blown up in smoke. But love is love and all that mushy stuff and it’s not her fault. Next thing. WHY IN THE STARCLAN’S NAME WOULD OAKSTAR KICK OUT A QUEEN AND HER KITS?! I mean seriously!

“I have given ThunderClan three fine kits. I am a queen and I should be treated with respect.” ~ Mapleshade “Mapleshade’s Vengeance”

Next on the agenda, it is not Mapeshades fault that the kits drowned in the river. She couldn’t have known that the river would flood and sweep them away. Yes, she could have just waited but she was desperate and Appledusk was one of the only cats she had left. Though none of this would have happened if OAKSTAR hadn’t KICKED THEM OUT! Also Appledusk is the WORST MATE EVER!!!

This is Appledusk’s fault too in a way. While Mapleshade thinks that he loves her in ThunderClan he is mating with another cat in RiverClan behind her back. That is basically CHEATING! I need a moment to calm down. *Moment of silence* Anyway, in summary, it is not Mapleshade’s fault, it is Appledusk and RiverClan’s fault.

I mean, Darkstar literally refused shelter to a grieving queen and let Appledusk stay. I wonder what she would have decided if Mapleshade still had the kits with her. Hmm. Next let’s talk about the cats that Mapleshade killed to avenge her kits. First up is Ravenwing, the cat that told ThunderClan his suspicions about Mapleshade’s kits.

Ravenwing had received an omen about a river bringing three cats into ThunderClan that didn’t belong there. As he watched the kits play in the river and how Appledusk acted he guessed that they were half RiverClan and that Appledusk was the father. So he told Oakstar and the Oakstar kicked them out. Many people would argue that Ravenwing was just serving hisClan and wasn’t trying to ruin Mapleshade’s life. I actually agree with that, if I was Ravenwing I would have told Oakstar.

I don’t think he knew that Oakstar would kick out Mapleshade like that but I don’t know what he had expected. Larchkit was avenged and then she went after Frecklewish because Mapleshade believed that Frecklewish saw but didn’t try to save her kits. Frecklewish did see them but also saw the RiverClan patrol and thought that the kits were saved. I’m not sure if Frecklewish is innocent or not because many of you say that maybe she couldn’t swim or something and I agree. But she actually broke the warrior code because she did that.

When she killed Frecklewish Petalkit was avenged and then she turned to Appledusk. She killed him and he deserved it, no complants on that one. Then she died from some severe claw wounds and ended up in the Dark Forest. I feel bad because she never got to go to StarClan and see her kits. She didn’t kill cats for her own ambitions, she was driven by grief and wanted revenge.

She had a reason, there is a difference. Then later she kind of destroyed Crookedstar life in a way but once more, she did it because of revenge. Then MANY seasons ago in the battle with the Dark Forest she attempted to kill Sandstorm and ended up killing Spottedleaf instead. She was trying to kill Sandstorm because seasons in the Dark Forest rotted her heart and because Sandstorm had the life she had wanted.

To sum it all up I don’t think that she really “deserved” to go to the Dark Forest but after a while she did. It was because of her actions to the grief that she went to the Dark Forest. She was basically a loyal ThunderClan warrior who fell in love with a RiverClan cat. Bye!

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  • But couldn’t she have crossed into Riverclan by the twoleg bridge? If not at Fourtrees? That’s neutral territory. She should’ve thought of that. Anyways, great article!!!