Dapplebright wonders what a Warrior Cats show on Netflix would look like.
Hey Bloggers, Dapplebright typing here! This is my first article ever. Warriors Cats: The series
If Warrior Cats was a series, it would be on Netflix. Obviously, since Netflix is such a popular TV network world-wide and Warriors have a huge fanbase. Warrior Cats actually was going to have a movie but it got canceled because, well, it didn’t actually. The producer, David Heyman, said it had no actual release date The first guess, 2019, was incorrect because there was no news about it in 2020 (Fact: Netflix was going to have Warrior Cats and it was supposed to air on that date). There has been no news since then about the movie or anything about a series.
Now, onto the details of what it would be like (as a series). The Warrior Cats series should be set in England, where Warriors Cats was originally based off and where Erin Hunter was born. Or in the Scandinavian countries. They should have as many seasons as the book series (7 or 6 seasons). The number of episodes could be on how many books are in that series (6). They could even have Super Edition episodes in between or after a season, like for example, since Firestar is the main character of The Prophecies Begin, they could have his super edition after the first seasons episodes (+the Super Editions, 7 or 8 episodes). Or in other seasons in between they can have short stories like the Novellas editions.
The normal episodes could probably be 30/45 minutes or so (it’s got to be long enough so it catches everything clearly), the super editions could be 50 minutes and the Novella Edition stories 24/30 minutes. Trailers and sneak-peaks would also be cool, about the season (like the sum up or blurb).
The rating is a really hard decision since Warrior cats books are placed in the children section though it has blood and fighting scenes. I think it should be rated PG (aka 7+, okay maybe 10+ even though that rating doesn’t exist). It would be weird to have it 13+.
That is all for now, fellow Bloggers! Hope you enjoyed my first article.
Great article!
I would love a warrior cats tv show!
Nice article! Would it be animated?
I prefer it would be animated. Cuz im NOT a Fan of live action animal movies.
Great article! I really want for there to be a warriors movie! (first comment?)
Great article! I think the best episode count would be 2 episodes per book, around 40 minutes each. Or maybe 4 episodes per book around 30 minutes each but that might be too expensive for any prospective show. Honestly it’s hard to say what the rating for the show would be, but netflix shows as of late have really been pushing what can be considered pg (looking at you centaurworld)
Awesome! But, it would cost a lot of money, and it’s different from the books. In the books you’re just reading, not seeing. But when you see the blood and gore-that’s much worse. It would have to be rated PG-13 because of all the gore, and warriors has SO MUCH gore! still, i would love to have a tv show, even if a movie isn’t possible!
Great Article! Also, I think they had a animatied warrior cats series come out some time in 2019 correct me if I’m wrong.
good article but netflix never intended on releasing an official warriors show back in 2020 which makes me think that fact was taken from a fan site.
Great article! (I´d prefer animated because of the battle scenes..)
I would absolutely love an animated warriors TV show!
Great idea!
If they did all of the episodes that you just said, there would be about 84 episodes, since there’s about that much books. That would be a lot. Maybe they could do like 1 or 2 super editions to cut down on the cost.
For the rating, I’d like it if they cut down on the blood and gore so the rating can be PG.
I’m already picturing Dwyane Johnson doing the voice of Graystripe for some reason 😄
nice article!
bro it better not be on netflix, it was bad enough when heartstopper came out anD I DON’t HaVe NetFliX sO i CoUlDn’t WatcH It AnD EvErYoNe WaS TaLKiNg AbOut iT
Great article! I’d love a warriors tv show!