[image description: a grey cat with darker spots and blue eyes]

Overlooked Characters and Ships in Warriors by Echocreek

Echocreek lists relationships and characters that are overlooked in the series.

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As I’ve been reading and rereading the books, I’ve noticed some things that are wonky and overlooked but have never been mentioned here. (That I’ve seen… I could be wrong)
(Spoilers for various books)

Number one: Mistystar x Blackclaw
Of all the ships in warriors, this one is often thrown under the radar mainly because RiverClan has not been the focus clan before the newest series. This ship is honestly terrible. In Leopardstar’s Honor we see Blackclaw fretting over his kits after they disappeared in the flood. This shows that he at least has some fatherly instincts, but we don’t hear much more from him as a parent or mate until Twilight. After Leafpool and Mistyfoot/star find the source of the poison making the cats of RiverClan sick, Hawkfrost comments that had the patrols been organized better, none of it would have happened. Instead of sticking up for his mate, Blackclaw agrees and even shoots a nasty look at Mistyfoot. In addition, Blackclaw was one of the cats to support Hawkfrost and Mudclaw in overthrowing Onewhisker/star. If he had any loyalty at all to Mistyfoot as a mate or even just as a fellow warrior, he would have warned her what was going on. Mistystar deserved somebody way better than him.

Number Two: Pinestar
In my opinion, Pinestar is a bland and not very interesting character in general. He was obviously a terrible mate to Leopardfoot and eventually left the clan to be a kitty pet, but he also played a role in Moonflower’s death as well. Yes, Goosefeather was the one who received the prophecy of doom at the paws of WindClan in the vole’s fur, but Pinestar then made two vital mistakes. The first one is understandable; he listened to his medicine cat. Any sensible leader would do this, but surely Pinestar realized how absurd Goosefeather was being? It’s not like he didn’t already think Goosefeather was crazy in Goosefeather’s stand alone. What he should have done was had his clan prepare for battle, but waited until they had more solid proof before launching the first attack. The second mistake happened as they were reaching the WindClan camp. Pinestar ordered Swiftbreeze to wait with Bluepaw, Snowpaw, and Featherwhisker in case they needed help. (Why were Bluepaw and Snowpaw even there? They were barely out of the nursery!) But he sent Moonflower to fight, knowing full well that her kits hadn’t had any battle training and were at the battle with them. Couldn’t he have let Moonflower stay with her kits and instead sent Swiftbreeze? Maybe if Swiftbreeze were fighting, she would have prevented Leopardpaw from being hurt so bad.

Number Three: Goosefeather
Is this really a surprise? I’m not going to go into the whole thing with Moonflower again… Goosefeather is well known in the books for being insane with little grasp on reality. But anyway, everybody hates Rainflower for how she treated Crookedstar after his accident, but nobody ever mentions that Goosefeather was the one who caused Crookedstar’s accident. When he sees two kits hopping across the stepping stones with the misconception that he’s stealing RiverClan herbs, his first thought is not to take them home and explain what happened, but to snarl at them and attack them, going so far as to chase them across the stepping stones, which led to Crookedlit mistiming his leap and breaking his jaw.
Jeez Goosefeather 🤦🏼‍♀️

I can’t think of anything else right now so this is the end of the article but thank you so much for reading and let me know if I should make a part two.

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  • Great article! Really interesting 🙂. I agree Goosefeather and Pinestar are so annoying, and Mistystar x Blackclaw seems awful, even though I didn’t know about it until this article 😛.

  • 🗻🎶🪨DIES🎵🪨IRAE🪨🎵Slate🪨🎶🗻 llll~LINGLING WANNABES UNITE~llll | 🗯(Tchaikovsky Sym. 6 & Verdi Requiem is so good)🗯 says:

    Cool! You should definitely do part 2.

  • Goosefeather not crazy, he can actually see and talk to ghosts as well as see the future. So if his sister didn’t die Bluekit would never be Bluestar as well Stormkit would never become Crookedstar if Goosefeather hadn’t chased him away.

  • Cool article! You should totally do a part two. I hate Black x Misty and Goosefeather….. Well I don’t love him

    (crookedlit 😂😛)

  • Awesome article! I agree that Pinestar is bland and a pretty horrible leader. I’ve actually thought a lot about how Goosefeather caused Crookedkit’s accident and made no effort whatsoever (as far as I know, I haven’t read Goosefeather’s Curse) to help the poor, injured, drowning kit! And as for Mistystar X Blackclaw, it seems to me that Blackclaw only has fatherly instincts and no instincts on how to treat the cat who is supposed to be his mate. My Mistystar deserved more! Anyways, you should totally make a part 2!

  • 1. I agree black claw is also a jerk in a shadow in River clan
    2. Well it’s the authors mistake not the cat’s (I once saw a funny comment that said ‘ fans be like trying to figure out why a character does a mistake when it was all the authors fault’ lol)

  • I agree with you so much on MistyBlack. I mean, maybe they broke up and went full SquirrelAsh mode, but shouldn’t it be mentioned somewhere? And then in Mistystar’s Omen she just says that Blackclaw was roughly her age when he dies. Nothing but that.

  • Excellent article, Echocreek! I hadn’t noticed how terrible of a mate Blackclaw was… he certainly didn’t respect Mistystar or love her like a true mate would, I agree! As for Pinestar, I can empathize with him following his heart to become a kittypet, but not with him abandoning his mate and her kits – that was very insensitive and unreasonable of him – poor Leopardfoot! As for Goosefeather, I politely disagree. In reality, he’s a very misunderstood character. He ages conversing with ghosts, with Clanmates who don’t appreciate him for most of his time spent (except for Cloudberry and Featherwhisker), and with a sister who is downright mean to him, emphasizing how he should be ‘normal’ and acting very rude. With these powers and relationships, surely Goosefeather has a reason for his later mental problems? I agree that he shouldn’t have chased Crookedkit and Oakkit, but perhaps he was losing his keen vision because of his old age. As horrible as it is, without Goosefeather, there would be no Crookedstar’s Promise. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I respect yours! You should certainly write a second part, I loved reading this!

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