Lionclaw plays This or That

Hi I’m Lionclaw, this is my second article. I’m writing it on the 29 of the 4 2022, inspired by Featherpaw’s and Mountainstorm’s This or That articles so I’ll be playing This or That. I hope you enjoy it.
Dovewing or Ivypool
Ivypool forever! She’s just amazing, and I don’t like Dovewing, she’s a bit winny. Ivypool is brave and kind and I hate Hawk X Ivy. I mean he tried to kill her.
Greystripe or Firestar
This is a tough one hmm I’m going to say Greystripe he was the best friend to Firestar you could possibly have.
Apart from in Fire And Ice.
Tigerstar 1 or Tigerstar 2
Tigerstar 1 definitely, he was a cool villain in TPB he did kill a lot of cats though but still he’s a lot better than his grandson who is the most arrogant furball in the whole series.
Crookedstar or Tallstar
Before I tell you I’ve been wondering this how did Tallstar and Barkface live so much longer than Crookedstar and Bluestar 🤔 anyway Crookedstar I loved his super edition it’s one my favourite books and he was great in it while Tallstar’s super edition was just meh not bad but not my favourite.
Bramblestar or Ashfur
Is this really a question, Bramblestar wasn’t the best mate let’s put it that way but at least he didn’t try and kill Squirrelflight Bramblestar did yell at her a lot but think I can explain that up to Squirrelflight’s hope the first time they broke up was when Brambleclaw wanted to spend time with Hawkfrost but Squirrelflight didn’t like Hawkfrost and wanted Bramble to stop seeing him (her feeling was right) but think about it you find out you have a half brother that you never knew about then someone doesn’t want you to him any more how would you feel. and when they broke up the second time it was because Brambleclaw found out that Squirrelflight had lied about Holl Lion and Jay. I’d be quite annoyed if that happened to me. So Bramblestar.
Leopardstar or Mistystar
Leopardstar. I didn’t like her in TPB but then I read her super edition and I really think she redeemed herself in A Shadow I Riverclan. And I like Mistystar. She’s an alright leader though she did do some questionable things when she was leader.
SpottedXFire or SandXFire
SandXFire! For a start there similar ages while Spottedleaf was a full medicine cat when Firestar was just a kit and med cats take longer to get there full name than warriors I’d say she could be a whole year older than Firestar that’s like a twelfth of Firestar’s life ew.
Now it’s time for the most epic showdown ever!
jayXHalf or JayXStick
JayXStick forever, how could anyone not like this ship? When Jayfeather goes to the mountains I remember him saying to the Stick “I’ll have to leave you but see each other in the mountain” well maybe not exactly that but something along the lines. JayXHalf is quite a good ship mainly because Jayfeather doesn’t bite her head off every five seconds. But JayXStick rules.
That’s all for now, bye
Great article!
Nice article! I mostly agree, except for BramblestarxAshfur. I don’t want to start a heated debate so I probably won’t reply to any rebuttals, but imo, Ashfur was a more interesting character and Bramblestar had lots of wasted potential (also the whole Squirrelflight thing)
Agreed! Ashfur was interesting and I liked reading about the time when he and Squirrelflight were close.
this isn’t about mates
Awesome article! 😀
Great article! I agree on all of them except maybe Misty vs Leopard. I like them both
Great article!
I really liked this article! I agree with you on everything except for the SandxFire because I wholeheartedly ship SpottedxFire and no one can change my mind. 😛
I like your reasoning behind your choices, this was fun to read! C:
JayXStick forever!!!!
Yep, JayXStick rules. Though I really like JayXMoon too. Great article!
Cool article! Intresting to read <3
no this isn’t about mates!!!!!!!!!! mods can you change the bit at the top oh Idon’t know not mates please!
I LOVE JAYXSTICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cats can be mates with a stick??? (Gasps silently)
Jay can’t mate with a cat so a stick would be unobvious to the clan
Great Article!!