[image description: Silverstream walks in a blue forest with a river beside Millie who walks in a pink forest]

Who will Graystripe choose in StarClan? by Icemist

Icemist wonders who Greystripe will choose in StarClan.

Artwork by DrakynWyrm

Hi! I’m Icemist, and today I will be talking about who I think Graystripe will choose in StarClan. This article is not biased by the way, because well, you’ll see. It will be split up in 3 sections: Analyzing GrayXSilver, Analyzing GrayXMillie, and who Graystripe will choose.

Backstory: GrayXSilver:
Graystripe was out hunting with Fireheart, Cinderpaw, and Brackenpaw when he fell into the river bordering RiverClan and started to drown. Silverstream came and rescued Graystripe and they started meeting up. Graystripe often neglected his apprentice Brackenpaw when he met with Silverstream, but not on purpose. Fireheart catches him, and Graystripe’s friendship is lost. Then Silverstream gives birth, dies, and Graystripe joins RiverClan with his kits(Stormfur and Feathertail). He realized he couldn’t be loyal to RiverClan since he’s loyal to ThunderClan and went back to ThunderClan. So yeah, that happens…

Now for my analysis and thoughts on this ship: I LOVE GRAYXSILVER!!! IT’S MY SECOND FAV SHIP IN WARRIORS!!! I think GrayXSilver was a cute ship because their personalities matched. I also especially liked how they met, because it symbolizes that heroines are a thing. LET’S GO HEROINES LET’S GO clap clap clap(sorry there was just this chant I was remembering from one of my schools lol 🙂 Anyways, I love this because Graystripe and Silverstream both sacrificed everything for each other. Also it was really cute in my opinion.

Backstory: GrayXMillie:
Graystripe was kidnapped by the Twolegs, and when he was captured, he met another kittypet, Millie. They soon became friends and went on the journey to find the clans and all that stuff. During that, they fell in love and became mates. When they found the clans again, they had Bumblestripe, Blossomfall, and Briarlight. Things were good, but then Briarlight had her accident…. 🙁 It was sad…. But Millie became more protective of Briarlight(which I understand), but basically neglected her other kits. Millie died later, and so did Graystripe.

My analysis and thoughts on this ship: I HATE IT. MY LEAST FAVORITE SHIP. Well I guess by least favorite ship, least favorite that is some what popular. Anyways I think Millie was acting really annoying after Briarlight’s accident. Like I get it, she cared for her, but that’s no excuse to neglect Bumblestripe and Blossomfall. Though I have to say, Blossomfall was in the wrong too. Also I feel like Graystripe didn’t care for his kits with Millie nearly as much as with Silverstream. So… yeah.

So now, I’m going to talk about who Graystripe will choose. Personally, I want it to be Silverstream, but I’m not sure. As much as I want it to be Silverstream, I feel like it would be almost a betrayal to not choose the mate that you spent a lot of your lifetime with. But like I said, Graystripe cared more about Stormfur and Feathertail rather than Blossomfall, Briarlight, and Bumblestripe. Then again, maybe it’s because Silverstream died. ANYWAY, I feel like Graystripe would either choose Millie, but also I don’t think he could do that to Silverstream. Silverstream waited SO LONG for Graystripe, and I almost feel like it’s ALSO a betrayal to have someone wait for you when you end up choosing another person. So therefore, I think Graystripe will choose both Silverstream and Millie, and he will be happy with both. I hope that’s what happens, and I hope Silverstream and Millie are okay with it.

So, that concludes my article! I hope you liked it and if you want me to do a type of article, comment it! Bye!

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  • I want Greystripe to choose Millie, but I feel that he would choose Silverstream because she’s a “beautiful she-cat”… pretty privileges👁👄👁