Turtlepaw shares why they don’t like the Cloud Spots x Pebble Heart ship.

*Warning: This article contains major spoilers for Dawn of the Clans. I will also be talking about awkward age differences between mates, and mentor/apprentice romantic relationships. If you don’t like spoilers, or awkward age differences make you feel uncomfortable, please do not read this article.*
Hello BlogClan! I’m Turtle, and today I’ll be explaining why I despise a certain Warriors ship. This ship is not canon, but I still absolutely hate it.
The ship I am talking about is Cloud Spots x Pebble Heart, a ship between ThunderClan’s first medicine cat and ShadowClan’s first medicine cat.
Why anyone would ship them is something I’ll never understand. Today, I’ll be sharing reasons why it’s one of my ultimate least favorite non-canon Warriors ships out there.
For starters, Cloud Spots and Pebble Heart always had a father/son relationship. Cloud Spots clearly saw Pebble Heart as a son, and Pebble Heart obviously viewed him as a father figure. Nothing romantic was ever implied. Even when they said goodbye to each other when they chose separate places to live, while it was clear they were going to miss each other quite a bit, their farewell had nothing romantic implied. If anything, their goodbye was like the goodbye of a father and his son.
Cloud Spots and Pebble Heart also had a mentor/apprentice relationship. Yes, this was before before the mentors and apprentices concepts really became a thing, but they basically were mentor and apprentice. Cloud Spots taught Pebble Heart everything about herbs that he knew, encouraged his passion for healing- everything a mentor to a medicine cat apprentice would do. Pebble Heart basically acted exactly like Cloud Spots’s apprentice- patiently listening as Cloud Spots explained the art of healing, and clearly seeing him as a teacher figure/father figure the entire time.
A mentor and apprentice becoming mates is extremely weird, and makes many people feel uncomfortable- it’s basically the equivalent of a teacher/student relationship. Which, you know, is extremely creepy and weird and just… no. A mentor and apprentice becoming mates with each other is basically the exact same level of creepy weirdness.
Another reason I dislike this ship? The age difference. Granted, the age difference probably is a few years, but it’s really awkward to imagine Pebble Heart becoming mates with a cat who is likely around the same age as Gray Wing, his adoptive father, and Turtle Tail, his mother. Becoming mates with a cat who grew up with your parents is an extremely weird, kinda creepy thing, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable shipping anything like that- especially not Cloud Spots x Pebble Heart.
Thankfully, this ship isn’t one of the most popular ones, and I’m very glad that’s the case- it truly is a terrible ship. However, some people do, in fact, ship Cloud Spots and Pebble Heart. But I absolutely do not, and I never will.
What is your opinion on Cloud Spots x Pebble Heart? Were you aware that some people shipped these cats? Do you agree with what I said in this article? Why or why not?
I hope you have a fantastic day! Goodbye!
Great article, though I haven’t read DotC yet!
Great article! I had no idea people shipped this, but it sounds disgusting and I certainly don’t ship it at all now that I know of it
Same! And I didn’t see anything romantic in it either
Great article! I had completely no idea that anybody shipped these two cats, but it sounds disgusting. It’s always disturbing when cats become mates with cats that are far younger than them. Like Thistleclaw and Spottedleaf or Pinestar and Leopardfoot, which are both positively disgusting.
great article I hate ships like this, disgusting
Honestly, I didn’t know people shipped them
Great article Turtle! I didn’t even know this was a ship but who would even think of this-
Great article! I definitely agree, this ship is just wrong.
Great Article! I had no idea people shipped this. You made a good point about the teacher/student thing, because that would be creepy if I married my teacher(except my grandma married her teacher but we won’t talk about that). Anyways, this ship seems very creepy and weird.
Wait wha?
Wut – ;-;
Great article Turt!
Great Article!!
Great article! I don’t know many ships, including this one.
Did not know this was a ship… My life is over. 😭 (jk but why tho)
With ships like this, Warriors is on it’s way to becoming one of those “Oh no, Not FnaF ships” fandoms.
Great article too. Good job! 🙂