[Hollyleaf in blue lighting surrounded by holly berries]

January’s, Febuary’s, and March’s Cat of the Month by Flowerbeam

Flowerbeam puts the monthly spotlight on characters from the series.

Art by mothmori

Hi, it’s Flowwie! (former drizz/polara)
Hi, lol, so as you know I started a cat of the month and I have done November and December but I’ve totally skipped January, February and March!! It’s March 16th right now so I missed a lot. Let me find some contestants. This will be a longer article too because I missed so many months.
Okay, I found some very special cats who I think deserve some love.
Leafstar, Hollyleaf and Sandstorm for January.
Ivypool, Moth Flight and Thrushpelt for February.
Briarlight, Brightheart and Mothwing for March.
I’ll start with January’s cats.


Leafstar has done so many things. She was a great, caring mentor to Boris/Sparrowpaw, she was a great mother, a great leader, a great cat. She protected her clan like no other. She is iconic, but unnoticed. She’s special.
Her warrior name is so pretty (I know it’s off topic)! Let’s be honest, I’d love to be named Leafdapple! I was in love with it when I read Firestar’s quest!
But, even though she did all those great things, like banishing Sol and leading her cats through all the trouble they’ve been through, she was erased from my mind. I was neutral on her (and I still am) but now I see her. She’s beautiful and kind and all anyone can ask for. I do forget a lot about her so I know she’s done good things but I’m not sure. It doesn’t change if she wins.
Here’s some blogclanners opinions on her!
She’s fine and one of the better leaders still standing. I like her rationality and how she’s not afraid to do what she believes is right and has developed throughout her leadership.
I love Leafstar! She’s an amazing leader!
She’s an amazing mum and leader.
She’s a good leader. I like her, but I think she was too harsh on Sol
Leafstar is my favorite leader! She’s so nice, chill and determined.
A great leader and resilient cat, though she has been around for a while, and it’s about time for a new SkC leader. Also she needs a well deserved break after all she’s done for her Clan
Leafstar is one of my favorite leaders, because she’s smart and was able to balance being a leader and mother.
I really like her! She’s my favorite of the current leaders, I like her personality and her determination. Plus, always cool to see female leaders <3
She’s not my favorite and she made some questionable decisions, but I guess she’s cool
Leafstar’s cool
As you can see, it’s mostly good opinions so this will help her win.


I know she’s my favorite cat, but she’s just a pretty average warrior. She does things for the clans like everyone else and I don’t like her because she’s nice. I like her fiestyness. But she did train the cats to fight in the tunnels, and died saving Ivypool so she still has some things beside what an average warrior would do.
Here’s some blogclanners opinions on her!
I don’t really like her.
She’s okay. I relate to her in a lot of ways, but I wish her love of rules had been developed less as an irritating fault and more of an actual logical thing. I don’t care that she killed Ashfur, but her trying to get Leafpool to eat death berries has never sat well with me.
Hollyleaf I don’t like because she’s a huge hypocrite and very bossy.
Hollyleaf is too strict.
I used to relate to her SO MUCH when I was younger, as I too was rigid with rules, and think her character was pretty well written in PoT. I’m glad she got a redemption arc and would like to see more of her in StarClan scenes in ASC
Hollyleaf is ehhhhh
Don’t like her at all. She abandons her Clan and kills a cat after revealing a secret, trying to kill her mother, and disowns her family, all while claiming to follow the Warrior Code
Hollyleaf is a very cool character, who is different than your usual cat (I agree)
I love her so much! She is my 3rd favorite character, and she has an interesting personality!
As you can see, people have very mixed opinions about her, so blogclanner’s opinions aren’t going to help her here.
hollyleaf i love, her death made me cry tbh. has done some morally questionable things but making mistakes is part of the dimension for her character and she’s a character i really like! (I DID TOO)


Sandstorm is feisty, brave, adventurous and caring. She loves all her kits no matter what, even when Leafpool had kits and when Squirrelpaw(flight) ran off. She was tough and rude as Sandpaw, but then she got to know Firestar and she changed. She became wiser and smarter and respected Firestar.
Here’s some blogclanners opinions on her!
I thought she was fine in TPB but loathed her in Squirrelflight’s Hope for her ableism. I know it was written out but it still makes me uneasy toward her character.
I like her! I used to hate her when I read Into the Wild, but when I read further, I started to like her!
Sandstorm is cool! She was at first mean to Firepaw/star, but started to see that it doesn’t really matter if you’re born as a kittypet or not. As they grew to know each other better, they started to develop feelings for each other. Sandstorm has a sharp tongue, but is a good mother as well!
I didn’t like her as when she was an app, but now I think she is really cool
She’s a bit too rude, but I like her and I love her spunkiness.
Sandstorm is amazing!
She’s an OG and gives a well-needed lesson that people can change their views on others. Other than that, I’m indifferent. I do wish she was still Redtail’s daughter because it was SUCH a great way to explain her sense of entitlement in Into the Wild.
Sandstorm is one of my favorite characters.
Again, she’s okay. I overall like her personality but in TPB she got kind of bratty at times whenever she felt her relationship with Firestar was in danger, which I found annoying.
At first I thought she was a bit rude but she later changed and is a good mate and mother.
sandstorm is cool, i liked earlier sandstorm better honestly but oh well
She’s sassy, and that is why I like her. She’s great at mentoring too.
Great, and definitely better then spottedleaf
So, I think the winner of that one is Leafstar. Hollyleaf is great, don’t get me wrong, but she also didn’t do too much. Sandstorm is awesome but she’s still rude sometimes and she was a brat in the first few books.


Ivypool, Ivypool. Where do I start with her?? Honestly, I love her. I saw a MAP about her called something like Good For You – Ivy/Bramble Animator Collab COMPLETED, and it made me LOVE HER. She has flair, personality, growth, and she’s just a great cat. For starters, she trained in Dark Forest because she was jealous of her sister, but when she found out how bad it was she spied instead. She risked her life every night because Lionblaze and Jayfeather told her to. If she didn’t, the clans would probably be gone now. Ivypool should have been the fourth cat, or the third for that matter.
Here’s some blogclanners opinions on her!
She is my favourite character! She is so brave, fierce and intelligent!
Love her! She’s my favorite gal. Don’t like Dovewing, though.
Ivypool was a terrible sister in OotS but grew more mature
I LOVE HER SO MUCH! She has such a pretty design and her role as the jealous sister turned edgy spy was written so realistically. I hope she can act as a mentor to young Flamepaw in ASC due to his sibling troubles.
I love her. She’s so much better than Dovewing.
I like her, but I feel like she’s overrated because she’s kind of a bad sister and wasn’t that good of a spy
I like her! She definitely has her faults but I found her to be an enjoyable main character. Even if her spy skills were subpar, I liked reading about her hanging out in the Dark Forest.
I honestly like her better than Dovewing, however she can be a bit rude occasionally. She is a loyal warrior and a good sister and is also a great mother to Bristlefrost, Flipclaw, and Thriftear.
I don’t really like her.
ivypool used to be my favorite character, she’s probably top 3 now? also does some questionable things and was kinda a jerk to her sister but i really liked her and her arc and her involvement with the dark forest because it made her more complex. she was great in her arc! but after that she got kinda bland and unmemorable so
but she was so so good on oots and i do love me some characters with slightly messy morals who got involved with the wrong side lol
She isn’t that interesting, and she becomes very obsessive and competitive often, but she is very relatable to me.
My second favorite cat 🙂 tbh i was rooting for her to not spy for the 3 when they asked her to, like, what have you ever done for me :/

Moth Flight:

Moth Flight is great. She’s the first medicine cat, but besides that she wasn’t afraid to stand up to her mother. Wind Runner is a good cat, don’t get me wrong, but she didn’t understand what Moth FLight was doing.
Moth Flight loved herbs, she found them, wanted to know what they could do, and she brought them back instead of prey.
““Where are you going?” Wind Runner snapped.
Moth Flight halted. What was wrong now? “I have to fetch a new plant I discovered.”
“No you don’t,” Wind Runner’s mew was hard with anger.
Gorse Fur nosed past the clan leader and met Moth Flight’s gaze.
“Your mother wants us to go hunting together.”
But my plant! Moth Flight’s heart sank. What was the point in arguing? Wind Runner would never understand.”
– Moth Flight’s Vision, page 47
See, Wind Runner didn’t understand towards the beginning of Moth Flight’s Vision.
Moth Flight found herbs, taught herbs, found out about 9 lives and so much more, and she should be noticed more.
Here are some blogclanners opinions on her!
moth flight is fine ig? i did enjoy her super edition though!
I think the way Windstar acted toward her sometimes was rude. She was loyal to her clan and a great mother and mate. She was an amazing medicine cat and was kind to the end. However, the way she was to Leafpool and Squirrelflight was rude so…
eh. I didn’t mind her in her Super Edition but her insistence that no other med cats can have kits is annoying. I don’t have much of an opinion on her.
Moth Flight is cool I guess, but she was pretty annoying in Squirrelflight’s Hope
I like how she’s a confirmed neurodivergent/disabled character WE NEED MORE REP PLS! Her story is a great way to show that not everyone is meant to fit the role that people want, and that overbearing parents don’t help.
I don’t really know how to feel about her. She’s okay in her own book and I feel bad for her because of how her mother acts but Moth Flight’s later appearances do her little favor. So neutral as of her super edition and disliked in most of her other appearances.


Thrushpelt is a good cat. He had a crush on Bluefur(star), but he didn’t push it like Bumblestripe did. He pretended that Bluestar’s kits were his for her. He even said something like, “I won’t ask who they are.” Basically, he knew Bluefur’s kits weren’t his, but he was willing to not say anything and pretend to be their father.
Here’s some blogclanners opinions on him!
He is awesome! He is so kind, and loved Bluefur’s kits!
Thrushpelt is so lovely!!!! He stood by Bluestar’s side right to the end, even if she didn’t love him back romanticaly and he loved her kits as his own <3333
He was so sweet and kind and caring towards Bluestar and everyone. Low-key one of the best cats in Warriors.
Sweetheart. One of, if not THE BEST Bluestar’s Prophecy character. Love him.
I don’t think Bluestar deserved him.
Thrushpelt is amazing and very underrated
He’s my favorite character <3 I don’t ship him with Bluestar but I love how supportive and loyal he is, even when others don’t return it. He was a good dad, a good friend, and a good mentor.
I don’t know much about him but he was great when he agreed to pretend that Bluefur’s kits were his own.
thrushpelt deserved better and i want to give him a hug, he’s just. a good dude. lots of love for him
So, I think even though they’re all awesome, I think Ivypool wins this one!


Okay, Briarlight was a great, enthusiastic cat ever since she was a kit. When she was a little kitten, Honeyfern died 🙁 saving her from a snake. When she was an apprentice, almost a warrior, Mousefur was stubborn, as always, and a tree was falling into camp. Mousefur didn’t want to waste good prey, so she went back, and Longtail and Briarlight followed her, begging her to not go. Briarlight was trying to grab the prey for her when the tree fell on Longtail and herself. Longtail died :(, but Briarlight survived, but she was no longer able to move her back.
She’s done good things though, and she didn’t let her broken spine bring her down. I’m sure she’s done more, but I don’t remember.
Here’s some blogclanners opinions on her!
I LOVE her! She is always determined and brave when she is disabled, and she also acts confidently unlike me. She is cool.
deserved better, she’s just nice and good and from what i remember about her, it’s hard to dislike her. mostly neutral
I am neutral on her. I think she is brave that she was able to overcome her spine and live for much longer than others thought she could. She was loyal to her clan and family and was determined to stay alive.
I like how sweet and kind she is, but beyond that I don’t have much of an opinion.
I love Briarlight and I wish that pretty much everyone wasn’t ableist to her
DISABLED REP ONCE MORE LET’S GOOOOOOOO! Yet another character from the four horsemen whom I related to way too much lol. (the fourth one is Jayfeather btw). I love how she is so cheerful despite her traumatic experience, yet also feels like a burden as well. I feel the latter so much.
so refreshingly happy! She looks at stuff the bright way!
She is my second favourite character! She is so kind, she was optimistic even though she had a terrible accident, and I loved her friendship with Jayfeather!
man I wish she was treated better by the narrative. My girl has to go through so much ableism and microaggressions and most of them are getting normalized by the cats around her. She’s fine on her own but it’s hard to shake the cloud of ableism surrounding her. Especially in StarClan where she’s deemed more “whole” and “happy” now that her “awful” disability is healed. It’s just a very uncomfortable and quite frankly problematic portrayal of a disabled character like her. She doesn’t get treated the way she deserves.


Brightheart was feisty as an apprentice.
When Bluestar made Cloudtail a warrior before her, she was desperate to prove herself. To do this, her and her brother, Swiftpaw, set off to defend the camp against dogs.
Swiftpaw was killed, and Brightheart lost an eye. Bluestar then made her a warrior, naming her Lostface. That broke her, but thanks to Firestar she was renamed Brightheart. Now, whenever she looks into a puddle and sees her face, she thinks of her old warrior name, Lostface. Brightheart has done countless things, and it’s time to thank her.
Here’s some blogclanner’s opinions on her!
Kind of the same as Briarlight. Don’t like how most of her relationship is kinda placed on Cloudtail and his care of her and his feelings with her disability and not on herself. It rings a little savory and not a fan. I do like her personality though and her and Cloudtail are cute. I just wish she had more of a chance to shine on her own.
She is awesome! She is so kind, and a wonderful mother!
She’s very kind and caring. Cloudtail doesn’t deserve her.
YES. She is so sweet, resilient, and loveable, and she deserves a happy retirement.
I like Brightheart, BrightXCloud is one of my favorite ships and she’s another character I think is underrated
Again, I like her personality, and BrightxCloud is pretty cute, but she’s not a favorite or anything.
She is amazing. I love the way she overcame what happened to her and was able to see through to Cloudtail. She is a great mother and mate.
Brightheart has been through a lot, I like her! also deserved better flkajds she’s such a strong character
She’s okay. She helps Leafpool and Jayfeather a lot, and is cool, but I don’t really like her like Hollyleaf. Still a great character, though!
As you can see, mostly good!


I personally don’t like her, but I won’t be biased here!
I don’t remember much about her, but I do remember she cared deeply for her brothers (Tadpole and Hawkfrost), Leafpool and her clan. She didn’t believe in StarClan, but she didn’t let that stop her.
Here’s some blogclanner’s opinions on her!
Fine I guess. Don’t care for her in TBC though for how she treats certain characters.
I guess she is okay. She is a good medicine cat, but she’s kinda overrated.
I think she’s a good character providing good lessons about differing beliefs, and her atheism isn’t portrayed in a problematic way like Cloudtail was at first.
I liked her before TBC, but during the most recent books she got on my nerves.
Neutral on her also but she is cool. She is kind to other clans as well as her own.
ngl i don’t remember a ton about her personality wise, she’s cool and the doesn’t believe in starclan thing was a nice idea? didn’t read tbc tho so idk if that changes things. kinda neutral for me
I DESPISE Mothwing. Her brother did some mean things to her, but you don’t just stop believing in your ancestors by a small attempt to make someone a medicine cat. Mothwing has her own beliefs later, and it was fine to me until she was giving some helpless advice.
Good, it’s cool to have diverse cats, especially among the medicine cats, they seem to be sort of generic a lot of the time.
Mixed opinions here!
After a long time of thinking, I have come to the conclusion! Brightheart wins, with Briarlight in close second!

I hope Leafstar, Ivypool, and Brightheart enjoy the thrones!!

OMG ya’ll this is so long!! I never finished it, and it took a few months to write (due to my forgetfulness)
It is over 3418+ words too!! And 12 google doc pages!
(it’s May 7, 2022. Wonder what day it will be published)

Questions, comments, concerns, and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING
☽︎Flowwie (Flowerpaw/beam, she/her)☽

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  • just saying, Sol kidnapped Leafstar’s kits, and Sol said it was the only way to get respect, so banishing was ok, especially if someone you knew stole your kids, you would feel the same (hopefully)

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