BrownFern lists their favourite ships from the series.
Hiya! This is BrownFern, and this is my first article here! In this article, as the title says, I will ne teline my favourite ships in here, and why I like them! These are in a randomly placed, so I have no num. 1 fave ship. So let’s begin! <3
Number one: 🌼
Micah + Moth!
I honestly find them so cute!! I loved the way, how Micah leaves his home and loved ones for mothflight. I mean, c’mon, Micah dreamed about her, it’s olvipullon they’re soulmates <33 I cried so hard when he died, seriosly- 😔☝️A solid 10/10
Tiger + Dove 🕊
Aah!! I loved reading their secret “dates” in the abandoned house <33 I tbh liked the ship more, when it was a secret. The romantic walks in the forest, climbing in the roofs bits on the abandoded house, was much more enjoyable. Althought I don’t HATE the fact that Dovewing went to SC, But it just made them normal mates. 😺 6/10 I’d say.
Ivy + Fern 🌙
FERNSONG IS HE BEST PARTNER EVER, NO BUTS. I have heard people say, that he’s a good dad to, But I haven’t read that yet- But anyways. I have loved both on These characters like, FOREVER, and it brings me so much joy, of how they talk abit eachoter- 9/10. They are just basic mates, after all 😃💟
Yellow + Bracken
And no, I’m not sure if his name is Bracenfur in English, But u know, Brockenstars father-? Aight, I have not much to say abit this tho. They Were cute, and Brackenfur was Aldata they’re for Yellowfang <3 Tho he was kinda kas after Yellowfang turned into a medicine cat, and still got pregnant. Yet he still went and took great care of his son and kept in Touchwith Yellowfang after this :] Over all, a 8/10 ship. I have no idea why I’m rating These, btw-
Feather + Crow
I loved how Feathertail always stood up for crowfeather. <33 They coulda been such of a cute couple. I cried so hard (again lol) at Feathertails death :,[ It was so cute when crowfeather got himself named after Feathertail <3 I’d rate this a 8/10. 🙂 😻🙌🏽
Also, to the end of this article, I’d like to remaind that, These are my personal opintonsa, and I hope that no one gets offended here!! Feel free to tell UR opinions, But nicely please? Corrections and tips are always welcome! I go by she/them/his. ‼️☝️
Have a good night/day! <33😼
Great Article!
I cried so much when Micah died too, I wish he could’ve lived to see his kits(although he watched them in StarClan).
Yellowfang and Raggedpelt is kinda good, i guess. I just don’t like how much they argued.
GO DOVE X TIGER!! I love this ship, and I don’t like how much hate it gets.
I love Crow x Leaf, and I don’t really like Feather x Crow.
Uhm- Just pointing this random thing out that I think others will say too: Pretty sure Yellowfang’s mate and Brokenstar’s father was Raggedpelt/Raggedstar. Sorry if I sound like a bratty know-it-all when I said that, Didn’t mean it to sound that way
All of these ships are just meh for me, I don’t do shipping in anything because I have no opinion on this sort of thing :l
Good article, Brownfern! I agree with all of these, except for Yellow x Ragged (her former mate is Raggedstar, not Brackenfur 🙂) and Tiger x Dove. From my perspective, Yellowfang and Raggedpelt/star argued far too frequently for me to like them as a couple, and they never truly understood one another or showed compassion. As for Dove x Tiger, I found their relationship slightly rushed and they didn’t have the best development. I didn’t enjoy how Tigerheart/star manipulated Dovepaw and attempted to force her to give his Clan herbs.
Great article, Yellowfangs mate was Raggedpelt/star, lol.
I’m a big fan of DovewingxTigerstar and IvypoolxFernsong! They’re so cute!