Frost lists characters who got character development in the wrong direction.
Hello readers! This article is about cats who started out good but got much worse after either dying or reaching a certain position. The characters are not in any specific order. Hope you enjoy!
#5- Moth Flight. I liked Moth Flight when she was alive. She was curious and fun to read about, I enjoyed how her short attention span didn’t restrict her from being a smart cat. But as a Starclan cat, she was just not good. When Leafpool and Squirrelflight were being judged, Moth Flight gets mad at Leafpool for breaking her rule, when the rule was extremely stupid and selfish in the first place. Like Moth Flight, just because you had a tragic romance story doesn’t mean EVERY medicine cat has to! When Moth made this rule when she was alive, I just figured she would regret it over time. But no, she’s dead set on making every med cat’s life awful.
#4- Spiresight. In Tigerheart’s Shadow, Spire was set up to be a strange and mysterious cat. But when he died, he just became a generic Starclan cat. he didn’t keep any of the character development he had gotten before, and pretty much just copied the normal “mysterious ghost cat” formula.
#3- Yellowfang. I love Yellowfang. I love her personality and I feel so bad for everything she went through. She was a great character…until she died, that is. She became an annoying brat whose only purpose was to irritate Jayfeather. She also became way less competent after death, like many other characters.
#2- Onestar. Onewhisker was a loyal warrior and a good friend to Firestar. But when he became leader, it’s like his whole character changed. He became one of, if not the most annoying and stupid characters in the whole series. He would rather let a whole clan die than swallow his pride and become a decent cat.
#1- Jagged Peak. Jagged peak never stood out to me as a great character, but I thought he was a kind and level-headed guy. But that all changed when he met Holly. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, re-read Dawn Of The Clans and you’ll be agreeing with me soon enough. This is one of the worst ships in warrior cats. They are nothing but awful when they’re together, and Gray Wing even comments on it in one of the books. At least Jagged and Holly’s kits are smart enough to stand up to their parent’s actions.
Well, that’s all for now! Frost out!
Great Article!!
Great article! I totally agree besides Yellowfang. I think she was an OK Starclan cat.
Interesting article! I never thought about criticizing the end of some characters’ development! Yeah, I despise StarClan Yellowfang – she’s so judgemental, irrational, and petulant! Onestar isn’t exactly the greatest leader either, though I’m excited to read Onestar’s Confession in case it reveals the reason behind his sudden change in character. As for the others, I haven’t read many books concerning them, so I’m uncertain of my opinion so far.
Agree with everyone but yellow fang LOOK jay feather is one of my faves but he is a stubborn hard headed difficult cat
Just wanted to say, Jayfeather may be stubborn, but Yellowfang was stoburn-er. She literally told Jayfeather he didnt matter. Jayfeather was under so much pressure from the prophecy and Yellowfang was only making it worse, along with all the other stupid dead cats. Also, she was the one enforcing StarClan hiding in their little protective shells like cowards, running away from the dark forest other then helping face them. Needless to say, Yellowfang was ruined in OotS.
Great article! I agree with all except Spiresight!