[starry silhouettes of three cats float in the night sky in a forest]

The true villain of Mapleshade’s vengeance: Starclan? by Finchclaw

Finchclaw wonders who the true overarching antagonist of Mapleshade’s Vengeance was.

Hi, I’m Finchclaw! I’m here to defend not just Mapleshade, but Frecklewish too! In fact, I’m defending everyone except for one cat. One of the most heavily debated things in the warriors fandom is the villain of Mapleshade’s vengeance, but today i’m revealing my thoughts on who it truly is.

Let’s start with the reasons as to why each character is innocent.

Mapleshade (Partly-innocent)

She was driven insane by the sudden loss of not just her clan’s respect, but her kits and mate. Hallucinations took control of her and not a single cat could grant her help. The clan’s prejudice of Kittypets made her refuse Myler’s help.

Frecklewish (innocent)

Frecklewish was dealing with severe grief at the time from the loss of her brother, alongside the anger of her best friend being a codebreaker. She was sent to the dark forest for something Starclan didn’t even try to stop themselves.

Appledusk (slightly innocent)

Appledusk is in the wrong, but I don’t think he’s a villain. A selfish cheater? Yes. a villainous cat? No.

Reedshine (innocent)

She never knew of Appledusk’s cheating or how it made Mapleshade feel; she just wanted a happy family and in the end; she got what she wanted.

Perchpaw (the most innocent)

He was just an apprentice, he just wanted to avenge his mentor.

But with Ravenwing, Oakstar and Darkstar? This is where things get interesting.

Ravenwing (partly-innocent)

He was simply following the orders of Starclan, you can’t blame a cat for that!

Oakstar (slightly innocent)

Once again, he believed starclan wished them to go.

Darkstar (slightly innocent)

She must’ve believed that Starclan would be against Mapleshade staying.

I’m seeing a pattern here, aren’t you?

Starclan sent down the sign that got them revealed, starclan didn’t help Mapleshade’s kits survive, starclan didn’t say a thing when Mapleshade wasn’t taken into Riverclan. They sent her to the dark forest, then they sent Frecklewish too; a cat that did nothing wrong.

Starclan brought Mapleshade upon themselves. I believe that Mapleshade’s upbringing was a punishment from Starclan, like Brokenstar and Tigerstar.

Starclan is the true villain of Mapleshade’s Vengeance.

Fan Articles


  • Great article! I just submitted my first article about defending Mapleshade and Ivypool (I did not copy you, I just saw this article) and I’m waiting for it to be published but guess what? I forgot to put the picture! :(((( Anyway, amazing article!

  • Great Article. I was making an article about this along with 5 – 10 other articles I am currently making and I was planing to submit all at the same time. I guess I better hurry up . I guess I’m not the only one who realized this which is a relief.

  • Reedshine IS NOT INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HER SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH AND SHE DESERVES TO DIE LIKE 2 MILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE DOESN’T DESERVE STARCLAN EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, I hate Frecklewish and she does deserve the DF!!!

    Also, Appledusk is just plain terrible. He broke Mapleshade’s heart, kinda just watched HIS OWN KITS drown, and then cheated on Mapleshade and had kits with STUPID, STUPID, STUPIDER THAN STUPID, Reedshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE REEDSHINE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH AND WHEN SHE DIED, I’DVE KILLED HER THERE AND THROWN HER REMAINS IN THE DARK FOREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And Darkstar: She was really awful. She threw out a grieving mother, just like that, and forgave Appledusk for betraying his Clan (and actually being NICE to STUPID REEDSHINE!!!!!!!)

    So, Mapleshade is the most innocent one, she deserves StarClan, her kits shouldn’t have died, and Reedshine is THE WORST CHARACTER IN ALL OF WARRIORS BESIDES DOVEWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you!!!! Bye!!!! 😀

  • StarClan isn’t infallible. Misjudgment is a frequent occurrence, unfortunately. Which is perfect sense, because it is run by the spirits of mortals who go there after death, whenever they judge with the wrong subjective way of a mortal mind…
    The main flaw with this afterlife is that there is no higher power with objective judgment (like the Great Queen, the Mother of all Cats – those of you who know her or know in general what I’m talking about, I just love you!!!) .

  • okay, reedshine didn’t know what appledusk was doing, but she was still absolutely horribly cruel and cold to Mapleshade in her words. They could all see maple was grieving for her kits and not only did they turn her away, reedshine insulted her and spat at her. She is a horrible cat and i wish she went to the df even if she’s not a villain by warrior cat law.