Warrior cats that disappeared by Onyxpaw

Onyxpaw lists characters who quietly disappeared from the series.

Art by theDawnmist

Hey! I’m Onyxpaw and I’ll be writing about warrior cats who disappeared, maybe the erins forgot about them, or maybe they just.. disappeared. Let’s get into it!

#1: Marshkit
Marshkit was a kit along the great journey, and Blackstars and Tallpoppys kit. He was a brown and kind of marshy, swampy color. (Hence the name.) He was friends with Birchkit(fall) and Toadkit(foot). But after the great journey, he just wasn’t in the alligiances, or mentioned ever again. anymore. Strange right? Based on the picture on the warriors wiki, he might have been picked up by a hawk. But I don’t remember ever seeing that in the books.

#2: Lynxkit
From what I know, Lynxkit was born to Goldenflower and Patchpelt. He was a pretty tortoiseshell tom. His brother was Swiftpaw. When Swiftpaw was apprenticed, suddenly Lynxkit was out of the picture. I’m not sure, maybe he died early on, but definitely strange to me how he was just whisked out of the series. There’s only one picture on the warriors wiki of him, and it doesn’t specify his gender, but I’m pretty sure Lynxkit is male.

#3: Oatwhisker:
For this one, I’m talking about the WindClan Oatwhisker, he was an elder alongside Morningflower and suddenly disappeared. He was a golden- brown kinda tabby tom. It’s possible he just died, but I feel like the Erin’s would notice if they just took a cat out without specifying why, or who they where. There’s very little on the warriors wiki about Oatwhisker. He didn’t talk at all, or had no interaction. I guess he wa s just there to be there.

#4: Brownpaw
From what I know, Brownpaw was a Shadowclan apprentice who first appeared in Into the wild. He had two brothers, Wetfoot and Littlecloud. He’s very boring and is basically just a brown apprentice. According to the warriors wiki, he talked to Yellowfang once and said: “Your not the leader of Shadowclan! Brokenstar is! And if he says I can train then I will!” Brownpaw had wrenched his shoulder, and was only about 3 moons old when he said this. I assume that’s when he died aswell. He was one of the kits who Brokenstar trained at a very young age, so I assume that’s how he died. But we’ll never know.

Thank you so much for reading!

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  • Lilypaw/pelt who can't wait for the new Owl House episodes and Halloween, also CANDY!!! (A.K.A. Cricketleap and Brightmoon) says:


  • Great article! Here are my weird theories:
    1. Marshkit died though the Erin’s never mentioned it, thinking it wasn’t important.
    2. Lynxkit was kidnapped and was taken into Bloodclan; he lives there now, under the name of Lynx, with his mate, Frost. (White tom with gray paws, ears, and tail tip; blue eyes)
    3. Oatwhisker ran away with his secret mate, Talon, afraid his family would judge him for being gay.
    4. Brownpaw left the clans to become a kittypet, though he never told anyone.
    Please remember these are just theories! I am not saying they are cannon, just that I believe them! (Kind of.)

  • According to the Vicky and Su:

    Marshkit – Strangled to death in a fox trap.
    Lynxkit – Died of weakness the night Bluestar and gang came back from the moonstone
    Oatwhisker – Old age
    Brownpaw – Unnamed sickness

  • There are so many cats that we only see for one book haha, atleast 60 of em!

    Marshkit was taken by a hawk in “Dawn” but Brackenfur leaped up and saved him- Kate also admitted she forgot about him and he won’t ever appear again.

    Brownpaw apparently died of a sickness according to Vicky

    Lynxkit has no gender, but they are probably female as they are a tortie (though warriors has many male torties, but females outrule them) Su Susan came up that he is a tom, but that source cannot be trusted.

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