My opinions- Palebird by Foxsplash

Foxsplash shares their opinion on Palebird.

Art by Foxsplash

Hey! Foxsplash here, and for my first article I will be discussing my opinions on Palebird. For convenience, I’m separating this article into a few sections to get all perspectives of palebird’s character to make a final opinion on her. If you disagree, feel free to discuss in the comments in a positive manner. Spoilers ahead for Tallstars Revenge and possibly other books.

Who is palebird?
Palebird is most widely known as the mother to Tallstar, but she is also the mother to Flypaw, Bristlepaw, Rabbitpaw, Wrenflight, and Finchkit. Palebird was said to have depression after loosing Finchkit, and did not appear to recover. Palebird was a tunneler, however she spent most of her time in the nursery even after Tallkit was born, likely due to her depression.

Palebird and Tallstar
Tallstar is Palebird’s first son, fathered by Sandgorse. After Tallkit was born and Finchkit died, Palebird became more distant with Tallstar, due to depression with Finchkit dieing. Tallkit spent more of his time with his father and with other apprentices until the tunneling incident. After the tunneling incident she consoles Tallkit and reassures him. After that they became distant to the point where Tallpaw was surprised to hear palebird say “I love you”. After tallpaw becomes an apprentice, palebird stays in the nursery due to her depression. After loosing her mate Sandgorse, she becomes sadder and starts neglecting Talltail further. Talltail feels betrayed by Palebird when she takes Woolytail as a new mate. In my opinion, Palebird should have been a better mother. Tallkit deserved a more attentive mother, however through all of her depression, she could have done worse. It is clear that as hard as both of them tried, Tallstar and Palebird never had a great relationship.

Palebird and Sandgorse
Sandgorse was palebird’s first mate, and it is clear all the affection shared between them unlike many mates in the series. He still supported her through her depression of loosing Finchkit, however they disagreed often about Tallkit’s future. Palebird was clearly saddened by the death of Sandgorse. In my opinion, they were a very good couple and appeared to have a good relationship.

My opinion
In my opinion, palebird was not the best character, or the best mother. I think that in the book her depression should have been more explained than implied. She was all things considered, a decent mother. However she did neglect Tallkit, so depressed or not, she was not a good mother. She was a good mate to Sandgorse, and while we never saw much, she appeared to be a good mate to Woolytail as well. I also think that she could have been a better clan mate, however I understand why she stayed in the nursery that long.
So anyway, that is my opinion on Palebird, if you disagree, I would like to know why in the comments!

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  • Great article, Foxsplash! I very much agree with you. When I saw Sandgorse’s name I was like “wait what? A SkyClan cat was mates with a WindClan cat?” and then I realized I was thinking of Sandynose. LOL. Anywho, Palebird definitely wasn’t the best mother ever. Everyone needs to learn to get over deaths and what not, and she did a bad job at that and only made her relationship with Talltail worse. As a wild cat, your kits have a 50/50 chance of dying. I mean, bro, your all just a buncha cats living in the wild, and the temperatures and sicknesses are nothing you can control. Young cats have a better chance of dying than older cats. C’mon Palebird, you can do better than that!!! Anyways, I also think Palebird is a slightly weird name. It’s OK if you don’t agree. Otherwise, great job on this article, It was nicely said and easy to read!!

  • 🎄☃ Christmas Lion who can't wait for our lord and savior to be born ☃🎄 ✝🦁 Lionclaw 🦁✝ (He/Him) says:

    great article!

  • Great Article! I don’t like Palebird that much tbh… She was never really there for Tallstar and like i get that she was depressed and that’s fine and I’m not condemning that or anything but tallkit lost his sister too… And he was obviously confused about why palebird didn’t want to talk about her or spend time with him. Also after her first litter, she would rarely let him by his own younger half-siblings! I just don’t love her. Also i think it’s horrible that her own son was surprised that she loved him

  • Lilypaw/pelt who can't wait for the new Owl House episodes and Christmas! Happy holidays! (A.K.A. Cricketleap and Brightmoon) says:

    Great article! Palebird wasn’t the best, but she wasn’t the worst.