Happy Birthday, Viperfrost !

It’s the one and only Viperfrost’s Birthday !!!

It’s the frost-ing on the cake for us that it’s your birthday ! 😉 😀


I made you a birthday acrostic poem, I hope you like it ! 🙂

Velvet is the best way to
Illustrate the colour of the
Poppies growing beside the lake;
Each a deep red that could
Raise gasps and be stared
Fiercely into, wondering what
Resplendent secrets they might
Offer to a hopeful passer-by.
Sun beams glance over momentarily,
Turning crimson to a stunning tangerine.

What a cute snake cake !!

Hi Viper !!! How’s your birthday going so far ? What are you planning to do to celebrate ? Are you having cake ? We’d all love to know, tell us in the comments if you want ! 😀

Viper, you do so much for BlogClan as a moderator, and we’re ever so grateful ! You’re also super funny, and can always make us laugh – you have this incredible ability to make anyone smile after reading your comments. On top of this, you’re an amazing artist and such a great friend to everyone on BlogClan, we love you !! BlogClan would be a very different place without you as you bring so much fun and positivity to this site. Absolutely everyone here hopes you have the most fabulous day with everything you want because you most certainly deserve it ! 💖


🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!