Happy Birthday, Darkwing!

It’s Liv’s birthday !!!! 😀


Congratulations on ageing another year!!

From Swiftpaw/feather!

Here’s a poem I made for you:

Dappled leaves blanket the crisp soil,
A scattering of crimsons, browns and gold – like foil.
Rays of sun trickle through the branches,
Knitting together shadows whilst the wind whistles and dances.
Wings of a blackbird flutter past,
Inside a scene that cannot last:
Night will fall and the winter frost,
Glides over the trees, making autumn lost.

I hope you like it! 😀

How are you choosing to celebrate your birthday? Will there be cake? If so, what flavour? Are you doing anything with your friends? BlogClan wants to know all about your day 😀

This kitty wishes you happy birthday too!!

I hope you have the most amazing day, Liv, you’re such a valued member of BlogClan and we all love you! You are a super kind person and also really funny, I love talking to you! As well, you’re an incredibly talented artist and writer – everyone here absolutely adores seeing your art and writing.❤️

🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!