Today we celebrate the Clanniversary of a br-Lil-iant person! 😀 😉

YAYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!! 🎉🎊✨
It’s Lil’s Clanniversary! We all hope you have an amazing day!! 😀

BlogClan absolutely loves you Lil! You’re such a talented writer, and are also super friendly – we’re all so glad we’ve gotten to talk to you! You do so much for the Blog, through making Clanniversary Posts, helping out with the Apprentice Army, co-writing the Blog Monthly and more. You have an incredible amount of dedication and I admire you for that! 🙂
2 whole years is amazing, and we hope you’ve enjoyed being here just as much as everyone has loved having you here! ❤️
Happy Clanniversary Lil!!!!
WOOOOAHH happy clannaversery lil!
Whooo!!! Happy clanniversary, Lil!! Ilysm, have a wonderful day :))
happy clanniversary Lil!🥳
Happy claniversery!
AQUILA!! Not u stealing my job for the day >:(
thank you for the wonderful post as well as the kind words, and you’re lil-ovely PUNny joke <33
Hahaha >:D
And you’re welcome, puns are lil-terally one of the best things, so I just couldn’t resist!!
Happy Clanniversary!
Happy Clanniversary, Lil! 😀 🤍
Happy Clanniversary Lil!
Happy CLANnavarsery Lil!
Wait. Lil. I’ve been here longer than you?? No way!
Not trying to make you feel old, it just seems like everyone knows you, and always have, that’s all. 😛
HAPPY CLANNIVERSARY LIL! I’m late but whatever lol
I hope you had an awesome, awesome day! You do so much for the blog and we thank you for that!