Tigerstar1.0’s full family tree! by Rosepaw

Rosepaw lists the first Tigerstar’s full family tree.

Art by ClimbToTheStars


Today I will be discussing Tigerstar1.0’s family tree!

Lets start at the top.

Tigerstar’s father is Pinestar, and Pinestar’s parents are Sweetbriar and Oakstar, and Oakstar is also the father of Frecklewish1.0 and Birchface. Freckle and Birch never have kits. We don’t know who Oakstar or Sweetbriar’s parents are, so it ends there.

Tigerstar’s mother is Leopardfoot, who’s siblings are Patchpelt, Willowpelt, Redtail and Spottedleaf. Patchpelt fathers Longtail, Swiftpaw and Lynxkit. None of those three have kits. Spottedleaf never has kits.

Willowpelt mothers Darkstripe, Graystripe, Sootfur, Rainwhisker, Sorreltail. Darkstripe, Sootfur and Rainwhisker never have kits. Graystripe fathers Stormfur, Feathertail, Bumblestripe, Blossomfall and Briarlight. Feathertail, Bumblestripe and Briarlight have no kits. Stormfur fathers Lark that Sings at Dawn and Pine that Clings to Rock. Blossomfall mothers Eaglewing, Plumstone, Shellfur and Stemleaf. EagleWing and Plumstone have no kits, and while Shellfur doesn’t either yet, he and Fernstripe are mates now, so I wouldn’t be surprised if when Sky comes out Fernstripe has kits. Stemleaf is the father of Graykit, Stemkit, and Bristlekit.

Back up all the way to Sorreltail, she is the mother of Cinderheart, Molepaw, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Lilyheart and Seedpaw. Molepaw, Honeyfern and Seedpaw have no kits. Poppyfrost is the mother of Cherryfall and Molewhisker, neither of which have kits, though at the end of Bramblestar’s storm, it is shown that Cherryfall and Stormcloud may like each other. Lilyheart mothers Leafshade, Honeyfur and Larksong. Larksong fathers Finchlight, Nightheart and Flickerkit. None of them have kits. Cinderheart mothers Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong, Flywhisker, Snaptooth and Spotfur. Spotfur’s kits are already listed, meaning her and Stemleaf are distantly related through Tigerstar. Fernsong fathers Flipclaw, Bristlefrost and Thriftear[wut is with that name tho like what thrift store did Ivypool go to SMH]. Though it is shown in ALITM that in another timeline Bristlefrost MAY have had kits with Rootspring, in this one she doesn’t. Her siblings also don’t have any kits. Sorrelstripe mothers Bayshine and Myrtlebloom.

ALL THE WAY BACK UP to Willowpelt, we have Redtail. According to the Wiki, Redtail is the father of Sandstorm. This means Sandstorm is Tigerstar’s COUSIN. Sandstorm’s kits are Squirrelflight and Leafpool, so Squilf and Bramblestar are fricking second cousins! Like BRUH. Leafpool mothers Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze, so despite Lionblaze’s protests, he is in fact related to Tigerstar. Lionblaze’s kits are already listed which means him and Cinderheart are distantly related. Jay and Holly have no kits. Squilf’s kits are Alderheart and Sparkpelt, and Sparkpelt’s kits are already listed, so her and Larksong are distantly related.

ALL THE WAY BACK UP to Redtail, Leopardfoot mothers TIGERSTAR Mistkit and Nightkit. Mist and Night die, and Tigerstar fathers Tawnypelt, Mothwing, Hawkfrost and Bramblestar. Moth and Hawk don’t have any kits, and Bramblestar’s kits are listd above, i rest my case that him and squilf are second cousins. Tawnypelt mothers Tigerstar2.0[technically this COULD be a Tigerstar2.0 family tree and it would have the same cats just in different places XD], Dawnpelt and Flametail. Tigerstar2.0’s kits are Lightleap, Pouncestep and Shadowsight. None of them have kits. Dawnpelt’s kits are Strikestone, Sleekwhisker and Juniperclaw. None of them have kits.

WAAAAY back up to Tigerstar1.0, Leopardfoot’s mother is Swiftbreeze and father is Adderfang. Swiftbreeze’s father is unknown and her mother is Flashnose. When I looked it up, someone headcanoned Mumblefoot as being Adderfang’s father, but his mother and whether this is true are unknown.  WOW thats a lot of cats. You guys thought FIRESTAR was related to everyone, but just LOOK at this!

hope you enjoyed!
[if i missed anyone please tell me]

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  • Ыоу миссед Йуниперкит анд Данделионкит
    You missed Juniperkit and Dandelionkit
    (call me Birstar or Birtchie or Birch or Birchie or Bircch for all I care)

    mod edited google translation:
    You missed Juniperkit and Dandelionkit Birtschie Birchstar (call me Birstar or Birtchie or Birch or Birchie or Bircch for all I care)

  • 🎄☃ Christmas Lion who can't wait for our lord and savior to be born ☃🎄 ✝🦁 Lionclaw 🦁✝ (He/Him) says:

    great article

  • Good article, and Rosepaw for ur and Sparkpaw/fall MOST warrior cat couples are related, just like Sandstorm and Fireheart/star are related!

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Great article, Rosepaw!! I can see you put a lot of effort on it and received an AMAZING outcome!
    Keep it up!