Silverdusk shares their opinion on Hollyleaf.

Hello! It’s Silverdusk here and today I’ll be sharing my opinions about why I dislike Hollyleaf.
I understand you might feel differently and that’s more than ok, please just try not to get to angry :3
First, let’s take a quick look at Hollyleaf’s life.
So she was born as Hollykit alongside her brothers, Lionkit and Jaykit. Their parents are Leafpool and Crowfeather. Crowfeather is in WindClan and Leafpool is in ThunderClan, not to mention she’s a medicine cat, so them being mates is forbidden. Eventually, Leafpool ended their relationship, but she became pregnant with Crowfeather’s kits and that’s how Lionkit, Jaykit and Hollykit came about.
To avoid being exiled or stripped of her medicine cat status, Leafpool asked her sister Squirrelflight to take Lion, Jay & Holly and raise them as her own. Being the amazing sister she is, Squirrelflight agreed and pretended like she had given birth to The Three. And everybody- including Squirrelflight’s mate, Brambleclaw- believed her.
Now onto Power Of Three.
Hollyleaf wasn’t to annoying as an apprentice. Sure, her obsession with the warrior code was irritating, but not that bad.
And then I read Sunrise.
In case you don’t know, Hollyleaf killed her Clanmate Ashfur to stop him from revealing who Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf’s real parents were. I was a bit surprised but face it: Ashfur was a psychotic mess who was so obsessed with Squirrelflight he wanted to ruin her life for choosing Brambleclaw/star over him.
He had to be stopped.
I was kinda like, “Wow, Hollyleaf, I didn’t know you had it in you!”
And then Hollyleaf revealed the secret at the Gathering JUST LIKE ASHFUR HAD BEEN ATTENDING TO DO ALL ALONG.
And she didn’t talk to her brothers about this, even though it would effect them too.
And after that, Hollyleaf almost forced Leafpool to eat deathberries.
I mean, I understand how upset Hollyleaf must be. Her whole life had just been flipped upside down.
But Hollyleaf didn’t have to try and kill her own mother because of that. Lionblaze and Jayfeather weren’t so angry they’d consider doing that.
And then Hollyleaf realised she couldn’t handle everyone knowing she was half-clan, so she ran to the tunnels and disappeared down there.
Even after finding a way out after the rockslide that blocked the original entry, Hollyleaf remained in the tunnels.
While Lionblaze and Jayfeather were grieving for her and making a new life for themselves, Hollyleaf was hiding in the tunnels.
She made her brothers live with what she had done
Great article!
I like characters like these because I wonder what was going on in their heads, like Clear Sky!
True! Clear Sky is an interesting character, even if i do hate him as well 😛
Great article! You made some great points, but here’s where I have to disagree. In the last hope, Hollyleaf sacrificed herself. ( she also saved cherrypaw and mole paw I believe )Also, leafpool was a HORRIBLE mother, but hollyleaf never actually FORCED her to eat deathberries. It was more of a threat
That’s true, Dusty! Hollyleaf is better than I first thought but I still dislike her.
Great article! I think Hollyleaf was just so loyal to the code she couldn’t face the fact she was half-Clan, while her brothers found it easier because they didn’t care as much about the code. And about Hollyleaf trying to kill Leafpool, I think she just wasn’t thinking straight and when you’re not thinking you want to blame it all on one person you think caused it all and for Hollyleaf, that was Leafpool.
Hmm good points, Meadow. I’m starting to like Hollyleaf more now!
Great article! But I think what happened to Hollyleaf in Sunrise is that she just… literally went insane. She wasn’t in her right head, and added to the fact that Hollyleaf just always looks at the greater good, she wasn’t thinking about any ripple effects. Once she realized what she’d done, she fled down to the tunnels to have an existential crisis, away from the prying eyes of her Clanmates. And then she gave her life trying to make up for it.
True Golden! I like Hollyleaf now
she is WEAK
BrokenDawn this is so easy for you to say because you don’t fight cats who were trained to kill and protect now look and you and think compare you with HollyLeaf have you saved someone’s life have you ever fought someone physically?
BrokenDawn this is so easy for you to say because you don’t fight cats who were trained to kill and protect now look and you and think compare you with HollyLeaf have you saved someone’s life have you ever fought someone physically?
BrokenDawn this is so easy for you to say because you don’t fight cats who were trained to kill and protect now look and you and think compare you with HollyLeaf have you saved someone’s life have you ever fought someone physically?
Great article! I personally liked Hollyleaf until, well, Long Shadows, and then in The Forgotten Warrior, when she started to mature, I liked her again. I honestly just don’t like how the Three treat Leafpool because she fell in love. Seriously, Three, a cat can’t control their feelings!
I see your reasons but ashfur is just evil and if he wasn’t killed by hollyleaf, then Bristlefrost would have died killing him once, but his spirit might have escaped, (because there is a possibility that she is still in the world) so if bristlefrost killed his spirit, he can never come back.
Agree I hate her!
Great article, although I do agree Hollyleaf made a lot of mistakes, I still love her ^^
1. I LOVED her obsession with the warrior code (I can understand if you don’t, I love her pr for some reason 🤣).
2. Yeah, I agree 🐼
3. She was extremely depressed going crazy, the warrior code was the most important thing in the world to her, imagine if that was just destroyed, that’s why she did it.
4. Hollyleaf was MORE angry than lionblaze and jayfeather.
5. I can’t defend that, but she came back and apologized, and remember it was BRAMBLECLAW who stopped her telling the truth. Also, in the end she died for ivypool sacrificing her life to save her.
That’s just my opinion it’s alright if you disagree :).