[Collage of the old covers of The New Prophecy]

Discussing the Sundrownplace Quest/TNP by Silentpaw

Silentpaw takes a look at The New Prophecy.

Official cover art by Wayne McLoughlin

Hey BlogClan! I’m Silentpaw! Welcome to (another) article! I’ll be discussing the sun-drownplace quest!


First, the characters. Let’s start with Squirrelflight/paw. Okay! So, the allegiances of the first book of TNP says, “Squirrelpaw – dark ginger she-cat with green eyes.” AHHHHHH- you might be thinking, “chill silentpaw there’s nothin’ wrong.” But there is! On the fandom, it states, “Squirrelflight is a dark ginger she-cat with one white paw, a squirrel-like, bushy tail, and green eyes.” You see? The ONE WHITE PAW- Sorry. But it was important, okay? There’s a difference between a ginger paw and a white one. —— Anyways, other than that, her description is fine. She seems like a fun, excited, and sassy she-cat, yet she is sometimes impulsive. So….I guess she’s fine, to me. Not exactly my favorite, but I don’t hate her either. She’s ‘eh’ to me. That finishes off Squirrelpaw here! Let’s move on: Brambleclaw!

You see, Brambleclaw should not be hated. *dodges flying crowfood* I know, chill, in Squirrelflight’s Hope, YES I KNOW HE’S MEAN!!!! But it’s only because Brambleclaw(star at that point) wanted her support. I believe he was right, that a leader can not be without his/her deputy. Squirrel there believed his decisions were wrong, and went against them. It’s technically not Bramble’s problem. But still, at least maybe they should have compromised or something. Anyway, please don’t hate me. I’ll respect your opinions, but you’ll have to respect mine too. —— So, on to his description! In ‘Midnight’, the first book of TNP, it says, “Brambleclaw – dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes” Let’s see the fandom. It states, “Bramblestar is a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes.” OK- WOW THEY DID IT RIGHT LIKE- that was good xD anyway yeah, his description is really good xDDD. —— Personalityyyyy!!! So, he’s kinda um…leader…? Of the quest I mean. He’s pretty boss-like, and he expects the others to follow him but some don’t….so….he’s fine to me. Same with Squirrel up there. :/ Next: Stormfur!

Stormfurrrrrrr YES- okay, so in the alllegiances of Midnight it’s says, “Stormfur-dark gray tom with amber eyes.” On the fandom it says,”Stormfur is a large, muscular, long-haired dark gray tom with amber eyes. He has a broad head and shoulders, thick, sleek fur, with hints of silver on his muzzle” HECK THAT’S A LOT OF DESCRIPTION-but yeah I guess they had to shorten it for the allegiances. SO yeah….I guess it’s fine. At least it didn’t miss his amber eyes :)) Okay so he’s kinda? Calm, idk like i read tnp ages ago so i kinda forgot. He’s really protective and stuff of Feathertail. Yeah ig that’s it. Next: why not Feathertail UwU

Feather uwu shes a light gray she-cat with blue eyes. Um wat- HOLD ON WAT THE STARCLAN- Stormfur has AMBER eyes- :000 Greystripe has yello eyes. Silverstream has blue eyes. What the starclan- okokokokok- im confused- but uh anyway- on the fandom feather’s a
Slender, silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes, fur as soft as cloud, a plumy tail like smoke, and a broad face. Dude. BOY ARE YA FANCY- hold up- duuuudddeeee- silver? Gray? HELLO? DIFFERENCE! K fine but heck- okokok i’ll chill. Anyway, i think she’s the peacemaker, and she sees more than just the outside of some cats. Aka crowfeather. So yeah, next: crowfeather of windclan.

Crowfeather. I don’t particularly like him, but he’s fine. He’s about as good as Brackenfur. Which is pretty good. So, in Midnight, he’s a dark smoky gray, almost black, tom with blue eyes. Cool. On the fandom he’s a dark smoky gray, almost black, tom with blue eyes* xD hah same. Ummm he’s kinda rude… I mean like he probably just wanted to go back to windclan and hunt and be normal and stuff. But starclan’s like nah. I kind of like him? I mean at first he was pretty rude so I didn’t but ya know…in crowfeather’s trial he was pretty cool ig. But just in tnp, I didn’t really like him. Next: Tawnypelt

Tawny was cute. Sorry but just random opinion there. I don’t really remember why she was so important cuz she hardly did anything right? I mean maybe she was important in a couple chapters but like stilllll…. A bit boring I guess or maybe I just forgot everything about her. Anyway…. She’s a “tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes” on the book and on the fandom, “Tawnypelt is a lean, mottled, tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with clear green eyes.” Okay. Um. Good enough. Yeahhhhhh so I kinda forgot her personality there….. uhhh….. lets go to the ships…. Shall we?

SHIPS (not the kind you sail on)

Bramble x Squirrel
Was that even in there? I’m not sure. Overall I kinda? Like it? Idk, its just meh. I give it 3 stars of out 5

Feather x Crow
That was kinda good. It was so sweeeetttt gosh feather eeeeeeeeeee— um anyway 4.5 out of 5

Storm x Squirrel
Wut. Wut. I cannot believe you storm- 0/5

Storm x Brook
Okay so it wasn’t all that included in the original quest but ehhh who cares— um 4 out of 5? It just seems a bit random to me…


WELL HECK HE WAS COOL. Honestly this guy is the coolest. Six out of five for him!

Not a cat, but ya know, who cares. Kinda vagueeeeeeee? Like starclan? Idk uhhhhhh 3.5 out of 5. (She’s just meh)


In general this arc was probably my least favorite. (Tied in last place with a vision of shadows and the omen of the stars)

I give it a 2.8 out of 5. A bit boring. It was a little interesting but ehhhhhhh…



Silentpaw Out…

🤫🐾 👋

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