Are Warriors ending soon? And some other complaints by Barkspot

Barkspot wonders if the series will be ending soon.

Art by iyd

Hello cats and kittens! I’m here to talk about if Warrior cats is bound to be ending soon and what we know so far! Now to be honest, I am FAR from an expert, so some facts may be off. Without further ado, let’s get into it.

As a new series is rolling around the corner many have been led to believe the series is soon to end. I am one of them. For one reason, the series is starting to get repetitive. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing but the most common theme it seems like is either family issues, Rouges here or there, maybe a quest here and there yada yada. By the point that we got to this current arch a lot of people will probably end up skipping it, myself included! Now this is NOT a bad series. it’s fine for what it is; a kid’s series about cats but I feel like they know what they can get away with because kids are so forgetful or something. Also If it’s a KIDS series do we REALLY need to teach children cat racism?
Another reason why It might be ending soon is because the authors (part of the Erin hunter team) have always fought about the plots, characters, locations exc. This lead to MANY mistakes and inconsistencies. Let’s not even MENTION Leopardstar’s honor. Now I get that we are after all human beings but they have a whole TEAM of people to look at the book AND it’ s done not once but many MANY times!! Calling warriors apprentices, apprentices warriors, getting eye colors mixed up, getting pelts mixed up and getting names mixed up. Which leads me to my next point…
THERE ARE TOO MANY CATS. Many Warrior cat You-tubers have brought it up! There are so many cats It’s hard to keep track of them all and often leads to confusion. Not to mention cat’s names being reused (there’s like 3 Acornpaw’s) and the random one like “Kitepaw” and “Thriftpaw.” Like some cats have interesting plots and stories, but they’re drowned out by all the sassy dull ones that hate life or whatever. Or the cats that die and then come back like five times to make the story more interesting.

All in all, Warriors is not a “bad” series. it has its ups and downs though. I just feel like it wasn’t meant to last long and will be ending soon. I’m sorry this is mostly me complaining. Have a good day tho

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  • I honestly see your points, but perhaps Kate could maybe ask fans what they would want to see next, or integrate contests into the books? I don’t want the series to end! You make a good point, though. I think that Sky is one of the BEST warrior cat books out there.


  • Great article! I agree, the series is getting repetitive, but i doubt they’ll end it with how many ppl buy the new books

  • Lilypaw/pelt who can't wait for the new Owl House episodes and Christmas! Happy holidays! (A.K.A. Cricketleap and Brightmoon) says:

    Great article! I see your points. I agree but this is an amazing series!

  • Great article! I agree that it is getting a bit repetitive, but i don’t want the series to end.

  • Great Article! However, it’s going to be hard for me to let go of warriors, but I see your point. But I love it so much, and the Erins are stressed with deadlines and stuff like that that’s it probably why there are some mistakes. They are human, even if they are a team. Sky was a great book, and the Broken Code was AMAZING. They must’ve brainstormed a lot for that book, and it had lots of twists and turns. I loved it. I honestly feel like there’s hate targeted toward the Erins, correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s always people saying SKY IS THE WORST and I don’t see very many compliments. They’re great authors!

  • 🎄☃ Christmas Lion who can't wait for our lord and savior to be born ☃🎄 ✝🦁 Lionclaw 🦁✝ (He/Him) says:

    good article I don’t think there is racism in warrior

  • I kinda agree that they are forgetting.

    One example is “Berrynose wrapped his tail over his nose” when he was sick or something.

    Berrynose has a nub for a tail.

    Another example is: WHAT COLOR IS DOVEWINGS EYES

  • I understand where your coming from and so far I haven’t read the Broken Code Series or the first book of the Starless Clan series so I have no idea if they’re repetitive or not. I have to disagree with you though. They bring in many different situations all the time, and if you think realistically the cats would probably end up reusing names because they only have so many things in their surroundings. And mistakes are bound to happen with how complicated the series is. I would be so sad to see this series end, so I hope it doesn’t any time soon. Although I disagree, you did a wonderful job on this article 🙂

  • Yeah, you have a point about that stuff, but it is still an amazing series. Even if it does end, we should still have places like BlogClan to talk about it with other fans. It shouldn’t be forgotten, it’s up to people like us to keep it popular.