Cadvent – Day 23!

Good morning everyone! I’m back again with Cadvent because… it’s Birchy’s birthday today!! Go wish them a very happy birthday right now if you haven’t done so already! 😀 Right, so let’s get started, I hope you all enjoy this post and have a wonderful day! 💛

Firstly, we have Violetpaw/frost‘s cat, Glinda! They look very peaceful and relaxed lying on the sofa. I hope they’re having a great holidays and that you are too, Violetpaw!

[image description: a white cat with brown patches on its head lies on a sofa with snowflake cushions in the background]

Next up, we have an incredible drawing from Scorchlight of their OC Lilymist! I really like the way you’ve drawn them and made them look 3D – you’re a super talented artist!! 😀 ❤️

[image description: a white cat with one amber eye and one blue eye with a santa hat on it’s head]

Spiceheart has sent in a picture of their dog, Tevo. They’re looking very festive under the Christmas tree, which, might I add, is beautifully decorated!

[image description: a brown and white dog sits on a dog bed under a large, lit-up christmas tree]

And, finally, we have a picture that Spongepaw found on the internet. What a cute dog!! Or should I say reindeer? 😮

[image description: a brown dog with sparkly red reindeer antlers looks into the camera]

That’s it from me today! I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing these pictures – I’ve certainly enjoyed making this post. Byeee!

🩵🦅 Eagleflight (Aquila)🍃🎶

It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling!